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Sinistral or Dextral?

I'm interested in thoughts about screen-side dominance and handiness. Might require a comprehensive analysis. Might not. You tell me.

It could be the application of subconscious decision, but, do you think there's a relationship between time spent on a particular screen side and W/L ratio? Also, does handiness affect ability to charge specials?

I'm a southpaw and am quite comfortable charging Raiden's sizzler or Mileena's sais compared to Jax's ground pound or Liu's bicycle kick.

Thanks for your time and my apologies if this topic has already been exposed.
I used to be real big on p1 side. I could practically buffer moves better, but in these past few weeks, since I've learned the iAF and iAFB with Kitana and Liu Kang I've practiced alot more on p2 side. For me it's harder to buffer the iAF and iAFB on p2 side but I can now do it 90% of the time on p2 side, but I still much prefer p1 side.

Now as far as charge moves go I use my fingers to play on a game pad so I
really don't feel any difference in the hp charge moves compared to the lk charge moves. I guess it really comes down to personal preference, being that my favorite is Jax , I'm most comfortable with lk charges but I don't think that imposes on my general gameplay.


Forum General Emeritus
I don't find a difference at all. The only way this could possibly come into play would be if you tried to flip the controls so your right hand does the D-Pad and your left hand does the buttons.

Tim Static

dciguy01 said:
I don't find a difference at all. The only way this could possibly come into play would be if you tried to flip the controls so your right hand does the D-Pad and your left hand does the buttons.
or if you use a stick.

i have some issues on the P1 side, but its a rare thing.