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Some day 1 combos.

F122+3 xx DB3, nJP, JK xx DB1 in Air (28%
B3 xx exDB1, DB3, 33, BF1 (35%)
112 xx exBF1, DB3, nJP 33, BF1 (37%)


"You will not be remembered."
Mid screen (2 meter)

ex db1, ex db3, d2 (30%)

The ex teleports first hit may not land but the kick bounces your opponent for juggling opportunities. D2 can be replaced with whatever you want.

Mid screen (1 meter)

ex db1, db3, 112 (27%)
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smoke reset bot
jip 112~ex spear, b21~teleport, 33~spear is like 42% 1 bar.
im maining this variation and it is ridiculously good against characters without fast armored punishes. his high low mixups are as good as it gets and both lead to over 40% with meter. his biggest weakness ive seen so far is AAs and wakeups. good players will knock him down in the corner and bring the pain. im thinking of doing a write up on him because ive found some borderline OPd setups. he will be top tier early on for sure.


Hi guys, I've been working on some Takeda setups.

Hard Knockdowns:

My personal options after a hard knockdown:
His Fist Flurry ends in a hard knockdown and places the opponent in range of both of his low and overhead starters (b3 or b2,1). The b3 is hard to link into the bf2 on reaction to getting hit, so I'd recommend ending that one in Close Kunai most of the time, as that will leave you at -1 instead of the -7 for going into the full b3,d3. I prefer going for the overhead more often as it is easier to see if they are blocking or not to link it into the bf2 or bf1.

After a throw, his b2 can reach them, so it's good for getting that +7 on the mid range kunai and leading into other pressure options.

Combos ending in a hard knockdown:
I'm not going to add the jip because I'm trying not to jump as much lol. So the damage on these will be a little higher if you manage to nail the jip.

1 bar:
f2,1~mb fist flurry, ji1~telepunch, f2,1~fist flurry. 32%
f2,1~mb spear throw, telepunch, f2,1~fist flurry 33% (The orange here means that these two parts are interchangable, the only difference is 1% of damage, but it allows you to decide which direction you want to place them.)

Meterless: these ones currently suck, most are just canceling one string into fist flurry for the set up, but I did find one sort of.
f1,2,2+4~telepunch, f2,3~fist flurry 23%

Current corner bnb (1 meter):
f2,1~mb fist flurry, njp, 1,1,2~fist flurry 30% (unfortunately damage gets nerfed because I can't find a way to fit the telepunch in there without reversing the corner, but I will keep searching.)
If you are in the corner, here is a good bnb to put your opponent in the corner:
f2,1~mb spear throw, run~f1,2,2+4~fist flurry 30%
Meterless is unfortunately also low. If someone finds something on this aspect, that would be very cool. If not then it's still really good to get the hard knockdown in this game.

Interactable corner bnb (1 meter):
This is to assume there is a thing in the corner to stick their head in. I've been doing the fountain in the jinsei chamber.
f2,1~mb fist flurry, njp, ji4~telepunch, 1~interactable 35% and somewhat swag with the splits kick into telepunch. Can also end in an uppercut for 2% less damage if there is no interactable, just make sure not to do the standing 1 after the telepunch

I also have a couple of combos that do not end in hard knockdown, but have interesting properties with the ai set to tech roll, so if you know they are going to tech roll, here they are:

f2,1~mb fist flurry, ji1~telepunch, f1,2,2+4~telepunch 29% (if you let the whole 2+4 go and link it into the telepunch, it will put you behind them without linking, where you can then go for the b3 or b2 as they are rolling away)

Corner tech roll combo:
f2,1~fist flurry, njp, jip~telepunch, f2,1~telepunch

So that's kinda how I've been playing him. As a more rushdown character with a lot of hard knockdowns into guessing between high or low or throws after each combo, but I like to use the whips sometimes if I want to mix up the match a little bit and confuse them.


Not gonna lie I was diggin the Jackie/Takashi moments in the story mode. What are the pros and cons for the variants so far?
Awesome range, good wakeup pressure, high mobility, good pressure with kunais.

Struggling to find solid meterless damage (subject to change), slow start up on close range normals, possibly others.

Haven't had a lot of time to look at the whole thing yet, so others here may disagree and perhaps rightfully so. Just my translation so far.


Thanks to @BC_Rayman I finally know a meterless damage confirm.

Here's a 28% combo, doesn't end in the fist flurry though

f1 2 2+4(1) xx db3 > nj.P > 44 xx bf1

You can easily confirm f1 2 2+4(1) into db1 if they block, beautiful.
Good stuff man. Thanks for sharing. I didn't think to njp after that, clever and cool. :cool: It does 2% less damage, but if you want to end in fist flurry, you can do f2,1 instead of 44. Excellent find good sir.

What is the best string to punish with. F1,2,1+2, f2,1, or 1,1,2?
I would recommend f1,2,2+4 as it is the fastest starter at 10 frames and hits mid (especially now that there is a solid meterless bnb with it).

Deleted member 5032

I loving the f1,2,2+4 string because it's so easy to hit-confirm into. If they're still blocking when the whip comes out, you can cancel into medium Kunai either before or after the Overhead hit. Do this a few times and they'll be too scared to try to armor through.

If they're expecting the overhead, the kunai will hit. If you let the overhead hit, they'll have to block high and then low for the kunai. Either way you're at + on hit and block. If you see any part of it hit, you have all the time in the world to cancel into teleport or EX Whip for a solid punish (with the meterless punish being f1,2,2+4 - tp, 33-whip. Can't remember the damage, but it's at least 25%.


Keep et Classy

Am I allowed to post Combo vids here?

Combo annotation:
EX Spear into TP:-
ji2 - 112 (b21 for overhead) - EX Spear - TP - f12~2+4 - Spear

EX TP into Spear:-
ji2 - b21 - EX TP - nj2 - (air)Spear

Air to air:-
j4 - EX TP - nj2 - (air)Spear



Pretty sure most if not all of this is already listed but I thought I would just make a quick video of different pressure and some combos you can get with this variation of Takeda.

BnB: f1,2,2+4(1-hit)~teleport, njp, j3~air spear = 28%

air to air: j4~air teleport, 3~spear = 24%
You can also do this same combo with an opponent on the ground if you manage to hit them with njp instead of j4 in the air, you just have to re-jump to do the air teleport

2meter: jip, 44~EX spear, teleport, njp, j3~EX air spear, 33~spear = 50%
You can just end this at the air spear without spending a second meter for 44% damage

Was just also playing around after making this video and found out you can cause yourself to air teleport to the same side you jumped from if input it as soon as you being to switch sides while jumping over and will accept the input from the side you started the jump on.

edit: looks like Burnout posted a video as well while I was making this post
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What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
i've been using takeda this whole time and here what i think.

yesterday at the break was a real eye opener. i ended up getting 3rd place out of 21 people but lost to both arma's erron black and CDjr's dvorah. once corner by characters that have strings that leave them 0 on block you are pretty much hoping they do something you know is - at this point, his fastest normal is 7 frames uppercut and super - on block. once i was cornered by cdjr i couldn't do anything i tried armoring through but his strings hit fast and blew up my armor, i tried ex bf2 and ex tele. when knocked down you have to hold most mix ups with short recovery frames, because they can OS you the entire time. they can do a meaty and block and will hit you and block ex tele and ex bf2 and full combo punish. i've been experimenting with using ex bf4 far to get out of the corner but fast characters can punish it on whiff. these are his most glaring weaknesses so far. he doesn't have a get off me move he can really on like kenshi in MK9 and block breaker cost way too much and takeda is too meter dependent.

as for anti air i stick with just uppercut or instant j1 tele into full combo. that and if they decide to jump from farther to get over your overheads on a read and you read that jump b1 tele into full combo. i pulled this off at the break yesterday off stream and it was hype. mid range i like to use f3 since it leaves you at 0 if block and HKD if hit. if you are fighting slower characters you can get away with NJP punishing counter pokes after f3 or anything into close kunai if blocked. when spacing and footsies i like to throw ex kunai and catch them jumping either the 2nd one or 3rd one with an air tele into combo. also i just started to end every combo into bf2. give me full control of my oki whether i want to go low or overhead.

meterless combo i use for punish erron black's sand and such is f12 2+4 cancel into tele, NJP 44 spear or bf2 if you time it well enough. in footsies if they run up i try to jump back and catch them with either an air spear or tele into immediate NJP. when you whiff air tele you recover very fast and i caught most people with NJP right after whiffing, condition them to block or press there fastest button which usually be a high jab string. after conditioning them i like to d4 or throw them, after d4 you get a free 50/50 if unless you hit them from max range.

mashing d3 is viable because for some reason its hurt box is weird i can mash d3 on kung lao and his reversal spin wont hurt me. its +2 on block and good adv on hit so i found that if you land a d3 you can get a 50/50.

i also love to just do meterless standing combos just doing b21 kunai or b2 kunai, b3 kunai and repeat kunai gives enough adv to do them all for free and they can't jump UNLESS you mist time it or do close kunai. only do close kunai i they block since you can direct it after knowing if they get hit by the first string. once you hit them with kunai 50/50 town. you can run up and do b3 kunai if you hit it twice in a row from close already to keep doing b3 kunai until they block it lol (i've won games just doing b3 kunai, it works LOL).

i just started to day to use f1 2+4 in footsies, it has a good aerial hitbox and ends in overhead and you can hitconfirm either kunai or tele or spear. it catches people of guard thinking you whiffed (atleast high level players) and can be really handy.

anti air combo -
3 tele 33 bf3 25% meterless.
NJP j1 tele 33 bf2 25% .

you guys all had good stuff that i'll be incorporating into my game as well. also i think takeda will get buffed because rushdown is to OP in this game currently and zoning is all but obsolete.
Some bnb.
Jip112 bf1mb B 23 db3. 33bf1 (38%) I meteR

Low starter.
B3 bf1mb b21 db3 30 bf (32?)

B21 bf1mb b21 db3 33 bf1 (36%)

No meter 27%
F12 2+4 db3((cancel into db3 before second hit)) Njp Jip (air) db1


Administrator and Community Engineer
i've been using takeda this whole time and here what i think.

yesterday at the break was a real eye opener. i ended up getting 3rd place out of 21 people but lost to both arma's erron black and CDjr's dvorah. once corner by characters that have strings that leave them 0 on block you are pretty much hoping they do something you know is - at this point, his fastest normal is 7 frames uppercut and super - on block. once i was cornered by cdjr i couldn't do anything i tried armoring through but his strings hit fast and blew up my armor, i tried ex bf2 and ex tele. when knocked down you have to hold most mix ups with short recovery frames, because they can OS you the entire time. they can do a meaty and block and will hit you and block ex tele and ex bf2 and full combo punish. i've been experimenting with using ex bf4 far to get out of the corner but fast characters can punish it on whiff. these are his most glaring weaknesses so far. he doesn't have a get off me move he can really on like kenshi in MK9 and block breaker cost way too much and takeda is too meter dependent.

as for anti air i stick with just uppercut or instant j1 tele into full combo. that and if they decide to jump from farther to get over your overheads on a read and you read that jump b1 tele into full combo. i pulled this off at the break yesterday off stream and it was hype. mid range i like to use f3 since it leaves you at 0 if block and HKD if hit. if you are fighting slower characters you can get away with NJP punishing counter pokes after f3 or anything into close kunai if blocked. when spacing and footsies i like to throw ex kunai and catch them jumping either the 2nd one or 3rd one with an air tele into combo. also i just started to end every combo into bf2. give me full control of my oki whether i want to go low or overhead.

meterless combo i use for punish erron black's sand and such is f12 2+4 cancel into tele, NJP 44 spear or bf2 if you time it well enough. in footsies if they run up i try to jump back and catch them with either an air spear or tele into immediate NJP. when you whiff air tele you recover very fast and i caught most people with NJP right after whiffing, condition them to block or press there fastest button which usually be a high jab string. after conditioning them i like to d4 or throw them, after d4 you get a free 50/50 if unless you hit them from max range.

mashing d3 is viable because for some reason its hurt box is weird i can mash d3 on kung lao and his reversal spin wont hurt me. its +2 on block and good adv on hit so i found that if you land a d3 you can get a 50/50.

i also love to just do meterless standing combos just doing b21 kunai or b2 kunai, b3 kunai and repeat kunai gives enough adv to do them all for free and they can't jump UNLESS you mist time it or do close kunai. only do close kunai i they block since you can direct it after knowing if they get hit by the first string. once you hit them with kunai 50/50 town. you can run up and do b3 kunai if you hit it twice in a row from close already to keep doing b3 kunai until they block it lol (i've won games just doing b3 kunai, it works LOL).

i just started to day to use f1 2+4 in footsies, it has a good aerial hitbox and ends in overhead and you can hitconfirm either kunai or tele or spear. it catches people of guard thinking you whiffed (atleast high level players) and can be really handy.

anti air combo -
3 tele 33 bf3 25% meterless.
NJP j1 tele 33 bf2 25% .

you guys all had good stuff that i'll be incorporating into my game as well. also i think takeda will get buffed because rushdown is to OP in this game currently and zoning is all but obsolete.
I am starting to play Takeda like 16 Bit played Kitana in MK9. Meaning, lots of fraudulent offense and throws. After conditioning people to block with njp and d3 into f3, I start mixing it up with d3 throw and what not. Getting them to respect the njp with blocked njp into njp also leads to a njp throw opportunity.

Throw is 9 frames, will take priority over some normals, and is one of the best tools he has in close. Once they're spotting the thow, then you can hit them with poke into pressure string.

Finding the little tricks to open people up is going to be key, as it's easy to become predictable and people will start to armor through Kunai once they learn the MU.


Can someone explain to me the point of Takeda?

His range is so easily negated by the OP rushdowns - The epic slowness of his whip attacks, the fact that most other players have a much faster projectile attack, and are usually better up close...

Anyone got any good tactics - I jumped to hard on Single player mode, but am really struggling, there doesn't seem to be anywhere where you're at an advantage, I feel this guy is spread way to thin.

I am an MK noob mind you -


My blades will find your heart
Can someone explain to me the point of Takeda?

His range is so easily negated by the OP rushdowns - The epic slowness of his whip attacks, the fact that most other players have a much faster projectile attack, and are usually better up close...

Anyone got any good tactics - I jumped to hard on Single player mode, but am really struggling, there doesn't seem to be anywhere where you're at an advantage, I feel this guy is spread way to thin.

I am an MK noob mind you -
His range isn't that easily negated considering his range has tons of armor(in Lasher at least).

My advice to you guys is start learning all the variations. Shirai Ryu is great but a lot of its weaknesses are covered by both Lasher and Ronin. Ronin I am finding is the best defensive variation as he has the 13f EX DP to get out of pressure, has the sword for space control and has a reflect for zoners.

The thing is in Lasher and Shirai Ryu you have to condition your opponents. Cancel all your strings into kunai at first, then start canceling into kunai one hit earlier. If you think they are going to armor through you can cancel into tele or EX fist flurry instead.