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Scorpions Armor Break Is Useless


Lexcorp Proprietary Technologies
Any thoughts on using it to blow up armored wake up and fatal blow attempts? Or too marginal to give a shit about?

Chernyy Volk

Wolf lord, footsie bully, chronic corner abuser.
Any thoughts on using it to blow up armored wake up and fatal blow attempts? Or too marginal to give a shit about?
Never happening and not worth it compared to other options if it were successful. Especially in Burning Specter.


Lawless Victory!
Any thoughts on using it to blow up armored wake up and fatal blow attempts? Or too marginal to give a shit about?
I tried it, they don't work against armoured wake ups.

They do blow up fatal blows on start up though.
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kick kick
I'd really like to know how many situations a 22f attack is supposed to cover in as far as being used to break armor.
I like how instead of actually working to add in a new move, or really, finding any better alternative, they just decided to speed up the startup with no regard for the other implications.
like... he has a legit online 50/50 now... but yeah sure he can armor break you now.. after a d2 KB, assuming you're a complete scrub who knows jack about the breakaway meta.

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
I like how instead of actually working to add in a new move, or really, finding any better alternative, they just decided to speed up the startup with no regard for the other implications.
like... he has a legit online 50/50 now... but yeah sure he can armor break you now.. after a d2 KB, assuming you're a complete scrub who knows jack about the breakaway meta.
Yeah, this overhead will be abused in netplay now, it was already harder to block online before. I really dislike the changes made.
it is , but not only scorpion , jax clap is useless as fuck too for the same reasons and sub too i mean wtf is this system lol. they either should remove the timing for breakaway fast,delay and late to a set timing or change the break armor moves to actual normals and not fucking specials. or give us less recovery from kb launchers.

Jay Rupp

Human Smoke or Riot
it is , but not only scorpion , jax clap is useless as fuck too for the same reasons and sub too i mean wtf is this system lol. they either should remove the timing for breakaway fast,delay and late to a set timing or change the break armor moves to actual normals and not fucking specials. or give us less recovery from kb launchers.
They should just allow any special to break armor for 2 offense bars or something. I'm not sure how it could be executed though (maybe by holding amp throughout the entire input?)

I really don't like this new system. It's almost pointless for a decent chunk of the cast.
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What a day. What a lovely day.
The “armor break” is nothing more than a poorly thought out band-aid for a broken mechanic that’s been complained about since release. NRS, aka Paulo, really needs to take a step back and actually put some thought into fixing these mechanics as a whole.


XBL tag: South of Zero
It def sucks, avoidable. The window for breakaway is too big. The punish-ee should not be given such flexibility. That applies to every char.


I don't think they thought all of these through very well.
LOL what else is new. Nothing was thought out or implemented very well in this game since beta. THey have definitely fixed some things that were initially bad but almost every thing has been released with problems or poor implementation. Im sure this will get tweaked in about 6 months and be better though.

Groove Heaven

Some of them seem pretty useless (not loving Frost's either) and if I'm not wrong some are variation specific? I don't like or play this game much, and a big part of that is that NRS built a game with good neutral and then piled ridiculous and goofy mechanics on top of it like 50/50 throw KBs, fatal blows, and the awful breakaway system that somehow got even worse.


Mid-match beer sipper
They should have just done it with grabs . They already beat FB armour.
I said this same thing a long time ago. All they had to do was give you the ability to throw airborne opponents like in MKX. They could have made it so hype with a little tweaking.

So you open your opponent up, they break away and you grab. 14% un-scaled. Let's take it further though, and say that if you had the resources to spend, for a bar of defensive meter (treat it like a cancel) not only will you restand them, but you're able to full combo them from the restand, continuing your original combo.

So something like:

B34 nutpunch amp [opponents breaks away, gravity and scaling is now reset] dash grab amp (defensive meter), s34 nutpunch amp dash 121 shadow kick [all one combo]


So you open your opponent up, they break away and you grab. 14% un-scaled. Let's take it further though, and say that if you had the resources to spend, for a bar of defensive meter (treat it like a cancel) not only will you restand them, but you're able to full combo them from the restand, continuing your original combo.
Would you be forced to commit to the grab if you think the opponent was going to break, and if so would the grab whiff? I think this is an interesting idea, my only worry would be that you'd wind up in situations where you could easily react to a breakaway with grab, which basically nullifies the entire point of the breakaway system.


Mid-match beer sipper
Would you be forced to commit to the grab if you think the opponent was going to break, and if so would the grab whiff? I think this is an interesting idea, my only worry would be that you'd wind up in situations where you could easily react to a breakaway with grab, which basically nullifies the entire point of the breakaway system.
Nah the grab startup would connect, but if the opponent hasn't broken away they'd get the opportunity to tech it, also like MKX.