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School Us on Your Mains!

For the past few days, I've been visiting/revisiting various DC Comics media to hold me over until April 16th. I've been especially focusing on media that features my most probable mains; In my case, Catwoman, Nightwing, Shazam and Black Adam.

I know everyone else has their sights on who they may want to main, so I thought we could use this thread to share different comic books, graphic novels, movies, shows, etc that highlights everyone's character choices. This could be a cool way for folks to learn more about Injustice's characters (Ex: I know zilch about Killer Frost) or to discover why a specific member is such a fan of a certain DC character.

For instance...

I'm pretty sure Selina Kyle will be my go-to main. She's a rushdown character. I'm a rushdown player. She's sexy. She's sassy. She's agile. She can fight. Dat whip. Dat catsuit. As you can tell, I have a certain affinity toward female fighters in general (special shout-out to Sheeva!).

Moving along, Catwoman can currently be seen in her very own New 52 "Catwoman" comic book.

Which has been horrible since the #0 issue debuted last September.

However, the first 12 issues of New 52 "Catwoman" are quite awesome imo. Great art style, characterization, plot,dialogue and writing. Two graphic novels of the comic are currently available. "Catwoman Vol. 1: The Game" collects issues 1-6 and "Catwoman Vol. 2: Dollhouse" collects issues 7-12.

Please do not read this book past #12. It's a disgrace to Catwoman's name. Let us hope DC hires a new writer that can get the book back on track.

Catwoman can also currently be seen in the recently debuted Justice League of America comic. So far, Selina is fabulously represented in this book; I would say her characterization is even a step up from Catwoman 1-12. Issue 2 releases later today; check it out if interested!

Film wise, I will mention Halle Berry only once. Okay, that's once. Moving on to bigger and better portrayals, the wonderful Anne Hathaway donned the cat-suit last summer in TDKR. I didn't like that portrayal either, though. I'm taking it all the way back to 1992 with Batman Returns. Michelle Pheiffer was spot. on. as Miss Kyle - definitely my favorite live-action portrayal.

Lastly, The 2011 DVD/Blu-ray animated film "Batman: Year One" comes with a short and sweet DC Showcase of Catwoman. It's just a short animated film featuring Selina that's housed within the disc's special features - it's pretty cool and entertaining. And Catwoman shows us her moves on the strip pole. Cleavage and all.

So there ya go - something like that. I'll add more of my probable mains later tomorrow, I just wanted to get this thread started tonight with Catwoman.

School us!


Scary Bat
OoOoOo I'd love to some of these for many, many characters, but I can't right now :(

I'll put some up later, if other people haven't done them already!


Dojo Trainee
Sinestro war corps is must read,
1-13 in the 52 deals witu hal and sinestro and the black hand.
He was in first flight movie as the main villain. Sinestro the name means sim or left hand in latin. He has daughter who is GL. He was in the Gl movie. The only thing good about the movie.


Dojo Trainee
I will posy pics when im home.

The charcter was created by john brome and gil kane.
He was the first white lantern in blackest night.
He opposes the corrupt guardains! He was in super man aniamted show.


King of Heroes
Superman, Green Lantern, and Batman were all shameless rip-offs.
Having just read this article with the exception of the Lion King part a lot of the stuff has either A. Moved away from it ((X-Men stopped being a Doom Patrol rip-off when Claremont arrived in the 70's.)) or B. Was highly coincidental ((Superman and Green Lantern.)) also Batman being a Zorro rip-off......XD That's just laughable.


Chilled to the Core
I agree, Nocenti's Catwoman is horrid. She is written like an emotional rebellious 15 year old girl...so unlike the true Selina. She is depicted way better in JLA. I'm so excited to see whats in store for this book. Selina's run during Gotham City Sirens was pretty good. This would also be a good read for Harley fans as well. Harley and Selina are depicted as friends more than once in various media so I'm curious if they will show this in Injustice. At least acknowledge that they know each other.


"Heaven Will Fall!"
My gems so far are Deathstroke, Red Lanterns and Red Hood but I'm waiting for is Trinity of Sin: Pandora



Nothing gets past the Cold Field.
I'll probably main Superman

Superman is my favorite DC superhero.
My favorite Superman story is Superman: Last Son.
a Superman story where Kryptonian boy escapes the Phantom zone and Superman grows attach to him in a father-son way. The boy turns out to be General Zod's son. The writers of the story were Geoff Johns and Richard Donner

I like Superman fights than any other character in the comics, which is why I got interested in him in the first place.


Did you know that at the beginning of Supermans creation Lex Luthor was actually supposed to be the main character of the entire idea?
He was supposed to have telepathic powers and enslave the entire world, or something like that.
But then the two creators went for the Superhero-Superman idea and made Lex Luthor his arch-nemesis, while taking away his powers, but giving him his infamous intellect.
Did you also know that Superman is aaactually based on a prior "superhero", John Carter of Mars, a guy who somehow got teleported to Mars and gained there "superpowers" because the gravity on Mars was a lot lighter than the one of the Earth, so John Carter was able to jump high, run very fast. He was strong and durable, basically everything Superman had, when he came to Earth from a different planet.

And no, I'm neither going to play Superman, nor Luthor. Just interesting facts I think :-D

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
I agree about Catwoman's solo book. 1-12 were good but it's been awful since the new team took over. I could barely follow the plot/action in some issues. I will likely stop reading if it doesn't improve. I haven't had time to read JLA but I've heard more than once Selina's written better in that than in her own book.

Catwoman fans and potential mains looking to check out CW comics should start off with Catwoman: Trail of the Catwoman. It's a collection of the first stories of the early 2000's Catwoman relaunch. Pretty much the definitive portrayal of the character in comics.


Superman is a wuss overall, but I like him being a dictator in IGAU. I'll probably try him out.
Now, despite the digital model issues, Wonder Woman is still on nr. 1 spot as my main. First of all she got my attention when the first render came out. It was all about looks, dat waist, dem hips. Then I watched some cartoons, read some comics and liked her. She's got that rage, uncontrollable temper. Awesome. She can freaking kill, and not from logical consideration or some kind of motive, just from pure emotion. I liked that a lot. Unfortunately for her it's also her biggest flaw - uncontrollable emotion. And I freaking love it. So easy to control and manipulate.

GGA Fill Pops

The Ultimate Bastich
this is a great thread and if any of The Wizard's Warriors are wanting to know more about The Earths Mightiest Mortal i have a couple of comics you must read.

  • Justice by Alex Ross: this is a great book i literally just got done reading it. this is Alex Ross' take on the justice friends and the legion of doom. Billy Batson plays a big role in this book and of course is depicted greatly. the art is also done by Ross who has some of the most amazing art of dc. we get to see Billys great power and we even see that he is as fast as Barry Alan(The Flash) this means he would have kicked his ass in injustice, but i digress. Black Adam is also in the comic and we seen the two titans duke it out. even if you dont like Billy this is an awesome story about the JL that involves practicly all pivotal characters in the DCU.

  • Kingdom Come by Alex Ross:Also one great book that takes place in the future where we get to see the older versions of our favorite heroes. this of course being the book where we get to see the iconic match up of Superman vs Captain Marvel. Alex Ross truly brings out the purest Billy Batson and shows us how humble and modest billy is. in this book we also get a good look at The Wizard Shazam. once again if you are not a huge Batson fan i implore you to read this, it is art and writing at its finest and if you like the DCU at all pick this one up.

The Curse of Shazam by Geoff Johns: this is the newest adaptation of the character that was relaunched with the new 52. although i have not read any of it, many people have said it is the best thing to have come out of the relaunch and is huge for being just a back up comic in the justice league comic. i believe this show the origin of Billy and other characters such as Black Adam and DR. Savana are introduced. ive heard Billy Batson is not as warm heated as he was prior to the new 52 and some might call him a brat. but i do have enjoyed what ive seen i love his new costume and i think its safe to say NRS does too, seeing that they have given a hood in the game. i plan on reading this story ASAP and if you would like to also i would advise you to pick the justice league book up at your local comic shop or wait until they put the story into trade.

superman/shazam the return of black adam: this is exactly what it sounds like it is an animated movie that tells the origin of Billy batson getting his powers it introduces The Wizard and Black Adam. it ultimatly ends with superman and Shazam teaming up to take Black Adam down. its fun but i felt like it could have been longer. but still a great way to hear the tale of The Captain of Thunder and Lightning.

I really hope you all check out these sources so you can all learn more about Billy and his great might. Hopefully these will inspire you to Join The Wizard's Warriors and become an Earths Mightiest Mortal Mainer.

Great post!

I was going to do a Shazam post, but I'm glad you beat me to the punch. I just wanted to add a few things.

New 52's "The Curse of Shazam" by Geoff Johns starts in Justice League #7, and it is still currently an ongoing story. Released last week, Justice League #18 reveals the origin of Black Adam!

Justice League #7 Justice League #18

AND! On June 19th, Justice League #21 will conclude Shazam's origin story. I'm really hoping he gets his own comic following this conclusion. I would accept him in the JL, but I would much prefer a solo Shazam book (with lots of Black Adam in it of course!).

Justice League #21

I'm glad you highlighted Superman/Shazam The Return of Black Adam. Yes, it is far too short for such an exciting animated story, but what we do get is still worth a viewing or two. I actually own this film on Blu-Ray - just watched it last week!


Salt Proprietor of TYM

Justice League #21

I'm glad you highlighted Superman/Shazam The Return of Black Adam. Yes, it is far too short for such an exciting animated story, but what we do get is still worth a viewing or two. I actually own this film on Blu-Ray - just watched it last week!
He'll get his own, just wait and see. The story has just been too good to be overlooked and it's probably the biggest reason JL is still doing so well in sales. GET HYPE FOR THAT BLACK ADAM ORIGIN STORY NEXT MONTH! JL#19, and I'm wondering how much they are going to change about it. Hopefully not a lot, it was already great the way it was before so hopefully they don't ruin a good thing.


Sinestro's might!

A lot of people think that Sinestros just the 'generic evil green lantern'. And, that is true if you think what he does is evil. But, what he believes in and what he wants is eerily similar to what Superman is doing in Injustice. Sinestro is a no nonsense, no compromise arrogant would be ruler. He doesn't hate the green lanterns per-say, he thinks they are weak and could be strengthened. That's why he plans to take them over, and implement his methods of killing and strong ironfisted rule by fear and strength. Alternatively, his other endgame is fighting them so much, they they change their methods so that they become his. If he forces them to kill him, they'd become what he wants them to be.

The oddest thing about him, is how much gravitas and fear he really does command. While being good in intentions, his sinestro corps are filled with basically... scumbags. Yet he keeps them all inline and he manages to rule them all by himself.

Nightwing is my favorite "Robin" at the moment (it switches between him and Red Hood). NRS has implemented his electric kali sticks (shoutout to MK5 Sonya!) in a very enticing way. They are agile tools that supply a fantastic rushdown, and the way they fuse into a long ranged staff is just damn awesome *tear*!

Nightwing's current New 52 tale is still holding strong since its debut in 2011. He just went through The Joker's antics in"Death of the Family" and is now dealing with the death of Damian (never liked him, couldn't care less) so his story is a solid roller coaster ride right about now. In next month's Nightwing #19, Dick will be relocating out of Gotham to Chicago to start the next arc in his story; this would be the perfect issue to start with if anyone is interested in jumping on Nightwing's story.

Nightwing #19

Besides his comic, Nightwing can be seen fighting alongside Batman in the animated movie "Batman: Under the Red Hood". Pretty cool representation of the character. It's not as fleshed out as the Nightwing comic, but it's enjoyable nonetheless.

Nightwing definitely deserves some silver screen love; it's long overdue. Until then, I leave you with this parting gift...


Crimson Cobra

The Ultimate Shadow
Raven Is Rumored to join the teen titans in the new 52 series although there are rumors that she could join a dark titans team instead
a lot of people will say that they remember her from the teen titans cartoon where she was apart of the teen super team along with starfire robin(dick grayson) cyborg and beast boy she even had a complete storyline centered around her involving a prophecy that dealt with her summoning trigon to earth and causing it's destruction

Now as for why i like her? she's a dark creepy character with a Gothic Theme to her(Really wish she was on The Justice League Dark Team) That isn't as evil as her background makes her out to be

A Woman that was destined to bring about the earth's demise eventually grows up to be a hero struggling with her demonic heritage refusing to let her father take control of her and proving that despite the darkest beginning she was able to be more of an angel of darkness than a bringer of destruction

A Heroic Character with a sinister side hidden within....while i may not be a big raven buff that doesn't stop me from liking her and who she is

she's a outcast a misfit someone that you wouldn't expect to be a hero she goes against the typical formula of a hero and takes it to the extreme

there's so many things she can be a pure hero who has managed to vanquish the evil within a villain that has succumbed to her fathers influence or an anti-hero that manages to call upon the forces of darkness and embrace her shadow powers to become a character that walks the line between the light and the dark someone that constantly struggles to keep her sanity and her soul in tact