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Question of the Week: May 17th


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QotW: What is the most useless information you have memorized?

For me, it's gotta be the Lewis Carroll poem Jabberwocky. I made a short film back in high-school about it, and in the process ended up memorizing it. I haven't thought about that poem in years, but right now I can remember every line.

It starts to get a little depressing if I start to talk about useless video game information I have memorized, like crafting recipes in Conan Exiles, job unlocks in Final Fantasy Tactics, and what weapons defeat what bosses in the Mega Man games.

Your turn!


Everyone Has A Path
I know so much useless trivia about King of the Hill it's ridiculous. I've seen every episode upwards of 15 times by now and could just about draw a map of Arlen and do a full census of all the Arlenians/Arlenites.

I'm a huge repository of wrestling info as well. One of my friends is basically an historian of our local wrestling promotion. He could probably tell me my whole career by this point, it's really impressive.

I think a lot about old patches of fighting games I've played extensively. I've been really urged to do write ups analyzing MK11, SFIV and V, etc
It would take me forever to list all the useless knowledge that I know. From random Simpson's quotes, to combos in video games, to old passwords.
I could sit down and tell you, out loud, the most optimal route of Resident Evil 4. Once upon a time I wanted to be a speed runner and I chose RE 4 as my game. I got really, really good at it but never got close what would be considered great in the world of speed running. But I still have that entire game, enemies, and glitch-less skips memorized.


FGC Cannon Fodder
That if you collect all the TMNT Funko Pop figures, you actually end up with 2 Michelangelo figures because of the van seems about a useless a thing as I can come up with.


I'm just gonna tell you the most recent one. I'm a big F1 fan and about a month ago I watched a video of 2 Mercedes drivers casually chatting and then one asks another what's the craziest fact he knows. He told him he knows the average penis length of a beaver to the nearest millimeter. Now I know it too.


★ 19 Years of Jade ★
I know lots:

  • I know every word to "We Want Some Pussy" by 2 Live Crew, almost every song from Grease & Rocky Horror Picture Show.
  • I tell you the artist & the year of nearly any song from the 1980s
  • I can recite every word of the movie Little Nicky
  • Hockey & basketball trivia
  • Star Wars trivia
  • I remember the floor pattern in the Egyptian mission in OO7: GoldenEye on N64
  • Whenever I see a gun on TV/movies, there's a 95% chance I know what it is.
  • I can tell you how to beat any Mass Effect & Dragon Age game by memory

    I can go on...
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There's a math problem/brain teaser where you take a 3x3 box and put in numbers 1-9, using each number once. You can arrange the numbers so that each row, each column, and each diagonal all add up to the same amount. Now you can brute force it by making some educated guesses about which number goes where, and just solve it by process of elimination, but there's also a little trick to putting in the numbers that happens to work with any odd-by-odd square. 5x5, 7x7, 9x9, etc. For any odd-by-odd square I can enter all the sequential numbers and the rows, columns, and diagonals to all add up to the same sum. Totally worthless. Not even fun at parties. Has never helped me once in any area of life.


D'Vorah for KP2 copium
All I can really offer are random videogame facts. I think the most useless one is that for modding Diablo 2, many game-revamping mods (such as Median) were severely limited in the creation of new endgame dungeons. There was a system limitation in Diablo 2 where only a certain amount of areas were allowed to exist in the game (this has since been fixed through other modding tactics). This is why for older versions of Median, useless side dungeons from the base game (like The Pit in Act 1) were replaced with endgame mod dungeons. This resulted in ALL instances of the base game dungeons being the modded mega uber dungeon, even on Normal. Could be level 1 with literally no abilities and run into a dungeon marked in giant, bolded, all caps red text that reads "DANGER: HIGH LEVEL AREA" and be obliterated.

Fun times.
All I can really offer are random videogame facts. I think the most useless one is that for modding Diablo 2, many game-revamping mods (such as Median) were severely limited in the creation of new endgame dungeons. There was a system limitation in Diablo 2 where only a certain amount of areas were allowed to exist in the game (this has since been fixed through other modding tactics). This is why for older versions of Median, useless side dungeons from the base game (like The Pit in Act 1) were replaced with endgame mod dungeons. This resulted in ALL instances of the base game dungeons being the modded mega uber dungeon, even on Normal. Could be level 1 with literally no abilities and run into a dungeon marked in giant, bolded, all caps red text that reads "DANGER: HIGH LEVEL AREA" and be obliterated.

Fun times.
Diablo II was a fantastic game. Never modded it though.


D'Vorah for KP2 copium
Diablo II was a fantastic game. Never modded it though.
If you still own Diablo II, I'd definitely recommend trying Median. Crafting, challenges, dungeons, massive QoL changes, rebalance of the whole game, 6 new skill trees for every class (originals are gone) -- it's got a lot going for it to make it a fun time. The Median website itself has most all of the mechanics explained in decent detail so you don't need to go looking for guides just to know how things work as a baseline.