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Quan Chi Post-Release General Discussion


Administrator and Community Engineer
Starting a fresh thread, since he’s released and people are playing/streaming him now. Woolay!


fastest move i think he has is 8f but his overall range, keep away, and his setup game seem pretty strong. that standing 4 being cancellable seems important and he has low overhead stuff he has to take some risks for.

Getting the "takes a while to master and moves a little slower so people will say that he sucks until sonic or somebody show off all his filth and then they'll complain about how he's too strong" vibe.


D'Vorah for KP2 copium
Sonic Fox 51% 2-bar Quan/Sektor portal zoning setup

Takes some setting up, starts from hitting them with standing 4 when portal and Sektor rocket are out. But it's some Day 1 inspiration for people looking for dirt.
Yeah, no. I love Shock-style insane combos that have tons of style, but this sort of shit is so wildly impractical that it's never gunna happen. Everyone in SF's chat losing their damn minds at it anyway.

We'll see what his actually useful average combo damage is soon enough. That's where my concern is for a character with a 9f d1 and some awful close range defense. Quan absolutely needs to be stupidly high reward to compensate in a meta where characters like Johnny and Kenshi lock you down for forever off every touch.


Your hole is mine!
How are people playing him? I can't play any DLC currently because I'm not connected to the servers, even in practice mode.


Prince of Edenia
I labbed him a bit before servers went down. I've entered online and GUESS WHAT - another guy was also fighting with Quan. I whooped his ass twice, he disconnected and so did the servers.

Now, I'm just watching K&M stream to check on what they are cooking with him

My first impression is: he is HELLA fun! flashy, easily connecting combos with a lot of mix potential. The only thing I don't know how to really use is his bone prison - this move doesn't make any sense IMO.

Oh, and btw, his 2nd fatality is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than his 1st one


D'Vorah for KP2 copium
Some real basic first impressions from streams and fiddling around in the lab:
  1. Took a minute to figure out what portal did for air skull, but it makes it slightly homing.
  2. 12 is one of the most cancel advantage strings in the game, so much so that it can go into things like Cyrax Net on hit.
  3. Bone Prison can also be combo'd into off 12.
  4. Bone Prison either forces a mixup at close range due to the insane amounts of hit stun or allows dumb zoning shenanigans at full screen (especially when amplified)
  5. B342 -> 12 -> 4xxdb4 is a very good universal BnB for 289.05 damage. Can do B342 -> 12 -> microdash f21 for a full screen hard knockdown instead if looking to zone (does 277.97 damage).
  6. Toss in 12xxkameo stun or 214xxkameo stun before the BnBs for faster starters (8f and 12f respectively).
  7. F2 is a 14f mid that's entirely disjointed and hits ~2 character distances away. It varies from -4 to -6 with pushback depending on distance. Will likely be a great check in neutral. It's also special cancelable so one will likely be able to toss in many a mindgame off it.
  8. Tentacle (db4) is a 20f Low that hits almost half screen. It's -21 or -22 on block (based on distance) so some Ambushes with it may make for a good midrange keepaway option.
  9. Down Skull (db1) has minimal width and a ton of startup. Struggling to envision a use for this in zoning as the opponent has more than enough time to just walk out of it on reaction. Will likely just be a pressure tool in the corner or paired with certain kameo Ambushes.
  10. Lots of gaps. Feels like Kitana in that way so.. be careful on block.
  11. F21 is +33 on hit and throws the opponent most of the screen (full screen entirely if done at the end of a juggle) which eats up half of the 66 frames for activating portal. An Ambush like Sektor rocket after F21 is a guaranteed portal setup on anyone without an armored teleport.
  12. Portal lasts for ~6 seconds or up to two modified skull special uses.
  13. B34 can't be used after effectively any juggle state. Just tosses them to the ground.
  14. Amplified portal (db3) and amplified bone prison (bdf2) go away instantly on Kameo use.
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Goro is a Pokémon
So, servers down all day, I labbed Quan with all the Kameos to see what I could find.

I personally am liking Quan with Sub-Zero for mid-combo portal set-ups and combo extensions. Can also definitely see Ice armor helping full screen play.

Sektor makes standing 4 a full combo from any distance. At full screen, you do 4xxBKameo, 4xxStomp. 3/4 screen forward you do 4xxBKameo, j21, 13, Ender. On top of this, which is great, you get missle pressure and a restand. Amazing.

Scorpion gives him the most fullscreen damage, and most damage by far.

Frost Low ice allows for setting up a portal and then comboing after, but not the full combo extension sub gives, but the buffs to the Ice Bomb are a nice trade.

Quan can combo his 12 into Cyraxs net, giving him unbreakable combos, and allow all the setups and extensions with portal.

Goro gives him much needed plus frames, and he's who I want to lab next.

Sonya and Sareena both turn his f2 into a mid-mid blockstring that's safe on block.

All this said, I'm sure he's best with Stryker or Lao.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Lord Quantum Chitown seems super fun. I haven’t looked up anything people have found, just been labbing on my own. So far, Scorpion Kameo works decently with him, but I’ve only been using him for about an hour after completing all of his combo trials. Unfortunately I’m very sick with either the flu or strep throat so idk how much I’ll be able to play for a couple days. But super early first impressions is that he’s really fun. He also feels like a really good projectile zoner. He probably would go really well with KL kameo (go figure), especially for the projectile zoning.


Zoning Master
10. Lots of gaps. Feels like Kitana in that way so.. be careful on block.
Kitana? More like Sub Zero. 90% of Quan Chi's strings have a gap on the second hit.

While Kitana's b+2,1 has a gap, at least the string is a safe meter-less launcher. Quan Chi's f+2,1 is a knockdown that is -13 on block.

He has a 9F d+1 that is -10 on block. LOL. The additional range is irrelevant because you use d+1 to stop your opponent's momentum, not to play footsies. d+3 and d+4 already exist for that reason. He also has the slowest armor attack in the game at 25 frames. Best of luck fighting characters like Johnny Cage and Kenshi using an unsafe 9F d+1 and a 25F armor attack.

He has very good anti-zoning options using standing 4 and teleport, but zoning is a side show in this game, so who cares? Dash forward and force Quan Chi to play footsies. Besides, if you dash forward, 4 whiffs and teleport is -16 on block.

His b+2, the overhead, is 27F and -12 on block. LOL. b+2 launches if you hold the buttons for 58 frames.

EX d,b+4 requires two bars. I suppose that this character is not allowed to follow the basic combo format of the game.

As far as the zoning is concerned, I honestly have nothing to say at this moment because I see none.

Maybe he could be effective using low hat into hard-to-blockable setplay with teleport and up skull, both of which are overhead attacks.

Ugh! Boring and disappointing! I was expecting something different.


I don't care I'm not a competitive player anymore
Kitana? More like Sub Zero. 90% of Quan Chi's strings have a gap on the second hit.

While Kitana's b+2,1 has a gap, at least the string is a safe meter-less launcher. Quan Chi's f+2,1 is a knockdown that is -13 on block.

He has a 9F d+1 that is -10 on block. LOL. The additional range is irrelevant because you use d+1 to stop your opponent's momentum, not to play footsies. d+3 and d+4 already exist for that reason. He also has the slowest armor attack in the game at 25 frames. Best of luck fighting characters like Johnny Cage and Kenshi using an unsafe 9F d+1 and a 25F armor attack.

He has very good anti-zoning options using standing 4 and teleport, but zoning is a side show in this game, so who cares? Dash forward and force Quan Chi to play footsies. Besides, if you dash forward, 4 whiffs and teleport is -16 on block.

His b+2, the overhead, is 27F and -12 on block. LOL. b+2 launches if you hold the buttons for 58 frames.

EX d,b+4 requires two bars. I suppose that this character is not allowed to follow the basic combo format of the game.

As far as the zoning is concerned, I honestly have nothing to say at this moment because I see none.

Maybe he could be effective using low hat into hard-to-blockable setplay with teleport and up skull, both of which are overhead attacks.

Ugh! Boring and disappointing! I was expecting something different.
I'm still quietly weeping that he didn't get rune traps and trance.
Ok: crazy setplay:
100% Sequence in trap setup with Sub Zero Kameo.

He also has 50-54% combos using Scorpion Kameo

I felt the same way about him being bad, so anyone here that feels that way I encourage you to keep labbing and look up new tech. He's a very strong Zoner when that purple dimension portal is up making crazy full screen coverage mids + on block, crazy fast zoning, a million zoning options. He has great space control options and anything that's unsafe isn't in this game using Kameos they even gave Sub Zero that shoulder buff that reversals and can come out right after putting ice shield on. So Quan is S Tier zoner with crazy damage setplay into traps with space control.
Only weakness is high meter cost and bad up close because of his mid and pokes frame data. But he has some dirt.
I'm seeing 1Bar 50% and crazy setplay using 2 bars.
My biggest issues with Quan is his low launcher tentacle being -21 and 2BARS

Keep experimenting everyone because he could be nasty, I'm hearing pros found a Unblockable Loop but don't know the details or how to do it.
Update: these setups are flashy but fake because all of Quans mix is fuzzyable except his 12f 2144 mixup using DB3 that's high risk medium reward for what it costs, if you look below I use Jax because I found a 25% Throw loop that can be mixed with his B342 or his 12/13 as a Throw/Hit 50/50(even though throws are techable, you can't Tech if you hold block thinking a hit is coming)
So I'm dubbing all these setups the "Online Scrub Killer Setups" because that's about all they gonna work vs.
It was actually Foxy that made me realize how stupid I was last night with no sleep till 5am. I guess we all make mistakes. But clear mind today and have the new tech

Found more meterless trap setups into 50/50's and some Metered ones. But there is definitely higher damage setups and way more optimal routes:

With Scorpion, Meterless Trap Setups into 50/50 and we know there are 50% combos with Quan/Scorpion Kameo:

Quan Jax Meterless Trap Setups:

Quan Jax 1Bar Trap Setup into a meterless trap that if blocked is +7 to +9 on block:

Meterless Trap Setups with Jax:

Quan Sub Zero Kameo EX Sky Skull Trap Setup with over 80% sequence:
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Dojo Trainee
Sonic found a Sektor 60% off S4 full screen.
He says Quan is extremely strong but has clear weaknesses but definitely S+ with his dirt, you just have to use the right Kameo for the matchup:
this is not that practical and it doesnt even work full screen,it starts to work slightly farther then round start distance. that s4 is a high punishable on whif esspcially at the distance requierd for this coversion to work(potentially full combo punish depending on the character used).

i guess you could try to hunt it after a combo into a portal setup