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General/Other Q&A with Kung Lao


Dojo Trainee
You left out Full Screen Low Hat -> Did they jump? -> Yes. -> MUH'FUCKIN' DIVE KICK.
This, so hard.

I kind of got a kick out of it, but it wasn't as good as your Raiden flowchart. THAT shit was hilarious.

Do a Mileena flowchart, that one should be fucking easy.


I am the salt
You left out Full Screen Low Hat -> Did they jump? -> Yes. -> MUH'FUCKIN' DIVE KICK.
I'll update the chart accordingly lol.

Alraire said:
This, so hard.

I kind of got a kick out of it, but it wasn't as good as your Raiden flowchart. THAT shit was hilarious.

Do a Mileena flowchart, that one should be fucking easy.
Lol, well I tried my best, it's kind of the same joke, so I guess it got old (fast).

Sure, I'll do one :)


too smart to play MKX
I actually think this one is better than the Raiden one. Haha.

If Mileena gets one, then Kitana needs her own too.


Kung Lao 1121 question

after his 1121 is blocked what should u do? do u have a frame advantage? if you see the 11 blocked should u stop there and go into a 24 ground hat? just wondering


Mortal Kombat Philippines / Injustice Philippines
after his 1121 is blocked what should u do? do u have a frame advantage? if you see the 11 blocked should u stop there and go into a 24 ground hat? just wondering
I go with ground hat... then continue the pressure.


okay thanks. on the topic of pressure, i usually do one of the following
1) 24, ground hat, dash, repeat, if they crouch block then use 24, 1+2
2) hit confirm back 3, 3 into spin, if blocked ground hat to make it safe.
3) forward 3 ALOT.
is this the right way i should keep pressure with kung lao? any tips?
(i can do all of his bnb combos without any trouble.)


Kung Lao Enhanced ground hat question

what can it be used for practically like for example you can hold down 2 and the hat will stay there and u can use it as a shield sort of. u can also grab off the the ground hat block stun. anything else u can do with it? combos?


Sinestro's might!
It can stop an opponents combo. Sort of like a really cheap combo breaker except very tough to pull of consistently.

Use it at the end of a match to force mistakes.
You have WAY more than 1 frame, if you can mash it, it's not just 1 frame
wtf dude? something beeing mashable have nothing to do with having a 1f window of time.


the timming for it is really tough. I think its a 1-2f window of time around the moment he have the foe's leg almost entirely extended horizontaly (id say you have to imput it 2 of the last 5 frames of the animation of him rising the opp's leg).

I just double tap 3 when hes about to finish the leg rising, i miss it a lot anyway, around 40% of the times.

edit: the timming of the animation can change when youre doing the combo against an airborne opponent, it gonna be harder to nail it, plus that a lot of people play MK with pads so the doubletapping may be not as precise as in a good fighting stick. In these cases, mashing seens the way to go. If it dont matter for you on wich side the opponent will land, you can simply mash 2 and 4 simultaneously and it will, in the worst possible scenario, do 17% instead of the 14%.
anyone knows why the 2,4, en Hat sometimes misses? the hat just goes trough the opponent. I tested a lot few days ago against kitana and it seemed to be instance related, seens like both chars have to be with the same leg ahead (ie:both with right leg ahead), other than that it will miss. Can someone confirm it to me?

edit: its also char specific. It works anyway against Reptile, dont matter wich stance they are.


Sinestro's might!
Practice practice practice. You will find every characters combos difficult at first but soon its easy.


So I decided Im going to actually try using Kung Lao. I figure if I start to use him, I might not think he is OP (still looks that way lol). Anyways, I'm having trouble in the lab finding a combo that is 30% or more without having to use EX bar. Still unable to find one yet. Any better BnB combos I should know about? The OP has that good one but it uses a bar of meter, but whatever, KL builds it so fast anyways.


Is there like step by step guide? I mean like progress from step 1 to step 2 etc...?
Yes. Get his basic combos down.

21 Spin / 24 Spin / 112 Spin (any of these work as a startout), NJP, Kick into Dive Kick, Roll foward (F3) then do a Spin to end it for around 33%. End it with an X-ray spin instead of a normal spin for around 50%+. That was what I started to practice when I hit the lab with KL.

Thats his basic punish.

For his corner combos, the same basically, except you dont roll forward, just do 21 XRAY, then 24, 1+3, 2.

Whens the best time/situation to use 21 instead of 112? 112 instead of 21?
Jump In 221's are more damaging than 112. The normal 112 and 21 does equal damage, but I prefer the 21 just so I dont mess up my Spin input, which happens sometimes if I do it too fast.


I dont rage quit when they pick Kung Lao. I just try to beat him, and if I cant, I tried. I know he needs some nerfs so all is good. Recently started touse him and I dont feel ashamed at all. If you cant beat them, join them. When everyone starts using KL, NRS cant help but nerf him.

I like how you generalize most KLs as that though... sometimes its true, but its insulting when people actually know how to play, and beat you with skill, not just because hes a cheap character. The salt would be ridiculous if you get beat by a KL, talk trash to him for using it, then he goes and beat you with 3/4s of the rest of the roster.