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Pressuring with Cage

Hey guys, right now I main Sub Zero, but after I use him in an upcoming tourney I plan to drop him to focus on a few other more offensive characters. Against a good cage I usually get destroyed even with sub. Cage is one of the characters I want to start and I want to know some frame traps and pressure strings and what to use with cage.


Probably Drunk
f3, 3, b3
f32 ex fireball puts you on great advantage and you can put a ton more pressure on.

edit: obv in addition to what loot said :)


Jesus Fucking Christ
I play a lot of Cage as of late. When you're a little over corner screen and you have an opening, F+3 3 gets you right in your opponent's face and that's the place to be. I have most success pressuring with 2 1. You can hit confirm the 2 1 into a 2 1 F+2 dash 4 4 shadow kick. If the opponent keeps blocking I keep 2 1 - ing, F+3 or F+3 3 and you can hit confirm F+3 3 into nutpunch which leaves the opponent stunned and standing allowing you to continue your pressure game. F+3 strings are wonderful for players who think they can snag you with an uppercut after your 2 1's. Also against less experienced players F+3 3 EX fireball into string of choice will get them off block and eating naked damage. EX fireball has ridiculous advantage. I consider it somewhat a waste of meter against a more verse player though. It's nifty but sometime it's best to stay patient, watch your enemy and lay the pressure on.

Be sure to watch for those ducking opponents. D+4 every now and then to keep them from countering with lows and uppercuts.