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[Oct. 22nd 2011] TEST YOUR RAGE - Hosted By VATR & MAK (Fairfax, VA)

Hatake Osawa

NetherRealm Protector
You mean other Subzero, mine is quite different. I make his bad match ups be in my favor. Just wait, cause one mistake equal frozen.

Yup CDjr has a scary Jax, i was expecting Reo taking this one as well.

Hey, maybe we should be Tag partners, Fire and Ice/ Unstoppable Team. what you say?
I don't know man. I play very discreet against Sub-Zero. Especially with someone that uses him well. So it'll be a hat toss on that one whatever the outcome is.

It was a close call on that match. Geez freaking CDjr just taking hits on Kabal like that. 0.o

Hahaha. After you mentioned the tag team proposal with my Scorpion and your Sub-Zero. A "secret" combination came to mind with those two. It would be rather interesting. But I would only share it with you if you wanted to know. =P


Digital Pro Sports
Regional showdown at TYR!

After talking with [MENTION=2426]SWBeta[/MENTION] and Dangstro (VATR Admin) about it we've come to an agreement with how we'll run the Regional showdown. We want to fit as many people as we can into this without having to play a shit ton of matches. So here's what the format will be in order to fit it into the schedule:

- Virginia vs Maryland
- 5v5
- Line up must be created prior to start
- If you lose, you are eliminated
- If you win you go to the back of the line
- Keep playing until an entire team has been eliminated

Now this all came about thanks to a challenge from CitizenSnips, Blackula quickly accepted, so if they're willing to we would like Snips and Blackula to be the team captains for each region. Now there will be a much larger VA turnout for obvious reasons, so if MD is unable to form a team of 5 pulling from other regions is acceptable.

If they both accept Blackula and Snips can create their teams however they wish, they can choose by hand, let people volunteer or even wait till the day of and pick all the highest placed players from their region. However they see fit to.

At future independent MAK events, where we're not splitting resources, we'd like to dive into a more in depth region based competition. So this will definitely be a taste of things to come.

Lets hear those fightin' words people, this shit's on! VA vs MD!


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
Alright sounds good.

From what I've seen there are 5 players from MD going. If they all want to participate then that shall be our team. If some do not want to participate then I will ask Lionheart first because he is a good friend of mine or the PA guys.



Digital Pro Sports
Unless there's something I'm missing in a 5v5

Everyone plays everyone = 25 total games
Elimination style = 5 to 9 total games depending


Updated my Regional Match post above thanks to a suggestion from [MENTION=1321]Blackula[/MENTION]. Much better middle ground between elimination style and round robin style.


Unless there's something I'm missing in a 5v5

Everyone plays everyone = 25 total games
Elimination style = 5 to 9 total games depending


Updated my Regional Match post above thanks to a suggestion from [MENTION=1321]Blackula[/MENTION]. Much better middle ground between elimination style and round robin style.
So if someone manages to beat 5 people in the row is over , but if someone beats someone then it resets again right, until the 25 games or until someone beats 5 people in a row?


At future independent MAK events, where we're not splitting resources, we'd like to dive into a more in depth region based competition. So this will definitely be a taste of things to come.
^This :cheers:
So are we definitely setting a mk community here on Va? :D
So if someone manages to beat 5 people in the row is over , but if someone beats someone then it resets again right, until the 25 games or until someone beats 5 people in a row?
that sounds like a mess, if you guys are doing it anything like the SF crowd does it it's just 5 v 5 winner stays loser drops and the next on the team comes in. Thus it's completely possible for one guy to waste everybody, but in general you save your best for your anchor.


^This :cheers:
So are we definitely setting a mk community here on Va? :D
Looks like we are. :)

New Updated list.

Hatake Osawa
Young Money

Nordic Ninja
Flipin Flava

Dale Hamilton



LionHeart V1


PTH | Korpse
agree with [MENTION=7318]digitaldemize[/MENTION] the way SF did it at Seasons Beatings just made so much sense so i feel it should be done that way, it was also great to see Poongko make America look free


agree with [MENTION=7318]digitaldemize[/MENTION] the way SF did it at Seasons Beatings just made so much sense so i feel it should be done that way, it was also great to see Poongko make America look free

I originally wanted to do it the way they did the 5v5 at Seasons Beatings which is everyone plays everyone and the first team to win the majority of wins (depending on how many people are participants) secures the win. But because of concerns of time constrants, we're not using this format.

I was against straight up elimination because some people may not even get the opportunity to play, especially if one person ends up taking out the entire team.

We're going to be using the Waseda style of elimination which is a semi in-between happy medium between the two formats. Everyone will get a chance to play. The way this format works is that both teams will give a preset order for their teams. Snips will determine the order for his team, and I will determine the order for my team. The first person of each team will begin. The person who loses is eliminated, however the winner will not stay on and face the second person. The winner will go to the back of the line of his team to wait for his next turn. Then the next two people of each team will play and this will continue until one team is completely eliminated. As I've said, with this format, everyone will get the opportunity to play instead of one person possibly taking out an entire team.


Saiyan Prince
So due to this recent turn of events I'm supposed to "fight" with Hatake Osawa for the 5th spot on the team? *Irritated Look*. I've had enough in-fighting for a LONG time per say. Hatake if you want in on this then go for it. Our scorpions are different but so far pretty even so either way it's the same for the team. We can settle up with each-others scorpions anytime we want the legit way. Have at it if that's what you want my man.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
Uh oh looks like there's some conflict in team VA!

Also Vegeta were you the Scorpion player at Rivercity Runbacks?


Digital Pro Sports
To reiterate what Blackula said we simply cannot afford to do it the SF way at this particular event, there simply isn't enough time with VATR and MAK splitting projector time. For TYR Waseda seems like the best option, everyone from both teams will get at least 1 game in but we don't need to play any more games then we would if we did it elimination style. And it's fairly straight forward, if you lose you're eliminated and if you win you go to the back of your team line.

In future events the way SF did it is definitely an option! But this came up after there was an already established exhibition schedule for both VATR and MAK so there is concerns for time; in other words this has to be executed in the quickest possible way.


For the VA vs MD 5v5, the VA team will have 2 SOVA reps, 1 Richmond rep, and 2 NOVA reps. I already have the spots filled for SOVA and RVA. If you're interested in filling one of those two NOVA spots, let me know. So far, Mysticism has expressed interest in one of those spots. If anyone else wants to vie for one of those spots, post here and/or the MAK Facebook page.


The Gryphon
For the VA vs MD 5v5, the VA team will have 2 SOVA reps, 1 Richmond rep, and 2 NOVA reps. I already have the spots filled for SOVA and RVA. If you're interested in filling one of those two NOVA spots, let me know. So far, Mysticism has expressed interest in one of those spots. If anyone else wants to vie for one of those spots, post here and/or the MAK Facebook page.
blackula your driving a player to GMU and i asked him if i could ride with yall but he said hell ask if you have room, can i go with yall im in the richmond area. I was the smoke player at river city runbacks. I stay at the Vcu broad and belvedier apartments


blackula your driving a player to GMU and i asked him if i could ride with yall but he said hell ask if you have room, can i go with yall im in the richmond area. I was the smoke player at river city runbacks. I stay at the Vcu broad and belvedier apartments
I thought you were in NOVA? It depends right now. Right now I already have 5 people in my car. My car can fit 6 people but that would entail putting one more person in the front seat. Though it's doable. We did it when we went to NY like 5 years ago. That was a fun car trip. lol


The Gryphon
I thought you were in NOVA? It depends right now. Right now I already have 5 people in my car. My car can fit 6 people but that would entail putting one more person in the front seat. Though it's doable. We did it when we went to NY like 5 years ago. That was a fun car trip. lol
Im kinda tall but if its doable im down

Im from nova but i got to vcu