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NRS has never made a bad game


There it is...
Was an incredible game and though we all miss it dearly, MKX is a fine replacement. And while Wigy was likely meaning Injustice was a bad game, we all know it was, at worst, fine.

While I didn't like MK9, I don't think I could ever be so anti-fan boy as to ignore that it was well made. I[/QUOTE

It wasn't inherently bad, it just had like no particularly good features.
Was just setups setups and more setups. Had characters that were fairly retarded in matchups once you got the execution down (with characters like zod) very little in the way of footsies. Felt like who can get there dial-a-setup out first the entire game, with strong ass zoning and terrrrrible movement.


Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
"Better" is not subjective, it is based on objective facts. If MKX is WAY more balanced than the previous 2 games and has a way better presentation and more content, which it does with all the dialogue and brutalities, then it's a better game. If you don't think it's as good because block pressure and 50/50s are overpowered, then that's fair for you to think, but I would disagree. Just because you don't find the game as fun as other games doesn't mean there are logical reasons for that other than your subjective taste. If I had a ton more fun with MKX than I do Street Fighter, does that mean MKX is a better game than Street Fighter in my opinion? No, because Street Fighter is just as balanced and has as many or more objectively good qualities. All it means is that I prefer MKX.
Dude if 'better' for you just means more balanced then congratulations. There are a variety of reasons as to why I think the other two games - IGAU especially - are 'better'. This is a fighting game, not GTA. You can have all the bells and whistles you want but at the end of the day the most important thing is the fighting - the gameplay. If I think that the others are fighting games with better gameplay than MKX then I'm obviously gonna think that they're better.

I don't care if MKX has better graphics or if the characters talk to each other at the start of fight which 9 times out of 10 is skipped anyway. Don't get me wrong, those are cool things but they aren't why I play the game. It's like a cake - even if the icing is great and the cake is a lot bigger and looks fancy, if it tastes like shit then I'm gonna pick the chocolate cupcake next to it 10 times out of 10.


In Zoning We Trust
"Better" is not subjective, it is based on objective facts. If MKX is WAY more balanced than the previous 2 games and has a way better presentation and more content, which it does with all the dialogue and brutalities, then it's a better game. If you don't think it's as good because block pressure and 50/50s are overpowered, then that's fair for you to think, but I would disagree. Just because you don't find the game as fun as other games doesn't mean there are logical reasons for that other than your subjective taste. If I had a ton more fun with MKX than I do Street Fighter, does that mean MKX is a better game than Street Fighter in my opinion? No, because Street Fighter is just as balanced and has as many or more objectively good qualities. All it means is that I prefer MKX.
Lol this must be the most well written utterly wrong post I've ever seen here.


War God.
Yes it can. It's up there with evolution and gravity. Another fact: Tekken Tag Tournament 2 has an infinitely better cast than MKX.
I don't disagree.
But when youre making a boxing raptor, you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

King on the other hand....
The things i'd do.


I like Tekken 8
Dude if 'better' for you just means more balanced then congratulations. There are a variety of reasons as to why I think the other two games - IGAU especially - are 'better'. This is a fighting game, not GTA. You can have all the bells and whistles you want but at the end of the day the most important thing is the fighting - the gameplay. If I think that the others are fighting games with better gameplay than MKX then I'm obviously gonna think that they're better.

I don't care if MKX has better graphics or if the characters talk to each other at the start of fight which 9 times out of 10 is skipped anyway. Don't get me wrong, those are cool things but they aren't why I play the game. It's like a cake - even if the icing is great and the cake is a lot bigger and looks fancy, if it tastes like shit then I'm gonna pick the chocolate cupcake next to it 10 times out of 10.
Why do you think injustice is better?
Dude if 'better' for you just means more balanced then congratulations. There are a variety of reasons as to why I think the other two games - IGAU especially - are 'better'. This is a fighting game, not GTA. You can have all the bells and whistles you want but at the end of the day the most important thing is the fighting - the gameplay. If I think that the others are fighting games with better gameplay than MKX then I'm obviously gonna think that they're better.

I don't care if MKX has better graphics or if the characters talk to each other at the start of fight which 9 times out of 10 is skipped anyway. Don't get me wrong, those are cool things but they aren't why I play the game. It's like a cake - even if the icing is great and the cake is a lot bigger and looks fancy, if it tastes like shit then I'm gonna pick the chocolate cupcake next to it 10 times out of 10.
I know, I just threw the extra content and presentation in there as a bonus. The main reason why MKX is better than IGAU and MK9, or at least just as good, is because it is way more balanced. How can you say the gameplay in MK9 is as good as MKX's or better when you have so many characters that simply cannot compete? So many cases where the game is just a pain in the ass rather than fun. All the ridiculous zoning and such. That's what I'm referring to. That's bad gameplay, extremely bad gameplay. If you want to say MKX is just OK in your opinion, that's fine, but you would have to at least say MK9 is only OK as well. I'm not sure about Injustice because I never played it, but from what I've read on it, it also had very poor balance. MKX is clearly a good game, it's just not everyone's cup of tea in its current state for whatever reason.


I like Tekken 8
Was just setups setups and more setups. Had characters that were fairly retarded in matchups once you got the execution down (with characters like zod) very little in the way of footsies. Felt like who can get there dial-a-setup out first the entire game, with strong ass zoning and terrrrrible movement.
There were plenty footsies at a high level. Slips, Hobeybee, Blind ducky, WoundCowboy, etc. watch their matches
Lol this must be the most well written utterly wrong post I've ever seen here.
Thanks? lol I have a feeling your disapproval of my post is just due to a misunderstanding. My point is that you cannot say MKX is just an ok or bad fighting game while also saying MK9 is a good one. The objective qualities of the 2 clearly point them out to be at least equally good or bad. But if someone says they simply prefer MK9's style of gameplay over MKX, then that's understandable, but saying it's better just because you like it better does not change the fact that it has fewer objectively good qualities, like the extremely poor balance.


Making block breakers only one bar wont fix anything and Will only hurt block pressure characters like lao while 50/50 characters wont be affected since yiu still have to guess overhead low beforw blockbreaking


Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
Why do you think injustice is better?
Off of the top of my head, back-to-block (personal preference), much better online experience (for me), more archetypes, more unique characters due to traits, better defensive options, more accommodating to different playstyles, way more things to find meaning I don't get bored as quickly, towers are ass (least important) and probably other reasons
Making block breakers only one bar wont fix anything and Will only hurt block pressure characters like lao while 50/50 characters wont be affected since yiu still have to guess overhead low beforw blockbreaking
Not true as you'll see in my future thread. The top tier in this game is made up of characters who have some sort of highly effective block pressure. 1 bar block breakers will drop them a tier, which they deserve because they're not only overpowered generally but they also create awful gameplay, either making it a guessing game or making it so you have to eat guaranteed chip damage for long enough that you can tape down the right trigger, fall asleep, and wake up by the time they finish. Characters with 50/50s will be hurt less, but with characters with multiple 50/50s in one block string, or characters like Quan who can do a 50/50, become plus with a bar, and then do another 50/50, you can simply block the first attack and break it, not giving them the opportunity to do their next 50/50. If you block a JIP, the opponent has enough plus frames to do their 50/50 with no risk. But if you don't want to take that 50/50, just block break that JIP and you are instantly put back into a neutral situation, which is fair because the opponent will still have the advantage because they have stamina and you don't.


If we are talking about NRS (Not the MK team when they were under Midway) then I agree. MK9, IGAU, and MKX are all solid games and have gotten much more replay from me than any other game to come out since 2010 with maybe the exception of Red Dead Redemption, but I know I have played MKX more than I did RDR lol


Not true as you'll see in my future thread. The top tier in this game is made up of characters who have some sort of highly effective block pressure. 1 bar block breakers will drop them a tier, which they deserve because they're not only overpowered generally but they also create awful gameplay, either making it a guessing game or making it so you have to eat guaranteed chip damage for long enough that you can tape down the right trigger, fall asleep, and wake up by the time they finish. Characters with 50/50s will be hurt less, but with characters with multiple 50/50s in one block string, or characters like Quan who can do a 50/50, become plus with a bar, and then do another 50/50, you can simply block the first attack and break it, not giving them the opportunity to do their next 50/50. If you block a JIP, the opponent has enough plus frames to do their 50/50 with no risk. But if you don't want to take that 50/50, just block break that JIP and you are instantly put back into a neutral situation, which is fair because the opponent will still have the advantage because they have stamina and you don't.
Like i said it will make kung worse as well as tanya. But ir will make quan, predator, takeda much better. It will just be a trade off
Like i said it will make kung worse as well as tanya. But ir will make quan, predator, takeda much better. It will just be a trade off
Predator will get worse because he also thrives on block pressure in the Hish Qu Ten variation if I'm not mistaken. So does Takeda, and so does Quan with his MB rune. And don't want to deal with his hard to blockables? Block break the first one so you don't have to block the second one. Summoner needs to be nerfed anyways. 1 bar block breakers would improve the game's balance and fun levels far more than they would to hurt it, and it's a very simple change. Tremor, Tanya, Predator, Tremor, DF Liu Kang, A List Johnny, Takeda, Shinnok, etc. all become more balanced instantly with this change. It also nerfs grabs since grabbing your opponent gives them a ton of meter which can then be used to block break, so pressure characters like Lao will no longer be grabbing as often because they know they're giving them free meter to get out of their pressure. 1 bar block breakers also make comebacks much more do-able and they will also help matches last longer which people have complained about. It's obviously a necessary change for this game.


In Zoning We Trust
Thanks? lol I have a feeling your disapproval of my post is just due to a misunderstanding. My point is that you cannot say MKX is just an ok or bad fighting game while also saying MK9 is a good one. The objective qualities of the 2 clearly point them out to be at least equally good or bad. But if someone says they simply prefer MK9's style of gameplay over MKX, then that's understandable, but saying it's better just because you like it better does not change the fact that it has fewer objectively good qualities, like the extremely poor balance.
You cannot claim on one hand that the "objective qualities" of a game make it better, while on the other hand claim that the qualities that one would state make the other game better are "a preference". All that shows is that you are trying to pass off your bias opinion as fact.

For example, I think Injustice is a far superior game than MKX. Why? Gameplay mechanics, the same argument you are using to call MKX an "objectively superior game". To me, Injustice is "superior" not just because it was twice as fun, but because-

-AA's were stronger
-back to block is better
-there were MUCH better defense options
-MUCH better zoning
-gameplay strategies and tactics were much more diverse, the game was a lot more balanced in terms of effective playstyles
-much less reliant on 50/50's and +on block pressure
-Wake up game was much better
-Corner game was much more balanced
-Much less armor made the neutral stronger and smarter
-Block breakers were MUCH more viable
-Game speed was more in tune with the FGC, as in you could have both fast paced and slow paced matches. Time outs happened occasionally at all levels of play.
-Less corner carrying combos across the cast added more midscreen fights and made the corner feel more like a reward than a "almost every round" occurrence.

I can list all of those in game mechanics as clear reasons why Injustice is significantly better than MKX. Those are the reasons why I think Injustice was, and is a better game, significantly better. If you say "no it isn't" then you cannot "objectively and factually" prove why my "preferring" those mechanics over the ones in MKX is wrong due to MKX being "objectively superior" because I can just as easily say Injustice was objectively superior but people "prefer" Mortal Kombat.
You cannot claim on one hand that the "objective qualities" of a game make it better, while on the other hand claim that the qualities that one would state make the other game better are "a preference". All that shows is that you are trying to pass off your bias opinion as fact.

For example, I think Injustice is a far superior game than MKX. Why? Gameplay mechanics, the same argument you are using to call MKX an "objectively superior game". To me, Injustice is "superior" not just because it was twice as fun, but because-

-AA's were stronger
-back to block is better
-there were MUCH better defense options
-MUCH better zoning
-gameplay strategies and tactics were much more diverse, the game was a lot more balanced in terms of effective playstyles
-much less reliant on 50/50's and +on block pressure
-Wake up game was much better
-Corner game was much more balanced
-Much less armor made the neutral stronger and smarter
-Block breakers were MUCH more viable
-Game speed was more in tune with the FGC, as in you could have both fast paced and slow paced matches. Time outs happened occasionally at all levels of play.
-Less corner carrying combos across the cast added more midscreen fights and made the corner feel more like a reward than a "almost every round" occurrence.

I can list all of those in game mechanics as clear reasons why Injustice is significantly better than MKX. Those are the reasons why I think Injustice was, and is a better game, significantly better. If you say "no it isn't" then you cannot "objectively and factually" prove why my "preferring" those mechanics over the ones in MKX is wrong due to MKX being "objectively superior" because I can just as easily say Injustice was objectively superior but people "prefer" Mortal Kombat.
That's not what I'm saying though, of course I can understand all of that. I did misspeak a little when I said MKX is better than Injustice because the roster is more balanced. The point I was trying to make is that, let's say MKX had the exact same qualities that you just described for Injustice, but someone said Injustice is a good game and MKX is an ok or bad game because it has a run button and the interactables are blockable. What they're saying is that they just don't enjoy MKX for its few differences from Injustice, but comparing the objective qualities of the two games like balance, content, netcode, character variation, etc. the games are both good. I can understand why people prefer MK9 over MKX, but considering how terrible the balance was, which is a factually bad quality that hinders the gameplay, it is not reasonable to say MK9 is a better game than MKX. I don't know about Injustice because I never played it or followed its scene, but as far as MKX and MK9 go, you simply cannot say MK9 is a better game.