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Match Footage Nightwing Video Thread

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Glad to finally see some Xblades footage.
I'm liking his Nightwing, he is using every tool that has been discovered so far and he knows when to use it.

Just one thing that I don't like, why is he changing stances after every Staff Spin on hit?


Dojo Trainee
Glad to finally see some Xblades footage.
I'm liking his Nightwing, he is using every tool that has been discovered so far and he knows when to use it.

Just one thing that I don't like, why is he changing stances after every Staff Spin on hit?
Possibly because he thinks it makes it safer (it does somewhat because Escrima Backdash is better than Staff's).

And there's a couple more things I would've liked to see from him but he's definitely solid.


Possibly because he thinks it makes it safer (it does somewhat because Escrima Backdash is better than Staff's).

And there's a couple more things I would've liked to see from him but he's definitely solid.
Not talking about on block, I'm talking about a combo ender. I mean I see no reason why he should change to Escrima when NW is close to an opponent that is in an untechable knockdown.

On block I understand, the dash is much better to avoid pressure.


Dojo Trainee
Not talking about on block, I'm talking about a combo ender. I mean I see no reason why he should change to Escrima when NW is close to an opponent that is in an untechable knockdown.

On block I understand, the dash is much better to avoid pressure.
Idk. I don't mind it, it allows use of my Escrima mixups. I didn't see many from him though so I can't comment.


To Achieve, You must Believe
thx guys...ill try to get more NW out there.... been busy lately. and is staff spin safe on block?? reason i stance change whiff punish w/ f213 fury mb bnb



Footage of my Nightwing at a little tournament
This is a bit old (2week old I think), but maybe you can notice something interesting

Any feedback is appreciated
Nice gameplay, one thing I don't like is using Escrima Fury MB. Just feels like a waste to me.
I loved your pressure in these matches, constantly switching and just overwhelming him.
Keep it up.


Truth, justice and the American way.

Footage of my Nightwing at a little tournament
This is a bit old (2week old I think), but maybe you can notice something interesting

Any feedback is appreciated
@:32 great spacing on D3.
@:45 nice conversion
@1:20 Some will say MB Escrima fury is a waste - I say if it closes out the round you're doing it right.
@1:32 here's the ambiguous corner setup that someone said they discovered the other day.
@2:03 you could have got 4% more damage on that combo by following your b3 with ji3 1 db3

@3:10 you could have full combo punished - instead you did d1 db3.
@3:36 you could have done b3 off of your db2 MB to keep yourself at +frames and your offense on point, not to mention this could have potentially given you a wall bounce combo. Instead you opted with Flying Grayson d1 grab. You reset the situation, diffused all the pressure you worked up giving Batman the chance to start his offense. Also, he's now clear of the wall. We do our best Dicking against the wall.
@4:45 Metagame. You have very little meter. He has plenty. He's at that point in his health bar where you should know he's looking for a wager. Granted you're winning the life race - but in this wager Batman secures enough health from himself to make the possibility of a comeback seem likely. If you lost this match, I would have called this the defining moment. Once he wins that wager, he really turns it on and you win by time out. Batman rallied his shit with that wager. I can't emphasize enough how important it was. Seriously, the barrage of shit Batman put you through after that wager was amazing. Between 4:58 and 5:28 - you throw out maybe 3 attacks and don't land a single hit. Batman drops a bunch of combos. Hits you with a couple interactables, and I'm pretty sure didn't realize where the time was when you did time him out. He had 3 bat trait up. He could have hit you with all three and MB bataranged you out. Even if he traded he would have won. A better Batman could have easily sealed the deal on this match. You handed it to him on a silver platter and then stole it away.

@7:16 I'm assuming you wanted MB db2? Watch your meter.
@7:20 d3? here? why? so many better options against an opponent on wakeup. even f213 would have gone better here. d3 is a spacing tool to secure a knockdown. Unless you're trying to train your opponent into blocking low and I'm not seeing it, I'm questioning your decision making here.
@7:25 I'm almost entirely sure this was an input error on Batman. Great punish. Good way to secure the round.
@7:41 You can follow up a blocked U3 with F213xx4xxdb2MBxxb3. This is a low hitting block string. All frame advantage. All the time.
@7:45 metagame holmes. You're blowing meter trying to score a hit, Batman is sitting on 5 bars. Whatever you're going to do to him - he's gonna get it back. If you were closer in the meter race I'd be okay with this, but even with such a huge life advantage, by the time Batman gets to half health - you're going to be behind at least 2 bars of meter. So if he wagers, he'll be at 70%. See how that changes how you should approach the match? Pace it out and try to stay even. Giving the opponent more than 15% of health back is too much.
@8:00 why throw? Pause the frame here. He had to block. At the worst you could have done 112 for +21 frames on block. Instead, you corner yourself, you blow up your own pressure for? 11%
@8:05 brave. so goddamn brave. 3 bats stocked ready to rock and you hit him with a flying dick.
@8:07 good use of the interactable to secure the round

Meter. Oh dear god watch your meter. You blow through it like crazy. Study the metagame a little bit. You could be closing out rounds free, but you're giving them the second chance. Now by no means am I saying you're not good - on the contrary, your Nightwing of 2 weeks ago looks more polished than mine this morning. But you asked for constructive criticism and I've done my best.

Feel free to respond with open conversation, correct me or tell me to go fuck myself.



Interesting feedback, tks :D
So, for Catwoman I made some mistakes, the MB escrima fury was clearly a waste, even if it ends the round because I would have ended it anyway, the second MB escrima fury was even more a waste since he wager just after
Something I didn't do during this match that I had just learn at that time, was that Catwoman's bf2 is unsafe, MB or not, Nightwing can punish with 113 (you can see me try at 1:03)

For the Batman match, you are right about him not being aware of the timer, he was a bit pissed about that :D
But when he wager, I wanted him to wager because I knew I had too few meter but a ton of life, so I was confident, a bit too confident surely. I wanted to wager back later. I tried to wager at 5:20 on his combo, but I wasn't ablt to do so, back then I didn't knew you could just keep forward and mash MB button, I was trying to do both at the same time and it made me miss quite a few wager x)
Then I miss a combo, and get pushed away by the interactable with no hope of wager, in a bad spot, I got a bit lucky

Some of the decision you see in this video are made because I know my opponent, I fought him very often. For example that d3 at 7:20, I know that he often block my b2 overhead here, so I wanted to go for a low. It's not a very good idea, but in the heat of the battle, I just thought "I m going for my overhead... wait no, he blocks it often ! So I need a low... d3 it is !" :p
When I go for the flying grayson instead of the b3, it's because if batman jump he goes above the b3, and I know he likes to jump there. Still, it's not a good risk & reward, if he dodge the flying grayson he can land a full punish, but on block at this distance it's has enough frame advantage to allow nightwing for a d1 (and he eats it :p)
A beter option is to just neutral jump 2, to counter his jump

after a blocked u3 mid screen, Nightwing can't go for f213, it's too far away
I got messed up because I wanted to test out the 112 after a blocked u3, but it obviously doesn't work mid screen :D
Some good options are b1, b2 or d3

Anyway, tks for the feedback, really appreciated :)
I work a lot on my meter usage


Truth, justice and the American way.
After a blocked U3 mid screen, you are +10 frames. Hold F and delay the 2 just slightly, you'll close the gap just enough and you'll still beat out any reversal equal to Corp Charge priority. Your opponent's only real option is to jump backwards. If they don't know that, you're good. Most people don't know their options.

I'm almost certain you have enough frame advantage after a db2 MB to B3 and blow up anything he tries to do, I'm going to look into this a lot more.

You're clearly a great Nightwing. I'm just picking your brain as to why you made the choices you did. Looking forward to seeing more from you in the future.

Injustice starts at 5:16:30, Evid3nts, Lulzlou, and TH gameplay throughout.
Not my best performance at all. During my match with my aquaman in the third set I missed the timing in my wake-up attack and paid for. I was also hit by a ton of overheads that I was aware of. In escrima I used b2,Kali fury without a hitconfirm. That habit stems from Playing online. I really need to practice more escrima and try to make the most of each stance. In the black Adam match I should have contested his jump with a delayed wing dings in escrima. I also didn't expect him to do his wake-up attack THAT many times. Critiques are welcome for anyone that has any input in what I can change or add to my gameplay. I think I adjusted well in the matches I played but I also know I lacked in many areas


Truth, justice and the American way.
I also didn't expect him to do his wake-up attack THAT many times.

I always win rock paper scissors.

Not scissors? Maybe next time. Oh...not scissors? He won't play rock 4 times in a r-...rock again....WTF?!

Watching your matches and yeah, that guy likes to press buttons on wake up. A lot. Flip kick would have blown up Aquaman's trident scoop.


Truth, justice and the American way.
I've only got one match on stream.

RDK Godspeed vs. NorCal Joe (NightwingDayZero) - 49:44

I felt very accomplished given how tight I kept it. I went on to place 17th. My biggest tournament in my first fighting game. I found this a great measuring stick to predict where I'll stand in the community at EVO.

It's crunch time. I want top 64.
I've only got one match on stream.

RDK Godspeed vs. NorCal Joe (NightwingDayZero) - 49:44

I felt very accomplished given how tight I kept it. I went on to place 17th. My biggest tournament in my first fighting game. I found this a great measuring stick to predict where I'll stand in the community at EVO.

It's crunch time. I want top 64.
That was you? I liked the way you fought black adam.


Truth, justice and the American way.
That was you? I liked the way you fought black adam.

Both matches came down to a couple input errors on my behalf, a very smart clash on his end, and not enough respect for lightening cage on mine. Outside of that I could have been a lot more patient in the neutral game, I basically hung myself at the end of both rounds.

When I first started playing Injustice at release, I told myself I would never be truly competitive due to my inexperience in the fighting game genre. This being my first fighting game, the most important thing to me was that if I ever played on stream, the matches would be entertaining. I was told by a lot of people that they thought the matches were hype - I take home a moral victory.


Both matches came down to a couple input errors on my behalf, a very smart clash on his end, and not enough respect for lightening cage on mine. Outside of that I could have been a lot more patient in the neutral game, I basically hung myself at the end of both rounds.

When I first started playing Injustice at release, I told myself I would never be truly competitive due to my inexperience in the fighting game genre. This being my first fighting game, the most important thing to me was that if I ever played on stream, the matches would be entertaining. I was told by a lot of people that they thought the matches were hype - I take home a moral victory.

Matches were good man, keep it up.
Really enjoyed watching you handling that BA


Nightwing In Retirement
I've only got one match on stream.

RDK Godspeed vs. NorCal Joe (NightwingDayZero) - 49:44

I felt very accomplished given how tight I kept it. I went on to place 17th. My biggest tournament in my first fighting game. I found this a great measuring stick to predict where I'll stand in the community at EVO.

It's crunch time. I want top 64.
You should have told me you were coming down to SoCal, we could have traded tech! I was sitting there thinking, "This NW guy from NorCal looks kind of solid!" Good job dude, I liked your matches against Godspeed and the casuals against my friend Brad(DD, BA, Shazam).

Also, I lost to Awesomo Flash and Krayzie Catwoman this WNF. 50/50'd so hard I still have nightmares.
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