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Match Footage Nightwing Video Thread

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Truth, justice and the American way.
You should have told me you were coming down to SoCal, we could have traded tech! I was sitting there thinking, "This NW guy from NorCal looks kind of solid!" Good job dude, I liked your matches against Godspeed and the casuals against my friend Brad(DD, BA, Shazam).

Also, I lost to Awesomo Flash and Krayzie Catwoman this WNF. 50/50'd so hard I still have nightmares.

Thanks man, yeah it would have been great to sit down and study some Dick!

I was so focused on the tournament that I really didn't play well at all during casuals. I was getting destroyed by my buddy's Bane before your buddy sat down. He taught me some really REALLY dirty stuff that Doomsday has in the corner. I'm so grateful to him for it.

Glad you enjoyed watching me play, you'll see us NorCal heads again after EVO. I'm coming for Top 8 next time!


Nightwing In Retirement
Thanks man, yeah it would have been great to sit down and study some Dick!

I was so focused on the tournament that I really didn't play well at all during casuals. I was getting destroyed by my buddy's Bane before your buddy sat down. He taught me some really REALLY dirty stuff that Doomsday has in the corner. I'm so grateful to him for it.

Glad you enjoyed watching me play, you'll see us NorCal heads again after EVO. I'm coming for Top 8 next time!
Yeah, he's been working on some really crazy safe jumps and semi-option select kind of stuff with DD. It's only like his 4th day playing him too! That dash forward in the corner to flip wake ups is stupid also, DD is mean as fuck.

I've gotten just outside of top 8 the last two WNF's I've been to. It's a strong weekly, so I don't mind because of the experience. Next time you come down I'll hit you up and we can talk about some NW. Also, NorCal's Raven player is so sick. I've never seen somebody make Godspeed hold Trigon like that.


TYM White Knight
These are my tournament matches from IS3.

The first match I was dropping everything...I didn't realize until after that I had release check still on.



TYM White Knight
Here is some footage of myself vs Charlie Murphy online. Just playing the grundy match. Really fun and good matches here.



I play for FUN!
Below is some NW footage against various characters. PryceMonsta was the player here I recorded and edited the video for him; some of the players shown are not that great per se, so I apologize for that but at least it shows you what you can do in those situations.



Truth, justice and the American way.
Outside of Mr. KOF's match with Shazam (Nightwing vs. Black Adam) has anyone seen any footage of his Nightwing in other Matchups? I studied all that he did in that match up and the adjustments that he made. I'm hoping I get my video editting software to work today because I've got some match footage from yesterday and have a LOT to talk with regards to the BA MU.


Nightwing In Retirement
Saw a Dick playing on stream who I thought was doing pretty good.
Dunno if he is on TYM but his name is Steeeeve.
Well shucks, that would be me <3.

Also, yeah I played really bad after Chef/Pboard.

That second GL was doing like, b1, 2, 223 and shit. I shouldn't have let him get away with that or mash d1 so damn much, but I expected too much from him.


Well shucks, that would be me <3.

Also, yeah I played really bad after Chef/Pboard.

That second GL was doing like, b1, 2, 223 and shit. I shouldn't have let him get away with that or mash d1 so damn much, but I expected too much from him.

Good shit, you were doing good in the Superman MU from what I can tell. Your usage of B2 was good as well, hitconfirmed every single one of them I think. Against GL you were doing a good job interrupting and avoiding those rockets

You like to do F213~4~Ground Pound MB, I think that is kind of wrong. Because they can interrupt it. If not they will block it and you'll have a hard time following it up because it leaves too much distance between you and the opponent. I like to do Staff Spin MB because it's guaranteed, not only that they have to respect the 1 follow-ups. Once they respect that you can use 2 and Ground Pound MB as mix-ups.


Nightwing In Retirement
Good shit, you were doing good in the Superman MU from what I can tell. Your usage of B2 was good as well, hitconfirmed every single one of them I think. Against GL you were doing a good job interrupting and avoiding those rockets

You like to do F213~4~Ground Pound MB, I think that is kind of wrong. Because they can interrupt it. If not they will block it and you'll have a hard time following it up because it leaves too much distance between you and the opponent. I like to do Staff Spin MB because it's guaranteed, not only that they have to respect the 1 follow-ups. Once they respect that you can use 2 and Ground Pound MB as mix-ups.
I like both follow ups for different reasons.

Ground blast is for catching people standing, because most people understand that ducking against Escrima NW is a problem. The problem with follows up from mb staff spin is that you can backdash most of his options unless you make a strong read. In a long set you could see that I like both, but yeah, I used ground blast a lot. Also, I can use mb staff spin against Catwoman because she can duck it.

The GL matchup is nice once you understand the ranges and abuse ground spark dashes. It sucks I couldn't show off too many setups, but everybody in SoCal is wake up happy, so meh. I'm also comfortable in the Supes matchup, but LBSH, nobody is comfortable when 3 mistakes and lasers is the game. I wish they would stream Injustice at WNF some more so you guys could see me play Tyrant, Chef, Krayzie etc.

You don't get quality matches like that from YT. Oh, and I think I'm going to do a write up on the Grundy match up. I played Tyrant in long sets on Friday/Today and I think it's worth doing. I'm not sure if there are even Grundy's out there on his level where it matters, but it's worth doing anyway.


I like both follow ups for different reasons.

Ground blast is for catching people standing, because most people understand that ducking against Escrima NW is a problem. The problem with follows up from mb staff spin is that you can backdash most of his options unless you make a strong read. In a long set you could see that I like both, but yeah, I used ground blast a lot. Also, I can use mb staff spin against Catwoman because she can duck it.

The GL matchup is nice once you understand the ranges and abuse ground spark dashes. It sucks I couldn't show off too many setups, but everybody in SoCal is wake up happy, so meh. I'm also comfortable in the Supes matchup, but LBSH, nobody is comfortable when 3 mistakes and lasers is the game. I wish they would stream Injustice at WNF some more so you guys could see me play Tyrant, Chef, Krayzie etc.

You don't get quality matches like that from YT. Oh, and I think I'm going to do a write up on the Grundy match up. I played Tyrant in long sets on Friday/Today and I think it's worth doing. I'm not sure if there are even Grundy's out there on his level where it matters, but it's worth doing anyway.

That's true, if you are fighting against someone who knows the NW MU he'll block high in Escrima. I don't like it because there isn't any mix-up when doing that.

I've got the same thing going on here where people just love to wake-up, it's gotten to the point where I stop trying to do mix-ups and setups on knockdown and just go for anti-wakeup.

Please do a write-up on the Grundy MU, because I'm pretty sure there ain't no Grundy out there like Tyrant. I barely fight Grundy online anyways, so I'm not gonna get experience from there.


Nightwing In Retirement
That's true, if you are fighting against someone who knows the NW MU he'll block high in Escrima. I don't like it because there isn't any mix-up when doing that.

I've got the same thing going on here where people just love to wake-up, it's gotten to the point where I stop trying to do mix-ups and setups on knockdown and just go for anti-wakeup.

Please do a write-up on the Grundy MU, because I'm pretty sure there ain't no Grundy out there like Tyrant. I barely fight Grundy online anyways, so I'm not gonna get experience from there.
I don't consider any Grundy who isn't Tyrant a real Grundy.

If I can beat your Grundy with wing dings and staff then that shit booty. I'll do a write up early this week, maybe a video if I don't feel like typing it all out.


Truth, justice and the American way.
I don't consider any Grundy who isn't Tyrant a real Grundy.

If I can beat your Grundy with wing dings and staff then that shit booty. I'll do a write up early this week, maybe a video if I don't feel like typing it all out.

I enjoyed watching you play yesterday. Knew it was you the second I saw j2/flipkick shenanigans. I love it. It's more abusable than Scorpion's teleport bullshit.

I lost 10-5 to Tyrant's Grundy in a FT10 a couple months ago. Here are some things I took away from the ass kicking I took before I started making some adjustments.

Stay in Escrima.

113 is your best friend. 4 very fast hits to blow up walking corpse.
staff spin trait cancel into back dash. Do this. Once he starts to dash into your back dash, start trait cancelling into 113 or flip kick. Mind games start here.
Don't try to zone him. It's not going to work. Nothing we have will beat walking corpse cancels. Aside from maybe mb wingdings, but even then you risk eating an anti air grab.
Block low, react to overheads. Guess work is necessary to deal with trait grab bullshit.
If you're caught in the corner, just clash your way out. Even if it means eating 40%. Better than dying there.
Get in and don't be afraid to trade. Seriously, this match is a grinder.

I wasn't even half as good as I am now when I came to WNF, so some of my observations may be limited and given how long ago it was, may be dated.

You took a lot of unnecessary risks against PBoard. You played impatiently and it really showed. He's an amazing Superman who SHOULD have made Top 8 or Top 16 at EVO. He had Michealangelo and Chris G in his pools, both matches he kept incredibly close.

My advice is to stay in escrima, trait cancel into MB Ground Pound to punish full screen Heat Zap and use that knockdown to get in. Pick and choose your spots. Sit there and bluff the hell out of him on wakeup. Make him respect you by blocking. And make sure you're blocking low so you're not hit by that unsafe as fuck low they're all so much a fan of. Don't be afraid to start your matches with 113 against Superman. They're all such huge fans of starting with F2. Fuck it. YOLO. If you can read a F2 following a F23, 11 them for it.

PBoard blew me the fuck up the first time we played, but that was after having driven for ~6-7 hours straight so I was playing really, really bad. The last day I got another shot, but the bad MU compounded by that skill gap - I only did that much better. The MU experience was good enough to allow me to eliminate RIP at EVO. So it was worth that much I guess.

I won't comment on the GL players. They weren't abusing things they should have been abusing. Not taking anything away from your wins, I love seeing GL players lose. But they weren't playing it right.

That's true, if you are fighting against someone who knows the NW MU he'll block high in Escrima. I don't like it because there isn't any mix-up when doing that.

I know I need to be using D3 more in Escrima. I never use it. Getting them to think about it would be very helpful, and the knockdown pressure is where we really shine.


I know I need to be using D3 more in Escrima. I never use it. Getting them to think about it would be very helpful, and the knockdown pressure is where we really shine.

That's true, I was using it for a short while and was working great TBH. Dunno why I stopped using it, was hitting a lot of people with it.
But his B13 is better, because it's only like -3/-4 on block while D3 is punishable. Both create untechable knockdowns, so like you said NW shines on knockdown pressure.


Nightwing In Retirement
Lots of the Grundy stuff is kind of outdated, but certain things are ok here, especially staying in escrima. Tyrant won't let you get away with anything else listed here, but escrima is absolutely key. You don't have enough hits/mobility in staff to play this matchup.

I played super aggressive because I have experience against P Board. You can't outpatient this dude, trust me. He is willing to play way to safe and way to lame, and that benefits him in this matchup more than us. I tried to make him uncomfortable and it worked because I got the first life bar on both rounds. I should have played it slower after getting the first round in each game. Also, I have no idea how I got his low in the Supes matchup. Downbacking is my shit, too.

Yeah, the GL players were using the right tools, but not at the right time. I saw your matches against Michealangelo, and he played about the same as Chef. Less far rockets, but everything else was very similar. Chef and I talked about the matchup after, and I have no idea how I lost to b1, 2, 223 GL. I shouldn't have respected him at all, and let him do silly shit like that.
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