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Tech :: NEW Sub-zero corner TRICK ::


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Im confused, what specificaly about this is impractical? Ive seen D3 & D4 snuff wakeups, and a sub player putting someone in the corner is impractical? Seriously? Cmon man i've already tried this out a couple times and it seems to work pretty well online and offline vs another person. This also isnt specific to ermac if you didnt read what the OP said, this isnt character specific, and from what ive tried out so far ill vouch for it if it makes any difference.
It's not character specific on the hitboxes no and I understand he's just demonstrating on a random pick, but I mean being able to corner trap Ermac that deep with the foot of the ice clone actually poking through his legs, considering the wakeups and keep away he has. If there's a poke that's able to beat out those wakeups and can still be ice cloned out of on hit, then okay, maybe I was wrong.

Either way, the other guys are right, Tom Brady did something like this a couple weeks ago but with 212 into clone and it's much more safe than trying to randomly poke and out into a clone while the opponent is grounded.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
ahhh GOD !!!

My friend .. u just said it !!! off of 212 not D4 .. this a whole different thing ..

BTW : u cant do 212 clone into throw AT ALL !!!

Guys if there is a one fan in the whole world of TOM BRADY .. THEN IT IS JUST ME OK? !
I wont EVER be mad if he did it before me but can u plz post a link here to the same trick done by Tom Brady before this post ?
The 212 clone into throw worked didn't it? He did it against Reptile?

And yeah I like Tom too, I guess people are just still salty because he was TEH SPAMZ against PL at with Noob Saibot at PowerUp. Trololol
Damn and here I was just about to post something about it. When you ex clone midscreen then do a backwards throw into the clone it bugs out and the opponent is left frozen standing while you get knocked down. The cool thing is you can get a free wake up slide from it. Not sure what else you can do with it midscreen.
It's not character specific on the hitboxes no and I understand he's just demonstrating on a random pick, but I mean being able to corner trap Ermac that deep with the foot of the ice clone actually poking through his legs, considering the wakeups and keep away he has. If there's a poke that's able to beat out those wakeups and can still be ice cloned out of on hit, then okay, maybe I was wrong.

Either way, the other guys are right, Tom Brady did something like this a couple weeks ago but with 212 into clone and it's much more safe than trying to randomly poke and out into a clone while the opponent is grounded.
which is why id teleport at the peak of my jump , the moment i see his moving in when im airbourne i know hes gonna try to stop me

Ok ... this is the last time am gna reply such comments ...

If u think my idea is old or not helpful ... simply do one of the following actions :

1- share the video that u saw the trick before in.
2- peacefully, kindly leave the place and don't bother yourself. and for me all i can say is : Thanks for noticing my thread and for ur efforts posting ur comments :)

Guys one more time ... this is something to use when possible .. nothing is unescapable nothing is unblockable for sub-zero !

and for the last tricks i can simply block low THATS IT the trick is killed ? so no need to go against anything here ...

Also don't forget that this is about a new trick not about MATCH UPS !! u keep telling me Ermac Ermac Ermac .. if its Ermac I told u u can bait all those wake up options that only NOOBS Does .. I play Ermac and i never random wake up TKS !!! cuz its punishable by hell at the corner !!

plz guys .. we are here to help each other not to dispel blindly ... :)
This is Creepy00 posting about d+4 xx Clone, throw: http://testyourmight.com/forum/showthread.php?8235-SCOOBIYA!-Sub-General-Discussion&p=101289&viewfull=1#post101289

This is Tom's vid about it, using 2,1,2: http://testyourmight.com/forum/showthread.php?10052-Sub-Zero-stuff&p=137206&viewfull=1#post137206

But regardless, it was impressive that you found out about it yourself, and it was good of you to share it with the community :) It was a very nice post, too.
Keep looking for things with Sub, and I'm sure you'll find something else. Just make sure you ask in the SCOOBIYA thread if it's already known or not : P
Not to say anything lame about that man, but he provided very little informations about it PLUS it has nothing to do with my corner trick .. He said "If you throw as there is a ice clone behind you" and that is what is REALLY IMPRACTICAL as the DUMMY could escape it ! who would let you put the clone and stand waiting for u to throw him on that clone behind him ? this would never happen unless in practice mode ...

My trick is about mix ups not just a finding that looks nice when showed to new ppl to it ...

of course thanks to him for that :) But first, I did mine on my own .. 2nd, It is way more applicable especially with the other corner tricks ( and thats what a lot of ppl here cant just understand ) !

about the 212 ? it is totally something else :)
He may have worded it a little poorly, but what he was talking about what exactly the same as what you showed.

And the 2,1,2 xx Clone, throw is exactly the same, just with a different Clone. The Clones I know of that this works with are 2,1 xx Clone, 2,1,2 xx Clone, d+1 xx Clone, and d+4 xx Clone. They're in order from most difficult to least.

The good thing about this setup is that once the opp is thrown, I believe they can't break the throw, because the freeze occurs before the break-animation can start. So the opp is left with two options (not including unique options like teleports), either jump, or duck without blocking. The former is dealt with using 2,2, and the latter allows you to Slide and freeze them in the Clone.
He may have worded it a little poorly, but what he was talking about what exactly the same as what you showed.
ok then i should ve kept it to myself .. cuz i m the only 1 who thinks that its useful then ... no problem ...

And the 2,1,2 xx Clone, throw is exactly the same
its more difficult to do and not guaranteed .. i ll test it soon and see what ll happen ..

Anyway .. I signed up here to post this and to share what i have with my friends ( all the sub-zero players ) .. That was my ultimate goal .. If I failed then .. Its ok at least I tried to help ...
No need to be overdramatic. Plenty of people are thankful for your efforts. Even if you weren't the first to discover this, you were the first to make a video of that specific version of the setup (I believe), and videos always spread information faster than text.

Throwing from the 2,1,2 xx Clone setup is more difficult to do, yes, but it is guaranteed. You just have to be at the correct range, and you MUST use a back-throw. I believe having to use a back-throw is applicable to all of these setups, though, anyway.


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
This is new, in my opinion. It's a good setup. I was playing around with this after watching your video and came up with a corner stagger which sets up the d3, d4 clone stuff. b121 in the corner will give you a practical platform. ;). Good stuff once again, petros.


First to all, Great work showing the potential of these setup that people have overlook. Not only that but, you show eager to know and loyalty to your character

Not to say anything lame about that man, but he provided very little informations about it PLUS it has nothing to do with my corner trick .. He said "If you throw as there is a ice clone behind you" and that is what is REALLY IMPRACTICAL as the DUMMY could escape it ! who would let you put the clone and stand waiting for u to throw him on that clone behind him ? this would never happen unless in practice mode ...
Before i start, Mechacide pretty much explained and covered all this up with you, but i want to give my own thoughts. Yes, My wording is a little poorly but in the end, it shows d4 into iceclone setup is possible. Now look my previous post again " If you throw as there is a ice clone behind you, it will catch them before the throw animation does" and tell me where on the screen it is more practical or even works? :/ It is pretty obvious... Corner only, since like you said it is easily scouted and punishable outside. It is on the corner where it shines due to subzero corner games. So yeah, like Mechacide said, you ended up showing what i talked about. Only thing i didnt talk about the mix ups to d4 into ice clone because any subzero player knows their corner potential, There isnt a point for me to cover that up. Dont get me wrong, You did a great work putting all of this up though and like Mechacide said plenty people thanking you for your efforts even me :top: Hopefully it helps reminds or gives sub zero an option to their game, which is all want we want to, help our sub brothers.
My trick is about mix ups not just a finding that looks nice when showed to new ppl to it ...
About this, all i have to say is know the person first :D or at least here on the sub threads, No one posts without something that helps each other. You will be surprise about the sub thread interaction among players.

Edit: You didnt fail, you show sub d4 more potential. I bet a lot sub zero are probably adjusting their corner pressure thanks to your effort you put on the video.

My respect to YOU my friend ..
I thought that if u would come here and post a comment it would be against me but you just said what a well minded person would say :

Hopefully it helps reminds or gives sub zero an option to their game, which is all want we want to, help our sub brothers.
As I said earlier in this thread, that is my ultimate goal of posting this :)

2 points I wanna tell you and nothing more :

Corner only, since like you said it is easily scouted and punishable outside.
1- after reading your comment in the SCOOBYIA thread, I tried to do it out of the corner .. but actually I found that it doesn't work at all !

2- I never think of stealing other ppl's effort ... If I - at least - read what you've posted before I wouldn't post this from the beginning ^^"
But the thing is that I was just messing with subby in training mode and actually from the first time I saw Dark rob using d4 into clone to cover more space with the clone ( before even buying the game ) I thought about this !!! ... so, I don't know what to tell you ... Anyway, I m happy that this will hopefylly help the MK community :)

You didnt fail, you show sub d4 more potential. I bet a lot sub zero are probably adjusting their corner pressure thanks to your effort you put on the video.
Thanks a lot :)
and thank you for being here :)


found out something cool. Now don't kill me if it's been said before. But if you connect 214 in the corner and don't do slide. You will be in perfect distance to do d4 grab into freeze always. So say you do 212 clone then b2 reset nip b12 214 no slide and start again with d4 clone grab


Another string that you can d4 off into clone then grab is 1,3 f4. It has to be blocked and I just realized you have to be on the stance contrary to opponent and it will work 80% of the time

Hope this is helpfull

on hit you can also do it on the following strings 100%
212 and b124
Now don't kill me if it's been said before.
man, you know what u have to say before u start talking ...

ppl at this forum are hungry for negativity !

But if you connect 214 in the corner and don't do slide. You will be in perfect distance to do d4 grab into freeze always. So say you do 212 clone then b2 reset nip b12 214 no slide and start again with d4 clone grab
Not always only after finishing the Refreeze combo i think .. cuz u can connect 214 from different distances ...

But I think u got a point :)

Thanx ^^

Another string that you can d4 off into clone then grab is 1,3 f4. It has to be blocked and I just realized you have to be on the stance contrary to opponent and it will work 80% of the time

Hope this is helpfull

on hit you can also do it on the following strings 100%
212 and b124
What ?!
that string ( 1 3 F4 ) is not special cancelable ! you cant do ice clones after this string !


man, you know what u have to say before u start talking ...

ppl at this forum are hungry for negativity !

Not always only after finishing the Refreeze combo i think .. cuz u can connect 214 from different distances ...

But I think u got a point :)

Thanx ^^

What ?!
that string ( 1 3 F4 ) is not special cancelable ! you cant do ice clones after this string !
No it always does as long as you connect the 214 and I know you can't ice clone out of 13f4. After you get the string blocked you will bet at perfect distance to d4 ice clone and then grab to freeze. Actually almost always but it is the most consistant blocked string that will automatically put you at that perfect distance to
d4 clone grab freeze
I posted about something similar to this almost a month ago. It can be used as part of a mixup to a glitch I found (posted about a month ago). It's not new, but props for finding it on your own. It's a good feeling finding new shit that you actually find on your own. And to the guy above me, it works with every costume, stop trolling. Shoutouts to Tom Brady scratchin necks and shit haha. (I'm jking man, you're a smart player)


Everything is explained in there.


I posted about something similar to this almost a month ago. It can be used as part of a mixup to a glitch I found (posted about a month ago). It's not new, but props for finding it on your own. It's a good feeling finding new shit that you actually find on your own. And to the guy above me, it works with every costume, stop trolling. Shoutouts to Tom Brady scratchin necks and shit haha. (I'm jking man, you're a smart player)


Everything is explained in there.
Yep' Trollin' lol I was doing it the wrong way, sorry.
a lot if not most of the info on this thread is not in that thread.......
Thanks for shortening the distances ^^

I m really tired of explaining how this thread contain something new ( if not for u guys then for me ) .. And something that is as practical as anything in the corner and I myself got resets in real matches from this trick + it is never seen in real matches = if anything before this was revealed it is not like this one !