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Mortal Kombat Trilogy Proto 2.0 Released

Mortal Kombat Trilogy Proto 2.0 Differences:

-First known version of Mortal Kombat Trilogy
-Rain, Noob Saibot, Raiden, and Baraka playable
-The Pit, Pit Bottom, Armory, Kahn's Arena, The Bank, The Living Forest and Portal stages added
-Pre-Aggressor build
-Speed equivalent to UMK3
-Character select screen no longer shows character stances
-Choose Your Destiny screen has the red portal background
-Ultimate Winning Streaks changed to Longest Winning Streaks
-Certain backgrounds have extra details (The Bank has a red carpet, different from console version)
-Full roster bios (minus bosses)
-Numerous gameplay changes
-Console Johnny Cage morph command works, uses Shang Tsung sprites
-Certain stages missing (Goro's Lair, Pit II)
-Rain can only kick opponents through the other side after his lightning strike
-Raiden/Baraka have additional moves, Kung Lao's Torpedo missing
-Shao Kahn's lifebar drains during attract mode, indicating playable bosses
-Fight Ladder changed, ? under Motaro in Master II
-Floor in different locations when compared to console versions (higher in The Pit, lower in The Living Forest)

Download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=AV7UUQ7C

You know what to do, rename the roms, etc.


The meeting I was supposed to have yesterday got delayed 4 hours. I got home at about 4am, saw the unbelievable turnout from the video (holy crap, a thousand views overnight!) and went to dump it. Because of everything that's happened, this is the second night I've gone without sleep, so enjoy your roms knowing that my pain and suffering is ALL YOUR FAULT. :p

I'm not sure what's up with one of the graphic roms. I dumped it twice, but it still came out 137KB. I'll mess with that one later but it's only a graphics rom so worst case scenario you get some pixelated nonsense somewhere. I haven't had a chance to test it in MAME outside of the video so good luck finding stuff I missed. Playing it in the cab last night it seems more balanced than the MKT that was officially released.


Terry, great job, and of course thank you for sharing!

By chance, can you give us the list of which roms need to be renamed to which names as per the original UMK3 rom?


Thank you Terry, I tried to replace my UMK one but it crashes and the mame window closes. can someone tell me how to run it properly???


Yes he zipped up a file MKT.AVI and that is what is in ROM files, it's an AVI of the words April Fools with Aerosmith's Eat The Rich playing over it.

Most elaborate April Fools joke ever.


McCarron said:
Yes he zipped up a file MKT.AVI and that is what is in ROM files, it's an AVI of the words April Fools with Aerosmith's Eat The Rich playing over it.

Most elaborate April Fools joke ever.
Yep... I analyzed the files too after renaming them...

Terry, you're a dick... LOL

This was the most awesome thing ever. It was all done out of my love for arcade games, Mortal Kombat and it's entire community. I <3 you guys, and the above video talks about how I did everything, how the UMK3 engine works, what I did wrong and that sorta deal. You can check out the video description if you like cause I do have plans to update it with more info later on. Again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you everyone :)

Edit- screw it, I'll just post the description here:

If you listen closely to the first video I posted, you can hear a clickback when I turn the cabinet on. That was me hitting the spacebar telling Media Player Classic to play the video at the same time I sent power to the machine.

An insane level of attention to detail was paid in the making of the MKT video. The engine was torn apart trying to find every last detail regarding what it would and wouldn't do (a quick sidenote, every 2D Mortal Kombat fighting game uses the same engine as MK1 - just heavily modified). If you watch the early WIP videos of MK3's development, you'll see Ed Boon positioning a character in a specific location while they're being thrown. This was exactly what I did here, only in GIMP - which was the only software used to edit the entire video.

But the best example I could give you of the attention to detail that was paid here is this: If you look at the first video I posted you can see during the power-up test that the serial number comes up "104-something something". This numerical sequence is different from MAME because the actual arcade hardware held real serial numbers (in MAME Midway hardware serial numbers default to 123456). In my MAME video of MKT, the serial number was changed to read 123456 - as if it were actually running in the emulator.

I'll update this as I remember stuff, but I did want to mention something. One thing that I didn't have time to include once I realized it that fails the UMK3 engine is that Sindel vs Ermac during the demo has no run or lifebar damage when it should. Technically, I was able to get away with this because Rain vs Shao Kahn is the same way in UMK3, but it only happens there because it's a preprogrammed sequence - Ermac vs Sindel is not.

Let the record show that everything in life pays off when you give it your all :)


TerryMasters said:
and thanks 9.95 :D
LOL, anytime, Terry.

BTW, I see you're from NY... I'm in Long Island, as is another Mod, Dark Rob. We get together to play all the time and we'd love to have you come and play some UMK3 and MK9(when it hits) with us.
9.95 said:
LOL, anytime, Terry.

BTW, I see you're from NY... I'm in Long Island, as is another Mod, Dark Rob. We get together to play all the time and we'd love to have you come and play some UMK3 and MK9(when it hits) with us.
I thought I saw you mention that somewhere but for the life of me I couldn't remember where. That'd be awesome! Once I get some free time off work I'll shoot you guys a PM.

Also, I've uploaded the NBA Jam NANI programmer emails to my website which goes into even more detail about the history of Midway games. There are four parts, and you can read them here: http://theworldwarrior.com/?p=312 . Enjoy!


Your Source For All Things MK Arcade Related
Actually, he didn't really fool me. I took into account that it was April Fools, on top of the fact that the board wasn't out and visible like the NBA Jam board was. Also, the "ultimate mk3" on the boot up screen wasn't shown, nor was the character select screen. I thought, "Hey, cool," but I was 99% sure it was a hoax. I was thinking "Character Screen or it didn't happen."
MK3fan said:
Actually, he didn't really fool me. I took into account that it was April Fools, on top of the fact that the board wasn't out and visible like the NBA Jam board was. Also, the "ultimate mk3" on the boot up screen wasn't shown, nor was the character select screen. I thought, "Hey, cool," but I was 99% sure it was a hoax. I was thinking "Character Screen or it didn't happen."
The "Ultimate MK3" boot screen was actually replaced to say "Trilogy", but there was a very unfortunate reason why I wasn't able to show it.

I have a Sony Handycam that I use to film everything as my 5D Mark II can't autofocus videos for it's life. But the Handycams (at least mine) have a viewfinder problem - what you see in the camera's window is less than what's recorded. What that means is if I positioned the camera in a way that only showed the letters "TRII" like I originally wanted to, I'd see TRII in the window but it would actually record "TRILOG" and end up ruining the surprise. For some reason the viewfinder crops out ~5% of what it's actually recording, and because of this there was no way for me to show it without accidentally moving a hair out of place and spilling the beans. But I'm glad you brought it up, because it gives me a chance to elaborate on the level of detail I put into it (even if it was fruitlessly).

On a side note, I really need a new camera. Horrible in regular light conditions let alone low light, not compatible with iMovie at all and gives tons of encoding errors in Movie Maker... I can't win with this thing.