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Combo List - Ermac MKX Ermac Combos Thread


Let Be Be Finale Of Seem
I've been doing njp, jk, teleport but I cant get anything after the teleport because they drop too fast
Because you already started the combo with a teleport. You can't have 2 teleports in 1 combo or it drops them to prevent more hits. (kinda like in MK9, although ppl found ways around it but here it's harder)


MoS Ermac
Lots of ppl r using run in their combos, I personally don't see a need with it wif ermac MoS. It just complicates combos when a simple easy walk forward will do the trick
Just made a quick, day oneish combo videos. Let me know what you think, any mistakes and corrections you have to offer. I'll look up the thread and try to come up with more stuff!


The gap in the F21D2 is really a big risk as it seems. Tested against Sub-Zero and he can punish it in all variation with everything but Ice Ball and Aura.
Slide, Ice Burst, Clone, Hammer and Parry all work. Just wait till second hit connects and armor through it :-/ Parry gives him a combo as you get frozen. Hammer and Ice Burst launch you for potential combo follow-up.

Here the break down from my testing against Sub (Sub moves all ex)
Vanish - works for everything. Shortest duration is enough for everything but Hammer. You need to hide a split second longer to dodge Hammer. Sub seems to recover faster from the Ice Burst as Ermac from the Vanish.

Teleport - avoids slide & the Hammer (ex teleport beats hammer and launches Sub). Parry & Clone give him a free combo; Ice Burst launches you and he can basically do whatever he wants.

Levitate - avoids everything but Ice Burst. Havent checked on the follow ups though. Maybe you can combo Sub out of it afterwards... Also prevents the clone from coming out; Sub jumps back but no Clone appears. Sub Zero gets a run cancel combo of off Ice Burst.

Soul Burst/Lift/Push - hits Sub if he goes Clone(?) or Parry. Rest will punish you. Ice Burst might give him a combo. I put a ? on the clone cuz i might be wrong... Clone wont out, Sub just gets hit. Either the clone is to slow to come out in general or i am to slow with the input :D

Soul Ball - same as push or lift with the difference that it doesnt break Subs parry. Lift and Push on the other hand hit Sub while his parry activates.

So against Unbreakable the risk for this string isnt too high it seems. Against Cryo and Grandmaster it looks extremly risky.

Sry for the wall of text.

P.S. porbably the wrong Thread for this... but didnt know how to put it and since we started this issue here... :)

EDIT: Dont think its a big changer but... ex Push sometimes beats ex Slide and Sub gets pushed away after loosing the Armor trade.
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Pancake Nipples

Everyone is OP
My first time posting but I found these two combos really easy to land, and since I'm a noob it makes things a lot more simple!
Master of Souls
34% (No Meter) Ji2, 4 ~ bf2, dash, bf1, nj2, f34
36% (No Meter) Ji2, f21d2, f3 ~ bf2, dash, bf1, nj2, throw
Sorry if my notation is wrong I tried to do it correctly :p
MoS ermac

Looks like lots of people like jip after f21d2 personally I like to use f4 after it then bf2. My max DMG combo so far is 52%.

Jip,f4,bf2,jip,f21d2,f4,x-ray =52%
Or can skip the x-ray and end with db1MB,b321 = 42%

I like f4 as a starter into bf2 good overhead or b3 as a good low starter into bf2.I never burst my soul balls cause it is a waste no need.

Also b321 is a killer overhead low mixup for decent DMG

My bnb is
F4,bf2,jip,f21d1,f34 = 36% no meter

Works with B3 as a low starter as well.

If can I like to end combos with b321 cause it maximum DMG.
Think f21d2 as a starter is kind of hard and slow so I prefer the overhead or low or just use naked db1 MB into f21d2 bf2.
I like these very much, couldnt land the bnb ender though. you have to walk a tiny bit forward for the f34 to hit.

a bit more execution heavy but 3% off of a ji if you can pull it off:

jip,f4,bf2, jip, f21d2, jik, tp, 222, db1 40%

can also swap the f4 with b3 ofc


MoS Ermac
I like these very much, couldnt land the bnb ender though. you have to walk a tiny bit forward for the f34 to hit.

a bit more execution heavy but 3% off of a ji if you can pull it off:

jip,f4,bf2, jip, f21d2, jik, tp, 222, db1 40%

can also swap the f4 with b3 ofc
Thanks for that. I'll try the extra 3% when I get home.

To land the f34 or b321 ender you need to walk forward like you said and wait a second to throw it out. An easier ender would be f43 little less DMG.
I played Liu Kang until now but I'm thinking of moving to Ermac since I think he'll fit my playing style more.

I want to play Mystic variation though and all of the combos I saw here are for MoS. Are there any combos listed for Mystic you guys found out?

Also any general tip for a nooby Ermac would be awesome (good strings to use, good normals, good ways to punish, etc.)

Thanks in advance :)


I like those corner up soul blast combos:


Jip, 222 xx up soul blast, d1 xx tele-hold, walk forward, f21d2, 22 xx hang'em trollololol
41dmg and easy peasy

If you hang'em midscreen you can push them in the corner with dash and 3 empty forward jumps. After the 3rd jump you land right in time for a 50/50. Just don't Corner yourself after the 3rd jump
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KH Fusion
whats the most damage found off a raw ex teleport? and what about a normal tele?

trying to determine if its ever worth it to ex tele vs regular tele as a punish.

also, what are all his wake ups that have armor? just push (in mystic) and regular projectile across all variations or does he have more?


@zaf, can you start compiling the combos we have found in the OP?
This guy..... Makes the thread. Doesn't update it, but asks someone else to do so ? Damn.... lol

I have compiled all of the combos in this thread.
I am updating the Main OP now. I just need to format the main post.
Would also of helped in @Metzos Grabbed the 2nd and 3rd posts...but anyways lol

So it seems you went through the same thing with sub, that I did with Mileena. Good stuff.
I dont see the gap being a problem in F21(HERE)D2.

First off, your opponent has to show you that they are capable of even doing this against you.
When they do show this to you, you have options.

I think that this deserves a thread of it's own

Same goes for the soulball standing resets in MoS variation.


About the armor check the general discussion please. There are post about it on the last pages :)

Regular tp was something start 20s% while ex tp end 20s%... i think.
Damage-wise i think regular tp and using the bar to do ex-lift might be better or at least the same. On the other hand ex-teleport will beat several armor moves.

There are lots of Mystic combos here too. Meanwhile zaf updated the OP, you will find plenty there.


@zaf... yeah seems you are right at the end...
Didnt think of the fact that he has to punish it appropriately in the first place. Also the fact that he needs to make sure that he has the means to do so.


So for the people who have been testing out the combo ender with soul ball to keep them standing, I modified the original combo by @insignis and got 2% more out of it. Will update the OP with the new ones

F21d2, j3~tp, b12 ~ soul ball, j1,b12 - 31%

New one
F21d2, j3~tp, b12 22 ~ soul ball, j1,b12 - 33%

The difference is adding in the 22 after the teleport b12.


So for the people who have been testing out the combo ender with soul ball to keep them standing, I modified the original combo by @insignis and got 2% more out of it. Will update the OP with the new ones

F21d2, j3~tp, b12 ~ soul ball, j1,b12 - 31%

New one
F21d2, j3~tp, b12 22 ~ soul ball, j1,b12 - 33%

The difference is adding in the 22 after the teleport b12.
I tried this one but almost always failed to connect 22...


On the other hand ex-teleport will beat several armor moves.
how? what is the difference bettween regular teleport and enhanced one? except for start up frames. EX still has no armor. I dont get what you mean when you say that it will beat out armored moves.
also, please anyone explain to be PRACTICAL USAGE (!!!) of vanish? and EX VANISH? (only faster start up?)


MoS Ermac
Hey guys

Here are all of the combos and the percentages that have been found so far.
They will be grouped together by Variation.

Master of Souls

****Using Soul ball near the end of the combo to leave them standing****
F21d2, j3~tp, b12 22 ~ soul ball, j1,b12 - 33% and leaves you with +23. You can throw for 12% damage or continue pressing with low/overhead. And I believe opponent cannot armor through or anything.
F21d2, j3~tp, b12 22 ~ soul ball, j1,b12 - 33%
F21d2, j3~tp, b12 ~ soul ball, j1,b12 - 31%
Jp, F21D2, run cancel, 222, BF2, Jp, 222, DB1 (36%)
F21D2, Run cancel 4xxBF2 Dash BF1 NJ2 J3xxDB4 222 (38%)
F21D2 Run cancel S4~Soul ball ~ burst soul ball Jump kick teleport 222~Lift (36%)
F21D2 Run cancel S4~Soul ball ~ burst soul ball Jump kick teleport B12 22~Lift (37%)
Jp, f21d2, Jk, Teleport, 22, soul ball, walk foward, soul release, 22, soul blast (36%)
Jip, f21d2, run cancel, b21 b21 222 lift (38%)
Jip f21s2, run cancel b21 b21, teleport, d1 lift (36%)
Ji2, f21d2, f3 ~ bf2, dash, bf1, nj2, throw (36%)

b2 hold, run cancel, 222, bf2, j2, f21d2, run cancel, 22, db1 (36%)
b23+412, run cancel, 22 bf2, j2, 22, db1 (21%)

F4xxBF2, dash, BF1, njp, jKxxDB4, step forward 222 (33%)
F4xxBF2, dash, BF1, njp, jKxxDB4, run cancel 222~Force lift (34%)
F4,bf2,jip,f21d1,f34 = (36%)
jip,f4,bf2, jip, f21d2, jik, tp, 222, db1 (40%)
Ji2, 4 ~ bf2, dash, bf1, nj2, f34 (34%)

Bf2,jip,f21d2,f4,bf2 = (31%)

1 Bar of meter
****Using Soul ball near the end of the combo to leave them standing and using 1 bar of meter****
f4~tp, d1~ex lift, f21d2, run, b12~soul ball, j1,b12 - 36%
b3~tp, d1~ex lift, f21d2, run, b12~soul ball, j1,b12 - 34%
b12~tp, d1~ex lift, f21d2, run, b12~soul ball, j1,b12 - 32% - reverse position
b12~ex lift, j1, f21d2, run, b12~soul ball, j1,b12 - 30% - wall carry
222~tp, d1~ex lift, f21d2, run, b12~soul ball, j1,b12 - 35% - 2 is Ermac's fastest move so good punish I guess

In each you can do soul ball after d1 and lose around 10% damage but, again, potential damage will make it worth.
j2, 112, db 1 + block, 22 bf 2, j2, 222, db1 (30%)

j2, 222, bf 2, j2, 222 db 1 + block, run cancel, 222 db 1 (36%)
j2, 222, bf2, j2, f21d2, run cancel, 222 db1 + block, 22, db1 (39%)

j2, f21d2, run cancel, 222, bf2, j2, 222, db1 + block, 22, db1 (39%)
Jp, f21d2, jk tp, f4, bf2, dash, bf1, njp, f4, ex db1, f4,db2. (40%)
j2, f21d2, run cancel, 222, bf2, dash in bf 1, jump 4, db 4, dash cancel 22, db1 + block, dash cancel 22, db1 (39 %)

F4xxBF2, dash, BF1, njp, jKxxDB4, run cancel 222~EX Force Lift run cancel S3~soul burst (36%)
F4-tele, d1-ex lift, f4-bf2, jip f21d2, f4 lift (39%)
Jip,f4,bf2,jip,f21d2,f4,db1MB,b321 = (42%)

Bf2,jip,f21d2,f4,bd1MB,b321 = (36%)
Db1MB,f21d2,bf2,jip,b321 = (31%)
j4, db4, 222, bf2, j2, f21d2, run cancel, 22 db1 + block, 22, db1 (37%)
db4 + block, run cancel, 22, bf2, j2, f21d2, run cancel, 22, db1 (32%)

j2, f21d2, nj2, j3, 222, db1 + blck, 22, db1 (42%)

jip, 222, db2 (press up for the upward angled blast) 222, bf2, walk/dash back, jip, f21d2, njp, 22 lift. 43% meterless that keeps them in the corner.
jip, 222, db2 (press up for the upward angled blast) 222, bf2, walk/dash back, jip, f21d2, njp, uppercut, d1 lift. 46% meterless that hits them out of the corner.

j2, f21d2, run cancel, 222, bf2, j2, 222 x-ray (49%)
Jip,f4,bf2,jip,f21d2,f4,x-ray =(52%)


****Using Tele Hang near the end of the combo to leave them hanging. The purpose of this is to make meter as they are hanging in the air upside down. You have time to perform 3-4 Instant air soul blasts. Also when the opponent falls after the hang, they take 10% unscaled****

jip-f21d2-jik-teleport-222-hang (28% and 10% from the drop)
jip, f21d2, jik, tp, f4 lift 37%
jip F21D2 JK teleport B12 222~Lift (30% and 10% from the drop) ( this will also do 2% less without a Jp at the start)

11xx Teleslam, njp, f21d2, *run cancel*, 34xx force push= 26%

jip, 222, tp, d1 lift, njp, f4 push 30%
22xx Teleslam, njp, f21d2, *run cancel*, 34xx force push= 25%

f21d2, *hold forward slightly* f4xxTelepunch, d1xxTeleslam, njp, *tap forward*, 33xxForce Push = 31%
jip, f21d2, jik, teleport, 222, Lift, njp, b12 push 35%
jip, f21d2, f21 lift, njp, f4 push 30%
jip, f21d2, f4 lift, njp, f4 push 31%
Jip-f21d2-jik-teleport-222-hang-b2(full)-push 34%
F21D1 F4 Tele D1 Lift NJP 22 Push 31%

f4xx Teleslam, njp, f21d2, *run cancel*, 34xx force push= 29%
b3xxTeleslam, njp, f21d2, *run cancel* 34xx force push = 27%
JiP, b3, tp, d1, TKL, f-dash, NjP, b2, 1, d2, TKP = 29%

jik, teleport, 222 Lift, njp, b12 push 28%

1 Bar of meter

****Using Tele Hang near the end of the combo to leave them hanging. The purpose of this is to make meter as they are hanging in the air upside down. You have time to perform 3-4 Instant air soul blasts. Also when the opponent falls after the hang, they take 10% unscaled****
jip, f21d2, jik, tp, 222, ex lift, b12 lift, 32%+the troll damage (should be 42% total)

F4xxTeleport, D1xxEx Hang, F2, 1, D2 *run cancel* 4xxHang (1 bar, 29% +10% from the hang)
Same combo off of B3xxTeleport, but it's 27% +10% from hang


jp, f21d2, jk tp, f4, db1, dash, njp, f4, ex db1, f4, bf2. Deals around 37 or 38%

jip-f21d2-njp-uppercut-xxtelehold-jik-teleport-hold (44%)
Jip, 222 xx up soul blast, d1 xx ex-tele-hold, walk forward, f21d2, 22 xx tele-hold (41%)
Ji2, 222, db 1, dash, nj.2, f21d2, 22, db 1+block, dash, d2, d2 (35%)

Uppercut, ex lift, f21d2,lift for 33%
Uppercut, ex lift, f21d2, runcancel, f4 lift 36% (runcancel not needed but for me its easier to connect f4 this way)
Jip, 222 xx up soul blast, d1 xx ex-tele-hold, walk forward, f21d2, 22 xx tele-hold (41%)

AA Teleslam combos
. aa Teleslam, njp, f21d2, *run cancel* 22xx force push = 21%
. aa Teleslam, njp, f21d2, *run cancel* 34xx force push= 23%


So far not many have been looking into spectral. No one has been posting combos for this variation.

Thanks for updating, great job compiling all those combos!!!!


MoS Ermac
So what's the best we can do off of his overhead? I haven't spent too much time yet, but in MoS I have:

F4xxBF2, dash, BF1, njp, jKxxDB4, step forward 222 (33%)
Op has good combos all listed there:
F4,BF2,jip,F21D2,F34 36% no meter
F4,BF2,JIP,F21D2,F4,DB1MB,B321 40% (42% with jip)