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MK11 SHANG TSUNG Discussion


There it is...
So what's the deal with his corner launcher string. F242 or whatever the input is. Mid low mid.

Its Liu kangs but the gap is only pokable by like 6 frame pokes reliably so basically can only flawless block.

Then he can end the string with a different ender that triggers on counterhit or punish in case you mash poke or you just get hit with different timing trying to flawless block.

It nets about 270 meterless after

It starts off a slow-ish mid but on paper it's pretty stupid.


Every time someone farts, a demon gets his wings
Alright alright guys. Hear me out.

I've started whiffing b1 into d2 on the opponent's wakeup and it hits waaay more than it should. Honestly I feel my soul fading away each time I use it... luckily I usually steal my opponent's at the end of the KB combo.

It'll probably stop working this well once people figure out the match up, but that's just one more reason to abuse it!

God I love Shang!
I´m abusing that shit as long as it works xD Gonna be fun going for b3 after b1 when people start blocking high

I was never a Shang fan in the old days but in MK11 I love him, having so much fun using him atm. Thx NRS for that cool character


This character has the following mixup options... wtf:
Low-overhead-into full combo
Mid-body drop
Mid-Low-frame trap (if you get hit by last hit you can do groundskull for full combo)
Mid-Low-Krushing Blow
Mid-Low-body drop
Mid-Low-safe skull
Mid-overhead (is a launching krushing blow)
Amazing stagger with 114 string..

Im probably missing a few

Yes some are fuzzyable but when you have allll these options, you will be hit

If you guys cant open someone up with this character, you might as well put down the controller
It's a little nuts how complete he feels with the amount of strings that he has compared to some of the other cast.


Thank you @16 Bit and NRS for hotfixing the full screen parry on Shangs B2112(liu kang used to be able to parry the last hit of that string fullscreen and Teleport to opponent into 45% combo)

It does look like Shangs Forward Throw went from (10% dmg + 4% heal) to (12% dmg to 2% heal.) Personally I feel this is to small of a lifesteal and I'd be willing to give up damage to get more back. Maybe (7%dmg + 7%back)? or go back to 10% damage to opponent and 4% health to shang.
His lifesteal on his throw was one of the coolest things he had. The 2% has nearly to no impact in gameplay, any string or projectile will chip that amount easy.

Does anyone else notice any other changes on shang? I'm checking damage now
the damage boost on the Soul Steal was a part of the hotfix as well, he didn’t have it before. I have just watched my yesterday’s recordings, and all my damage is normal when morphed!


Anyone else feel like this character is going to prove to be unbalanced? He has so many tools that are plus on block, has overhead / low mixups, chance for stagger pressure, zoning tools. Seems to have it all


Mr. Righteous
Apparently....during my stream last night, i found this out. Im pretty sure y'all know this already, but its feels so fulfilling to pull off ;)


Saltea Moonspell

"Mind Over Matter" I dont mind, and X dont matter
In the soul variation, you can do in the corner:

df3 ex, b1 (wiff) 2(kb) follow up for nice damage.

Another thing about the corner, the df3, when opponent is in the air, can be followed up by juggle.

Still working on the followups and general labbing


Mr. Righteous
I just wanted to share. So I did some lab work earlier and I found that Shang Tsung's b2 can be a pretty good answer for teleports. Tested it on Scorpions, it can definitely be done on reaction. Hope anybody here finds this little bit of tech useful. :D
This will definitely come in handy against them wifi Scorpions, but does the follow up (1,1) auto corrects and hits them too? Or just the B2?


The 5th Yonko
Jesus this thread is so huge it's impossilbe to read all this and I don't want to make a fourm post so hopefully someone help me with this. Which variation should one main? I see a lot of people using the first variation but Ive been in the lab with both and they are both honestly great


Zoning Master
Ground eruption going from -11 on block and -16 on FB to -16 on block and -21 on FB is the result of the hotfix as well
The in-game frame data is inaccurate, but these numbers have not changed since yesterday on the PS4. My guess is you play on PC.

Which variation should one main?
Everyone is using Warlock because of ground eruption which results in easy combo opportunities and very good space control. What is great about Spellmaster? Screaming soul is slow, soul well takes too long to start up, and I have no idea what scatter souls is designed to do. This variation is either bad as many others are in the game or I am seriously missing something.
so did they botch shang tsung or what, is it possible to soul steal do the stolen characters string and then finish with a shang tsung ender or not. If its not possible then it feels out if place for this character. Also they should have a let you return back to shang tsung after soul swapping with the stance change. He feels like nothing shang tsung in his tournament variations.
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Nope, you are locked in the morph animation so you cannot go mk9 on opponents. I am not having fun with him atm either, i prefer Shinnok and mk9 Shang. His two running moves, f4 and f3 are annoying me too, Sub's was already a wasted move and i never feel threatened when opponents do them.
Legit so disappointed wanted to do combos switch to shang and juggle with ground fireballs, mk9 shang was perfect. they could've made him special by letting u press l2 to change to shang tsung at any moment and being able to continue combos. Also soul steal being a knockdown is another disappointment. I realize they probably did this so people can play him without learning the entire roster, but as a result just makes him a generic character.
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