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MK11 GGs Thread


EFL Founder
I gotta learn both those matchups, also need sparring partners in general. I main Liu (think I'm switching to Wu Shi). I'll be around on PSN tomorrow 7-10pm est approx if you wanna add me. Same name on PSN
You should join the TYM league, it starts next week. I’m on my phone or I would link you.


The future of law enforcement.
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F22d1+3 and f22u1+3 are special cancellable. I usually go for db4 and take my turn if they press buttons, but you can make the big read and amp db1 for a combo.
Oh wow, ha, I had no idea... Now if they could just fix it whiffing on crouching-blocking opponents...

Second Saint

A man with too many names.
Oh wow, ha, I had no idea... Now if they could just fix it whiffing on crouching-blocking opponents...
Yeah, I genuinely believe she's hit box issues and a couple of buffs away from being solid af in Buzzed. Arachnophobia needs more work, though. Both abilities buffed, maybe Widow's kiss dropped to 1 slot and bombardier beetle put in.

Lt. Boxy Angelman


Did someone say Box?

:D !

...I am not funny.

Y'all should add me.
PS4, DoctorAngel333.
Clean Cut Kabal.
Help me kill all the terrible habits and melt off all the rust. I have not fought remotely seriously since like 2016. I have not stuck to one character literally ever. So I am trying to keep the momentum going. It is neat.