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MK - UMK3 online (Wazz vs Comon)


How do you record kaillera while playing? We used to use this odd version of mame that'd record for you, but for the life of me I can't remember the name of it...
mud said:
How do you record kaillera while playing? We used to use this odd version of mame that'd record for you, but for the life of me I can't remember the name of it...
It is very simple. Use the videocapture program for record. It "SnagIt"


Ah yes, I've used snagit... For some reason I have the worst luck while recording while playing online with anything like that. I've even tried on my 8 core and it doesn't seem to work as well as I'd like. I'm about feed one computer's video output to another computer and record that way.


mud, use kaillera 120 in any version of mame and while you are playing by p2p or on servers push the "record game" button. It'll save in .krec file. You can open this record in kaillera's "playback" menu though.