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Mentality of a Successful Competitive Player


Boob Titbot
Original Author: DucKe

For those of you who live under a rock and remain unaware, Bloodline Champions is meant to be a competitive game. It was designed to be hardcore. It was intended to reward motivated individuals who want to win and it was intended to walk over so-called casual players. At least, that’s how it was supposed to be from the beginning.

Some people feel like SLS has “dumbed down” the game by adding filler content (e.g., achievements, marketplace, carrots on sticks, etc.) in order to appeal to casuals. However, even with the filler content, BLC remains a highly competitive game that aims to be one of the best e-sports games ever.

If you play BLC on a regular basis, there is a 99 percent chance that you want to get better. Even if you’re already a skilled player, you can still improve. But before you go off and read guides and watch videos and play game after game after game, you need to get your attitude straight. Whether you realize it or not, the path to becoming a top-tier competitive player is determined before you even log onto the game.

Trait #1: Humility

The very first thing you need to do is get over yourself. You’re not the perfect player. You may be good, you may be awesome, but you’re not perfect and you never will be. If you want to become a top player, you need to embrace this fact.

Part of the reason you lost that game 30 minutes ago was because you did not play optimally. Don’t even try to excuse your mistakes by placing blame on your teammates. Sure, maybe you had two complete newbies on your team in SMM, or maybe your 3′s teammates were both high. Who cares? Just because they performed badly doesn’t mean you didn’t!

Stop blaming others when you lose. Stop focusing on the performance of others. Acknowledge that you’ve made mistakes in every round you’ve played, and acknowledge that you will never play a game without making a mistake. Yes, even if you’ve won every tournament for the past 5 years, you still have room to grow.

There’s always something that you can improve upon. If you don’t have this mindset, you’ll just keep telling others to get better while continuing to make the same mistakes over and over again.

Trait #2: Passion

Once you’ve come to terms with the fact that you’re not perfect, you need to cultivate the desire to reach perfection. In other words, even if you will never actually be perfect, you need to have the drive to aim for perfection.

There’s an important distinction to be made here regarding the direction of your passion. There’s a subtle yet significant difference between someone who wants to win and someone who wants to improve.

Millions of people around the world “want to win,” just like millions of musicians “want to be famous” and millions of business graduates “want to be rich.” Every once in a while, people with this attitude may get lucky and succeed, but when you look at the majority of the successful players, musicians, and entrepreneurs, they got there because they just loved doing what they do and they just wanted to improve.

In case you missed it, I’ll repeat it. The successful ones got there because they just loved doing what they do and they just wanted to improve.

If you want to get better, you’ll get better. If you just want to win, you’ll give up long before you get there.

Trait #3: Originality

The competitive nature of e-sports can be compared to the competitive nature of real sports.

Roger Federer. Michael Jordan. Pele. What do all of these players have in common?

They don’t follow; they lead. They don’t copy; they create. They don’t plagiarize; they pioneer. They take in everything about their respective games and they formulate their own rules, their own ideas, and their own styles. They take the time to understand the deep intricacies of their respective games, and then they use all of that information to blaze trails and to find the best way to accomplish a particular goal.

When you see a top-tier team tear up the opposition, don’t idolize the players. Don’t think, “I want to play Spearmaster like Jackazzm.” Instead, look at the players’ playstyles, their actions, and their maneuvers. Examine them closely and try to critique whatever they do. Take in everything they’re doing right and throw away everything they’re doing wrong. And then move on.

If you idolize a player, you’ll only become as good as that player. If you study his playstyle, you can evolve beyond. Be original and be a pioneer.

Trait #4: Dedication

If you really want to get better, you need to be dedicated. No one ever became a chess grandmaster by playing two days a week. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with being a casual player, but if you want to become a successful top-tier player, casual isn’t going to get you very far.

Dedication doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to play 8 hours a day, 6 days a week. However, if you only play 30 minutes a day, you can throw away your hopes of matching the players who dedicate hours and hours to get better.

There’s really nothing more to be said about this. Either commit to getting better or make peace with the fact that you will be mid-tier at best, especially once the e-sports aspect of BLC picks up and players train hard to become the #1 team.

Trait #5: Discipline

Lastly, if you want to become a top-tier player, you need to be willing to train.

Are you missing over half of your Toxic Vials? Can you never seem to land a perfect Volcano? Do you find yourself in bad positions time and time again? As you face strong and stronger opponents, the number of mistakes that you can afford to make in any given game will drop lower and lower.

If you can’t hit your skills and if you can’t dodge the enemy’s skills, you’re not going to win. Period. You need to remedy that. Not only must you be dedicated, but you must be dedicated to discipline yourself. You need to practice specific skills, like aiming and dodging, and you need to perfect your timing on combos, as well as other things.

Furthermore, you need to train with your team. Practice your synergies and form some chemistry between you and your teammates. Even if you stuck the best players in the world onto the same team, they could still perform horribly due to a lack of chemistry or failures in communication.

In essence, training will help you to form good habits while simultaneously destroying bad habits. Training helps you reach that point where you can play BLC on an instinctual level, and that will give you an edge over your opponents.
Haha, good shit. I remember reading this article when I played BLC and had forgotten how good it was. Completely agree with all points, although this might be a little hard for people to get the finer points of the article if you don't know Bloodline Champions, but general concepts absolutely apply to all games.


Boob Titbot
You can pretty much insert [any game, any move, etc here] in place of what he wrote and it's still all the same.