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Left 4 Dead


seems like gears 2 is a disappointment
I don't know about a disappointment, but when the first game sets the bar so high, it's very difficult to live up to or surpass those expectations. Gears was so good in so many ways that people knew what to expect, so when Gears 2 was basically more of the same with only a few minor changes, it's good, but not much different.

It's also that there are SO MANY new games out that are good that Gears 2 just isn't getting the attention it probably deserves.
left4dead is awesome, havent played co-op yet, but single player is intense. Tim it is better than dead space, but not sure yet about re5.
I suppose, but I've been a Valve supporter since they graced the gaming world with Half-Life in 1998 (I have the original box to date :D). I will always give them my money, and I will eventually buy L4D, but the demo just doesn't do it's price tag justice especially when TF2 was released at $30 (and is now down to $20) and has gone through more than 50 updates and content additions.


I suppose, but I've been a Valve supporter since they graced the gaming world with Half-Life in 1998 (I have the original box to date :D). I will always give them my money, and I will eventually buy L4D, but the demo just doesn't do it's price tag justice especially when TF2 was released at $30 (and is now down to $20) and has gone through more than 50 updates and content additions.
Valid point. I played the demo and it felt like a poor man's Condemned to me.
I don't know about a disappointment, but when the first game sets the bar so high, it's very difficult to live up to or surpass those expectations. Gears was so good in so many ways that people knew what to expect, so when Gears 2 was basically more of the same with only a few minor changes, it's good, but not much different.

It's also that there are SO MANY new games out that are good that Gears 2 just isn't getting the attention it probably deserves.
totally agree
It's also that there are SO MANY new games out that are good that Gears 2 just isn't getting the attention it probably deserves.
Tell that to my friends list who doesn't do shit but play Gears 2.

A game that's out that isn't getting the attention it deserves is Fallout 3.
Tell that to my friends list who doesn't do shit but play Gears 2.

A game that's out that isn't getting the attention it deserves is Fallout 3.
Shit I hear more people talk about Fallout 3 than GoW2. I literally hear no talk about GoW2.

But my friends are also mainly PC gamers...and Fallout is a PC franchise, so that would explain that.
I hate that we can't talk about any other FPS without someone going "JEEZE GEARS 2 DOESN'T GET ANY ATTENTION." like that's actually how it is or "WOW GEARS IS WAY BETTER THAN THIS CRAP". If you really believe that, you're stupid.
I hate that we can't talk about any other FPS without someone going "JEEZE GEARS 2 DOESN'T GET ANY ATTENTION." like that's actually how it is or "WOW GEARS IS WAY BETTER THAN THIS CRAP". If you really believe that, you're stupid.
how are you gonna call someone stupid if its just a matter of opinion


Dojo Trainee
I thought I read somewhere in Left 4 Dead if you die you can come back as a Zombie?

Am I mistaken?
I thought I read somewhere in Left 4 Dead if you die you can come back as a Zombie?

Am I mistaken?
No, you can't. However, you can play versus mode which is 4v4 with four players controlling boss zombies and four players controlling the survivors trying to complete the mission. It's a shame that you can only do two of the campaigns in versus, as it's by far my favorite mode so far.