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Kung Lao General Discussion thread


Everyone Has A Path
Can someone explain the Lao/Lao utility? Any of the decent Laos I fought have used Goro.
Low Hat stuff. Ending a combo with 121 xx Held Low Hat gives you some hard to blockable armor break setups and can keep your overhead safe. Low Hat and Divekick gets you in for free if you time it right. Safe ender off B2 if you're just poking with it. In the corner, Low Hat jails into 212, so he gets extremely sticky since 2 and 21 are both plus on block. Technically, you can dash up and jail midscreen but it's tight. Buffs his zoning too, since he has a cooldown on his projectiles. It can keep Guided Hat safe at midscreen and stop them from crouching under Buzzsaw.

Teleport after the Punches ender gives you a meaty. Spin doesn't combo off 212, so that's real annoying.

The biggest issue I have is Low Hat often pushes you too far out to jab check on block. Against Johnny, it doesn't seem like you can really do anything against his 6-frame d1.

This is my Day 3 Lao, so I don't even know if it's that good or where all the counterplay is.
I've found absolutely ZERO use in spin, except for using it on prediction that someone is gonna use the Sareena knives fullscreen. I EX it and now I can just walk us into the corner for absolutely free. But good players don't just throw that out randomly. Only other time I use it if I don't feel like anti-airing with standing 4, very rarely do I use the spin. Even as an anti air option it's not that good because it's hitbox against aerial people leaves much to be desired.

That aside, i'm really sad about this iteration of Kung Lao. I'm still gonna main him, but man it's just not as satisfying as MKX or 11 Lao.
Eh it armors through gaps that bf2 ex whiff on like barakas df2. It has a place


Prince of Edenia
serious question - Kung Lao mains - how can you encourage me to try him out and give him a chance?

He seems quite bland - aesthetic-wise - in this game. His strings are maybe ok in terms of dmg output, but there is nothing flashy/fancy with him.
Who is the best kameo for him? (And I really want to avoid Lao+Lao from ideological reasons).

I have a weird relationship with this character. Whenever he is in the roster, I feel like he doesn't deserve the spot and he is only a boring sidekick with annoying personality and as far as he is considered iconic, he should easily be replaced, even with Kai. Yet both in MKX and MK11 his gameplay and flashy combos were great and I enjoyed playing him.

In MK1 - I just cannot see it and I can't make myself into liking this character. Lack of teleport, weird d/u input for spin. His specials are just... boring and his animations are so "normal".

I really want to get more into this character but maybe I'm doing something wrong gameplay-wise. What are his best strings/kameo pairings/gimmicks? Is he a decent zoner? Just to point out - I'm speaking only from the perspective of casual player who is very much into MK lore and not that much into frame counting/lab addiction.

Thanks in advance!


From an aestetic standpoint, I like the monk/kung style of animations he has. They're not amazingly flashy, but I think they look cool. He also has a bit of a cocky and ambitious demeanor which I sort of enjoy.

From a gameplay standpoint, he has a really full kit. gapless block pressure, solid damage, good overhead/low mixup with the right kameo, solid projectiles. He can fit a lot of playstyles and pair well with a lot of kameos. Safe armored move that can combo with the right kameo.

Tips on playing him:

Far from optimal but should at least get you going.


serious question - Kung Lao mains - how can you encourage me to try him out and give him a chance?

He seems quite bland - aesthetic-wise - in this game. His strings are maybe ok in terms of dmg output, but there is nothing flashy/fancy with him.
Who is the best kameo for him? (And I really want to avoid Lao+Lao from ideological reasons).

I have a weird relationship with this character. Whenever he is in the roster, I feel like he doesn't deserve the spot and he is only a boring sidekick with annoying personality and as far as he is considered iconic, he should easily be replaced, even with Kai. Yet both in MKX and MK11 his gameplay and flashy combos were great and I enjoyed playing him.

In MK1 - I just cannot see it and I can't make myself into liking this character. Lack of teleport, weird d/u input for spin. His specials are just... boring and his animations are so "normal".

I really want to get more into this character but maybe I'm doing something wrong gameplay-wise. What are his best strings/kameo pairings/gimmicks? Is he a decent zoner? Just to point out - I'm speaking only from the perspective of casual player who is very much into MK lore and not that much into frame counting/lab addiction.

Thanks in advance!
Why do you even want to get into him, when you don't find him flashy or interesting or you always think of him as a waste of a slot? There are so many different characters to chose from.

For me personally, I like that he is the normal farmer shaolin boy, that is so good at his fighting style, that he can keep up with all those supernatural freaks.

Gameplay wise he is really fun for me with his micro dash combos, moving around with whiffed divekicks. He is one of the very few that has a 6f move that can even be canceled into full combos.
He can't really zone, cause his projectiles have a cooldown. But he can't be really zoned either, cause his projectiles are really good and he has great mobility

He has the best attitude he ever had, yes he is young and cocky, but he isnt as arrogant as he was in other games.

Kung Lao is imo the best kameo for him, but Goro is a close second. I think about double Lao pairing as one beeing the great kung lao.


Prince of Edenia
Why do you even want to get into him, when you don't find him flashy or interesting or you always think of him as a waste of a slot? There are so many different characters to chose from.
Because eventually, I love all MK characters. (MK - not guests, fuck guests). And I want to play all of them and having fun with them either on single player mode or online. And I'm not talking about mastering character to a god level.

I will try him out with Goro - that's actually funny having in mind the OG history of MK.
After pretty much exclusively playing Kung Lao since MK1’s launch, I think I can confidently say that he’s just okay.

As far as Kameo pairings go, your best bets are Kung Lao and Goro.

Kung Lao gives you mix potential and better neutral presence with the low hat, the spin gives you a launcher but I will note that you can’t do the low hat setups within the same combo as the spin (they need to hit the ground first and “reset” for the low hat to be delayed again). I think the teleport sucks though.

Goro gives you an armored launcher for your wakeup into 330ish damage or it being possibly plus when blocked, opens up combo routes that you wouldn’t normally have, a side switching launcher, hard to avoid unblockable stomp setups, and cheeky crouching throw combos.

I’ve seen some Scorpion use as well because it does a very similar job to Goro for the combo routes, but the extra damage you might be getting (haven’t thoroughly tested it) just isn’t worth losing the utility of the others.

Frost can be a dark horse pick for her snowball combo setups, but they’re heavily dependent on opponent conditioning and making them to scared to try and counter. She also gives you a stun/combo extender, even from fullscreen.

Looking at Kung Lao himself, let’s start with the negatives.

Either he can’t really play neutral at all or his neutral game is just really bad (like, you probably feel awkward or uncomfortable when you’re not right in the opponent’s face). The hat tosses are okay, with one giving you a knockdown on hit and the other hitting mid. But the problem with them is that the cooldown time between hat tosses is ridiculous. Really, the best options you have in the neutral are trying to selectively dive kick all over the place or estimate a decent range to throw out B3, 4. His button range is average, at best. He doesn’t really feel like he has viable anti-air buttons. He’s got some plus frames (+3) off of B4 and 2, 1, but they don’t really feel like usable plus frames in that you seem almost limited to D1, D3, D4, or a throw if you feel like taking a risk. His jump punches are awful because they have no vertical presence. He has some decent mids, but no hit confirmable mid, which is really just a screw you in netherrealm games, but especially for a character that doesn’t really have any mix either. And lastly, thematically/aesthetically the hat is barely a part of his character identity in his moveset.

As far as positives go for Kung Lao.

He has one of the better armor breaking options in the game in 3, with 2, 1 also being viable (anything above 15 start up frames is basically a guaranteed break. anything 15 start up frames or lower requires stricter timing. and you’re just not armor breaking Ashrah, Havik, Johnny Cage, and General Shao. Although, you can avoid the wakeup attacks of the latter 3). He’s got solid damage and corner carry. His combos aren’t that challenging to do. Spin can counter most wakeup options in the corner and it can even be used for flash parry offense, provided you’ve got reads like that. There might be some cheeky cancel pressure here, but it really just depends on the opponent. 2, 1, 2, DB4 (enhanced) can force the opponent into a guessing scenario of holding your jump punch on the way down for continued offensive pressure, they can try to up block which you can counter with an empty drop to the ground for a throw, they can try to anti-air or air-to-air which you can counter with a dive kick (and if they try to anti-air with D2, they’re in so much recovery that you can dash back in for a full B2, 4 punish). If you try this in the corner or your opponent is using one of the few characters in the game that have unique uppercuts that can clip your dive kick behind their head, you can cover your descending jump punch with Goro which will lead to offensive pressure or a full combo if they slack on blocking. And if the DB4 (enhanced) hits, just go for your usual combo of like 300ish damage.

So to summarize, you can definitely play Kung Lao, but you’re going to feel like you’re trying pretty dang hard to make things work most of the time. He needed more dirt than what he got. Feel free to let me know if I’ve missed or misunderstood anything.


Where is crossplay?
After pretty much exclusively playing Kung Lao since MK1’s launch, I think I can confidently say that he’s just okay.

As far as Kameo pairings go, your best bets are Kung Lao and Goro.

Kung Lao gives you mix potential and better neutral presence with the low hat, the spin gives you a launcher but I will note that you can’t do the low hat setups within the same combo as the spin (they need to hit the ground first and “reset” for the low hat to be delayed again). I think the teleport sucks though.

Goro gives you an armored launcher for your wakeup into 330ish damage or it being possibly plus when blocked, opens up combo routes that you wouldn’t normally have, a side switching launcher, hard to avoid unblockable stomp setups, and cheeky crouching throw combos.

I’ve seen some Scorpion use as well because it does a very similar job to Goro for the combo routes, but the extra damage you might be getting (haven’t thoroughly tested it) just isn’t worth losing the utility of the others.

Frost can be a dark horse pick for her snowball combo setups, but they’re heavily dependent on opponent conditioning and making them to scared to try and counter. She also gives you a stun/combo extender, even from fullscreen.

Looking at Kung Lao himself, let’s start with the negatives.

Either he can’t really play neutral at all or his neutral game is just really bad (like, you probably feel awkward or uncomfortable when you’re not right in the opponent’s face). The hat tosses are okay, with one giving you a knockdown on hit and the other hitting mid. But the problem with them is that the cooldown time between hat tosses is ridiculous. Really, the best options you have in the neutral are trying to selectively dive kick all over the place or estimate a decent range to throw out B3, 4. His button range is average, at best. He doesn’t really feel like he has viable anti-air buttons. He’s got some plus frames (+3) off of B4 and 2, 1, but they don’t really feel like usable plus frames in that you seem almost limited to D1, D3, D4, or a throw if you feel like taking a risk. His jump punches are awful because they have no vertical presence. He has some decent mids, but no hit confirmable mid, which is really just a screw you in netherrealm games, but especially for a character that doesn’t really have any mix either. And lastly, thematically/aesthetically the hat is barely a part of his character identity in his moveset.

As far as positives go for Kung Lao.

He has one of the better armor breaking options in the game in 3, with 2, 1 also being viable (anything above 15 start up frames is basically a guaranteed break. anything 15 start up frames or lower requires stricter timing. and you’re just not armor breaking Ashrah, Havik, Johnny Cage, and General Shao. Although, you can avoid the wakeup attacks of the latter 3). He’s got solid damage and corner carry. His combos aren’t that challenging to do. Spin can counter most wakeup options in the corner and it can even be used for flash parry offense, provided you’ve got reads like that. There might be some cheeky cancel pressure here, but it really just depends on the opponent. 2, 1, 2, DB4 (enhanced) can force the opponent into a guessing scenario of holding your jump punch on the way down for continued offensive pressure, they can try to up block which you can counter with an empty drop to the ground for a throw, they can try to anti-air or air-to-air which you can counter with a dive kick (and if they try to anti-air with D2, they’re in so much recovery that you can dash back in for a full B2, 4 punish). If you try this in the corner or your opponent is using one of the few characters in the game that have unique uppercuts that can clip your dive kick behind their head, you can cover your descending jump punch with Goro which will lead to offensive pressure or a full combo if they slack on blocking. And if the DB4 (enhanced) hits, just go for your usual combo of like 300ish damage.

So to summarize, you can definitely play Kung Lao, but you’re going to feel like you’re trying pretty dang hard to make things work most of the time. He needed more dirt than what he got. Feel free to let me know if I’ve missed or misunderstood anything.
You are entitled to your opinion but I dont think you are getting why so many pro/strong players are putting KL in top 5.

Having a good mid would just make KL broken. Think about how Raiden is probably the best char in the game and his F2 mid is pretty slow. Mileena, considered strong, slow mid.

KL excels with Goro/KL and I think most KL players will agree with this. The fact you have the best armor move in BF2 added on with Goro is either plus on block or almost 300 damage means you absolutely cannot safely pressure KL and have to be very careful with certain strings

F2 overhead is excellent range and with Goro its safe. So he can actually play at a more comfortable range than most

If he had dirt like raiden or baraka he 100% would be the best char in the game. He is perfect as is and dont be surprised at major tournaments to see more KL
You are entitled to your opinion but I dont think you are getting why so many pro/strong players are putting KL in top 5.

Having a good mid would just make KL broken. Think about how Raiden is probably the best char in the game and his F2 mid is pretty slow. Mileena, considered strong, slow mid.

KL excels with Goro/KL and I think most KL players will agree with this. The fact you have the best armor move in BF2 added on with Goro is either plus on block or almost 300 damage means you absolutely cannot safely pressure KL and have to be very careful with certain strings

F2 overhead is excellent range and with Goro its safe. So he can actually play at a more comfortable range than most

If he had dirt like raiden or baraka he 100% would be the best char in the game. He is perfect as is and dont be surprised at major tournaments to see more KL

For sure, I genuinely have no idea what pro/strong players are talking about when they have Kung Lao as a top 5 character. But then again, I had no idea what people were talking about when they put Kotal Kahn as an S tier character in any iteration of MK11 (I pretty much exclusively played Kotal Kahn in that game, along with some flex Kung Lao play). I’ve not seen or heard an argument (on either front) that didn’t have counters readily available, but I’m open to them.

I only commented on Kung Lao lacking a hit confirmable mid, not the speed of his mids (12 and 13 start up frames is fine as is). But I fail to see how having that would make him broken. In my opinion, he doesn’t really have too much of anything going for him in terms of getting to his hits.

Don’t get me wrong, Kung Lao/Goro is good (especially at lower levels of play). But I do think it’s being over-touted right now (I’d actually argue that Ashrah probably has the best armored wakeup in the game, but I suppose we’re just splitting hairs at this point). The BF2 (enhanced) wakeup can net you some big damage on a careless opponent, but it has 19 start up frames, so it can be comfortably armor broken by a sizable portion of the roster, neutralizing the damage and/or plus frames. And pressuring Kung Lao on knockdown isn’t exactly necessary to begin with. This varies between characters, but Kung Lao generally gets dominated in the neutral against a competent opponent. And even when you get in, Kung Lao’s buttons are only comparable to most of the cast when you’d be looking for them to be superior on a character designed like this. And sure there are gaps on strings that can be armored through, but a competent opponent just wouldn’t do them at all or knows how to cover them properly, eliminating the counter scenario.

I don’t know, perhaps you and I just have different ideas on what constitutes good range for a normal. I would say F2 has marginally more range than 1, B2, or B3 (decent), but not so much that I would call it a meaningfully noticeable difference. I’d be looking for range more in-line with Kung Lao’s F2 from MK11 or B2 from MKX.

I don’t think any character needs dirt to the degree that Raiden and Baraka got (and that’s not what I was looking for Kung Lao to have), but just some degree of dirt would’ve been nice. I can give you serviceable - heck, I can even give you good. But I don’t know that I can give you perfect as an acceptable descriptor for Kung Lao. But we all can and will have differing opinions on the matter, which is cool.
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Where is crossplay?
Up close he stil has 8 frame starting 21 which is a high mid where its plus 3 on block which is huge. His sweep is also plus 3 on block. So maybe, dont mean this in a bad way, ur looking just at analytical numbers and not seeing how he can pressure and stagger better than most chars. His movement is extremely good as well

Bf2 armor should only be used for defense anyway and to punish strings. Throwing it out randomly, if they know the mu, isnt advised I agree with that

Like nobody wants to sit there and eat plus 3 21 on block. If u down 1 and KL backdashes, its F2 overhead to chunky damage. You cant panic your way out of pressure vs KL compared to other chars. Backing up and dive kicking (if u have the reactions) is what I see pros do as well.

I honestly think it depends on ur playstyle. Double KL is absurd pressure cause its just always available plus makes his zoning even stronger


After pretty much exclusively playing Kung Lao since MK1’s launch, I think I can confidently say that he’s just okay.

As far as Kameo pairings go, your best bets are Kung Lao and Goro.

Kung Lao gives you mix potential and better neutral presence with the low hat, the spin gives you a launcher but I will note that you can’t do the low hat setups within the same combo as the spin (they need to hit the ground first and “reset” for the low hat to be delayed again). I think the teleport sucks though.

Goro gives you an armored launcher for your wakeup into 330ish damage or it being possibly plus when blocked, opens up combo routes that you wouldn’t normally have, a side switching launcher, hard to avoid unblockable stomp setups, and cheeky crouching throw combos.

I’ve seen some Scorpion use as well because it does a very similar job to Goro for the combo routes, but the extra damage you might be getting (haven’t thoroughly tested it) just isn’t worth losing the utility of the others.

Frost can be a dark horse pick for her snowball combo setups, but they’re heavily dependent on opponent conditioning and making them to scared to try and counter. She also gives you a stun/combo extender, even from fullscreen.

Looking at Kung Lao himself, let’s start with the negatives.

Either he can’t really play neutral at all or his neutral game is just really bad (like, you probably feel awkward or uncomfortable when you’re not right in the opponent’s face). The hat tosses are okay, with one giving you a knockdown on hit and the other hitting mid. But the problem with them is that the cooldown time between hat tosses is ridiculous. Really, the best options you have in the neutral are trying to selectively dive kick all over the place or estimate a decent range to throw out B3, 4. His button range is average, at best. He doesn’t really feel like he has viable anti-air buttons. He’s got some plus frames (+3) off of B4 and 2, 1, but they don’t really feel like usable plus frames in that you seem almost limited to D1, D3, D4, or a throw if you feel like taking a risk. His jump punches are awful because they have no vertical presence. He has some decent mids, but no hit confirmable mid, which is really just a screw you in netherrealm games, but especially for a character that doesn’t really have any mix either. And lastly, thematically/aesthetically the hat is barely a part of his character identity in his moveset.

As far as positives go for Kung Lao.

He has one of the better armor breaking options in the game in 3, with 2, 1 also being viable (anything above 15 start up frames is basically a guaranteed break. anything 15 start up frames or lower requires stricter timing. and you’re just not armor breaking Ashrah, Havik, Johnny Cage, and General Shao. Although, you can avoid the wakeup attacks of the latter 3). He’s got solid damage and corner carry. His combos aren’t that challenging to do. Spin can counter most wakeup options in the corner and it can even be used for flash parry offense, provided you’ve got reads like that. There might be some cheeky cancel pressure here, but it really just depends on the opponent. 2, 1, 2, DB4 (enhanced) can force the opponent into a guessing scenario of holding your jump punch on the way down for continued offensive pressure, they can try to up block which you can counter with an empty drop to the ground for a throw, they can try to anti-air or air-to-air which you can counter with a dive kick (and if they try to anti-air with D2, they’re in so much recovery that you can dash back in for a full B2, 4 punish). If you try this in the corner or your opponent is using one of the few characters in the game that have unique uppercuts that can clip your dive kick behind their head, you can cover your descending jump punch with Goro which will lead to offensive pressure or a full combo if they slack on blocking. And if the DB4 (enhanced) hits, just go for your usual combo of like 300ish damage.

So to summarize, you can definitely play Kung Lao, but you’re going to feel like you’re trying pretty dang hard to make things work most of the time. He needed more dirt than what he got. Feel free to let me know if I’ve missed or misunderstood anything.
I don't think he is top5 but he is really good.
There is no matchup where I feel like I am in an disadvantage or have a losing matchup.

In an offline / perfect online connection environment B2,4 is actually hit-confirmable.

Try anti airing with a low profiling D1, take one step forward stand1, air to air, D2, spin or up block... he has different options for different ranges/situations.

Can he keep up with Tanya or Ashrah F2 range? No, but he would be busted if he would. And those moves are kinda slow. He has one of the best D4s in the game (range, fast, safe, pushback on block). Hit one D4 and you are in.

About the Kameos, if I played Goro, I was missing the neutral of KL low hat, especially in the corner for setups and if I played KL I missed meterless combos and armored combos. I wanted both and I found a middle ground. Sonya! You get armored / meterless combos with her ambush. You have neutral health like KL, you dont have a low hat, but in the corner, you can charge her rings after an bf4 ender, stand 3 or b3,4 on hit and get huge block advantage for mixups.
Is it the best of both worlds? No, but it works for me, cause Sonya has also way less cooldown on her ambush, so you can use it more often than Goro and she has the best meterless forward throw in the game. And you can use her ambush with your zoning, so they cant jump it. I think Sonya might be up there as a top3 KL Kameo.
Up close he stil has 8 frame starting 21 which is a high mid where its plus 3 on block which is huge. His sweep is also plus 3 on block. So maybe, dont mean this in a bad way, ur looking just at analytical numbers and not seeing how he can pressure and stagger better than most chars. His movement is extremely good as well

Bf2 armor should only be used for defense anyway and to punish strings. Throwing it out randomly, if they know the mu, isnt advised I agree with that

Like nobody wants to sit there and eat plus 3 21 on block. If u down 1 and KL backdashes, its F2 overhead to chunky damage. You cant panic your way out of pressure vs KL compared to other chars. Backing up and dive kicking (if u have the reactions) is what I see pros do as well.

I honestly think it depends on ur playstyle. Double KL is absurd pressure cause its just always available plus makes his zoning even stronger

2, 1 does leave you +3 on block, but you can’t really enforce anything meaningful off of that. Your mids, which aren’t even hit confirmable, are 12 and 13 frames normally on start up. Subtracting the plus frames brings those down to 9 and 10 frames on start up. So even with the plus frames factored in, both of those mid options cleanly lose to a D1, which is average 7 frames on start up across the entire roster. F2 is even slower on start up, so that’s off the table. With the plus frames, you have a throw that turns into 7 frames on start up, but that’s a duckable high, so risky. Same for all of your other high starters, even if the speed is there. So that just leaves D1 and D3 as your only viable options, which both effectively end your offensive turn when blocked. The only thing you can really do to try to offensively capitalize on those plus frames is special cancel BF2 (enhanced) off of one of the previously mentioned low pokes and hope for a cheeky launch combo with Goro or get to more usable plus frames (anywhere from +6 to +12), provided you’ve got the meter to spend but I’m not sure that would be the best use for it. But even still, that leaves the question of how does Kung Lao open people up. And B4 also leaves you +3 on block, but it creates so much space that it basically resets neutral to a degree and renders the plus frames not usable in the way that you’d ideally want. I agree, his movement and staggers are quite good, but at the same time, there’s only so much stagger because they start reacting to it.

I’ll grant you that 2, 1, backstep/backdash, F2 is a legit thing (although, there are some D1s that this strategy gets checked by), but I feel you’d do better to just use B2, 4 instead since you’d still be within its effective range as well. And all of that is predicated on the opponent challenging with a D1, which I don’t think is a good or even necessary idea. The matchups I’ve struggled the most in are against opponents who are patient and stay buttoned up because they know Kung Lao can’t actually threaten to open them up if they don’t make a mistake. They just wait for me to try something ill-advised and risky to get something going or just wait for my turn to end on something negative or an eventual throw. For me, I’d hold that chip and throws all day looking for a good counter opportunity.

Back up and dive kick is a really strong strategy, provided you’ve got the life lead to make your opponent chase.

For sure, a lot of this is playstyle dependent conjecture. In no way am I saying I’m right and you’re wrong. But I do like double Kung Lao. I kind of think base Kung Lao should just have all of those attributes to himself, but that would probably be too much on top of also having a kameo.


Zoning Master
Bf2 armor should only be used for defense anyway and to punish strings. Throwing it out randomly, if they know the mu, isnt advised I agree with that.
One of the most powerful aspects in NRS fighting games has been safe, armored launchers because they allow you to steal turns while playing neutral or pressuring. People despised fighting a character like Tremor who would throw out pokes, and when you retaliated with your own pokes or your fastest mid string, you would get launched. For this reason, the armor on most armored launchers was removed in MKX in the last patch.

Kung Lao with Goro can play this meta because EN b,f+2 advances forward, has moderately fast startup considering its range, and leads to 30%+ combos, the most damaging in the game after an armored launcher. So for the Kung Lao players asking "Where is the dirt?" THIS is the dirt. LOL. And you should take advantage of it before NRS decides to add damage scaling after EN b,f+2 or Goro's up punch.


"Never say 'never'
serious question - Kung Lao mains - how can you encourage me to try him out and give him a chance?

He seems quite bland - aesthetic-wise - in this game. His strings are maybe ok in terms of dmg output, but there is nothing flashy/fancy with him.
Who is the best kameo for him? (And I really want to avoid Lao+Lao from ideological reasons).

I have a weird relationship with this character. Whenever he is in the roster, I feel like he doesn't deserve the spot and he is only a boring sidekick with annoying personality and as far as he is considered iconic, he should easily be replaced, even with Kai. Yet both in MKX and MK11 his gameplay and flashy combos were great and I enjoyed playing him.

In MK1 - I just cannot see it and I can't make myself into liking this character. Lack of teleport, weird d/u input for spin. His specials are just... boring and his animations are so "normal".

I really want to get more into this character but maybe I'm doing something wrong gameplay-wise. What are his best strings/kameo pairings/gimmicks? Is he a decent zoner? Just to point out - I'm speaking only from the perspective of casual player who is very much into MK lore and not that much into frame counting/lab addiction.

Thanks in advance!
He's got some dirt, did you know you can combo his B33 into neutral Goro for a full combo?
They start blocking low and taking the B34 overhead? B3 into back Goro for a full combo
Armored launcher into up kameo (Goro) to full combo

Lao and Goro is crazy. I didn't realize how much so until the DashFight guide today on youtube
I don't think he is top5 but he is really good.
There is no matchup where I feel like I am in an disadvantage or have a losing matchup.

In an offline / perfect online connection environment B2,4 is actually hit-confirmable.

Try anti airing with a low profiling D1, take one step forward stand1, air to air, D2, spin or up block... he has different options for different ranges/situations.

Can he keep up with Tanya or Ashrah F2 range? No, but he would be busted if he would. And those moves are kinda slow. He has one of the best D4s in the game (range, fast, safe, pushback on block). Hit one D4 and you are in.

About the Kameos, if I played Goro, I was missing the neutral of KL low hat, especially in the corner for setups and if I played KL I missed meterless combos and armored combos. I wanted both and I found a middle ground. Sonya! You get armored / meterless combos with her ambush. You have neutral health like KL, you dont have a low hat, but in the corner, you can charge her rings after an bf4 ender, stand 3 or b3,4 on hit and get huge block advantage for mixups.
Is it the best of both worlds? No, but it works for me, cause Sonya has also way less cooldown on her ambush, so you can use it more often than Goro and she has the best meterless forward throw in the game. And you can use her ambush with your zoning, so they cant jump it. I think Sonya might be up there as a top3 KL Kameo.
I agree, most of Kung Lao’s matchups either go 5-5 or 6-4, in their favor.

Hey, if you can somehow hit confirm B2, 4, then more power to you. I think the lion’s share of the MK community would probably struggle to replicate that though.

I’ve just settled on up blocking being my anti-air option because I’ve tried all of the ones you’ve mentioned and they just feel really inconsistent or very likely to lose out, but maybe I’ve just been running into characters with excellent jump kicks. Maybe my reactions aren’t good enough, but I didn’t find spin to be a viable anti-air option outside of making a hard read or spending a bar of meter for faster armor activation.

Kung Lao with Tanya/Ashrah range would look so goofy for his thematic identity lol, so thankfully that’s not a thing. But I did go back and checked F2 range again and it’s actually not as bad as I originally thought. But for some reason, I still have never felt like it was a very reliable whiff punishing option. Maybe I just want a button/string that can be more reliably useful in the neutral. Other than B3, 4, using D4 is the only other thing I’m comfortable with that in neutral and it’s a good button.

Thanks for the Sonya shoutout though. She sounds like a respectable Kameo pick that I’ll have to get around to trying.


Where is crossplay?
He's got some dirt, did you know you can combo his B33 into neutral Goro for a full combo?
They start blocking low and taking the B34 overhead? B3 into back Goro for a full combo
Armored launcher into up kameo (Goro) to full combo

Lao and Goro is crazy. I didn't realize how much so until the DashFight guide today on youtube
Sadly B33 and B34 both have gaps in the strings, so use this sparingly if they know this