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Kombat Tomb Podcast - Episode 44

Johnny Based Cage

The Shangest of Tsungs
Also, I'm glad you guys are back. You've been making my day every time you release an episode for YEARS now and I truly appreciate it. So damn relatable; you make even the most filthy-casual of us online warriors feel like we're in the salty suites with y'all living that life.

My only argument with this episode in particular would be with Slips' anti-airs rant because he seemed to gloss over the fact that d2's were buffed significantly in Injustice and it helped the game tremendously. Also because fuck him and his j3; that shit is broke lol.


Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
Also, I'm glad you guys are back. You've been making my day every time you release an episode for YEARS now and I truly appreciate it. So damn relatable; you make even the most filthy-casual of us online warriors feel like we're in the salty suites with y'all living that life.

My only argument with this episode in particular would be with Slips' anti-airs rant because he seemed to gloss over the fact that d2's were buffed significantly in Injustice and it helped the game tremendously. Also because fuck him and his j3; that shit is broke lol.
Injustice's universal buff's to d2's was a good thing I agree. There were way less options for AA in that game though at the time compared to MKX now. I forgot to mention a lot of jump attacks can be low-profiled and air-to-air combos for MKX work good too along with the mentioned d2's, trip guards, neutral jump attacks, and armor.

That's SIX different ways to blow up jumping in MKX. That is plenty.