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Kombat Tomb Podcast - Ep. 40 with Zyphox


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
Why do you keep calling me an online warrior? I hate online (Can't combo for shit online XD ) and only use it to get matchup experience I can't get offline (Or one time for Pig's tourny because I really wanted to attempt to get to FR).
You are not in the online warrior section of that list of us lol; only Notez and Dark are.


Nightwing In Retirement
That NW conversation was tight. I'm still gonna leave this here for the record:

@Zyphox is about as cultured as a sterilized laboratory, I'm disappointed. I may be a youngin, but I've seen the majority of the movies they mentioned.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
T2 a kids movie???? GTFO here

Aliens > alien

Avatar is for pussys or for people who didn't know the story of Pocahontas or seen "dances with wolves "
Apparently there is a whole theory on T2 being geared toward adolescent boys with no father syndrome… it's odd.

T2 is the only movie that gives me action goosebumps…. Amazing film.


Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
That NW conversation was tight. I'm still gonna leave this here for the record:

@Zyphox is about as cultured as a sterilized laboratory, I'm disappointed. I may be a youngin, but I've seen the majority of the movies they mentioned.
For the record, nobody else has been able to block the "50/50" besides you in this vid that you recorded yourself. I guess your just godlike.


Nightwing In Retirement
For the record, nobody else has been able to block the "50/50" besides you in this vid that you recorded yourself. I guess your just godlike.
Honestly, I think that it just takes lots of experience against the character. I both play him and play against him more than anybody I can think of.

I won't argue that blocking between stand 2 and ground blast is easy because it really isn't.


Truth, justice and the American way.
@GGA 16 Bit @GGA Slips

Ignoring all aspects of Staff Stance, why does Nightwing's Flip kick - a move seemingly intended to be cross up overhead whiff on crouching opponents? Why does it inconsistently/never cross up some characters (big bodies/Black Adam) and some characters it does cross up? There's sooo much inconsistency, for what? How is this by design? How can I trust that this isn't simply oversight when so much about the character is just so clunky and fucked up?

NW would be such a great character if his hit boxes/move property/frame data supported his specials. Instead we have a character that prior to Day 1 patch had a very distinct design - into what he is now. A character with a 19 frame anti air special having the hit box the size of an M&M and a whiff recovery longer than Lightening Cage. Ugh....you guys get mad about all this "downplay" but explaining this shit is just depressing.

I'm tempted to drop $$$ on the GGA donation for some KTP time to talk about this nonsense, but honestly I'd rather just spend the money to fly out and stay in Chicago for a 4 day weekend or something. I keep hearing all this talk about Tony's and I feel like I'm missing out. I dunno.


Truth, justice and the American way.
@Zyphox "I want DJT's Flash to show me something"

For months, and months, and months I had people telling me CD Sr had the sickest Nightwing and everyone was wrong for sleeping on this character "wait until TFC wait until TFC" - he goes to TFC and he's playing Martian. Biggest goddamn disappointment of the year.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
That NW conversation was tight. I'm still gonna leave this here for the record:

@Zyphox is about as cultured as a sterilized laboratory, I'm disappointed. I may be a youngin, but I've seen the majority of the movies they mentioned.
were your parents born in america? because mine are not, i watched sabado gigante, cartoon network and spanish DBZ when i was a kid. i can understand if my parents were born here (i was born in queens NY) and grew up in america that this would be a huge blow up. but i didn't have access to these movies until i was old enough to get them myself, or download them on the internet. i watched a lot of those movies when i was like 5 - 6 years old when my parents got exposed to them. but i will have to hold all of this till i watch them. what movie from the plethora of movies listed should i download watch first?