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Kaillera Frontend & MAME32 tools


I'd like to introduce to you my Kaillera frontend. It's a small application to control Kaillera clients, and MAME. Making launching, and relaunching games painless. It's still in beta, but should be finished soon. If you've got any feature ideas, speak now, or forever hold your peace.

You can download it here. (If you want the source PM me)

The install is similar to MAME; put it in a folder, and run, it extracts stuff, and is required to stay in that folder (so don't run in your downloads folder).

Here's a video example of an older version

The wrapper will also utilize some external programs I created. To use them, just add them to the same directory as the wrapper, or read the settings.txt to learn how to define their directories.

whatsmyip.exe (src) is a small utility to copy your IP address to your clipboard. I've packaged it separately since some antivirus programs don't like it, because it obtains your IP address. There's also this chintzy batch file solution - whatsmyip.bat

ChgRes.exe (new version coming soon) is to change your resolution from a hotkey. Please read the settings.txt to learn how to use this, as it is not a stand alone program. Great for NWO's 2v2 Unlocker app (change res BEFORE Unlocker is running), and for users who have trouble running UMK3 at their desktop's max resolution.

Fullscreen Hotkey.exe is a modification to NWO's border remover, to force fullscreen modes on any game, by the touch of 1 hotkey. (*edit - this is still a little too buggy for public use. PM me if you want it)

Useful tools:

mame32ksettings.exe (src) is for vista/7 users who cannot access their default options due to the comctl32.dll error.

umk3hack119fix.exe (src) is a fix for the Juggernaut hack and MAME32 Plus! Plus! 0.119. Put it in your 119 folder, and run.

umk3 rom swap.exe (src) is to swap between umk3 juggernaut hack and the original rom. You can also use other hacks besides umk3. Just rename the exe to the parent rom name. EG mk2 rom swap.exe, mk3 rom swap.exe, mk rom swap.exe. It requires the parent rom to be the first name of it's own name. Idk why I made it this way, I just did :D

mame32k.bat (src) is a simple batch script that will force close mame before loading it. Useful for when a game crashes, and you have to force close it before you can start it again. Use it all the time instead of mame32k.exe to ensure 2 instances of mame aren't loaded (common problem). 119 users use mameppkgui.bat

ontophk.exe (src) will force (most) windows to stay on top. Not all that useful for gaming, but I get enough use out of it that I figured I'd hook someone else up. Default hotkey is ctrl+alt+shift+t you can in settings ini with the hotkey= key. The hotkey values can be found here.

Third party applications:

JoyToKey is a program that converts gamepad inputs to keyboard inputs. The wrapper will only launch this with itself, and close it when you terminate. (do any of you want Xpadder too?)

NetMon is a network monitor that pings an IP address to show you a live ping. The wrapper will automatically load this along side it, and insert the IP address that you are connecting to. (if you have a 27886 port attached to the IP, and do not have this port forwarded, it will not work. Just leave the port out)


Windows 7 (possibly Vista?) users may experience some problems with the November n02 client. Most installs of Win7 will not allow reading or writing to the Windows folder, and the nov client and the wrapper rely on an n02.ini that is written to this folder (client writes it there; can't change that). To fix this, you'll have either run as admin, or move the n02.ini to a new folder, and add a new window's environment variable (see 2 posts below).

Username menu - If you've already opened and closed the username menu, you will need to move the wrapper's GUI before you can open it properly again.

Add game - Currently the add game function is a little buggy. After adding multiple games, you will need to restart app to see changes. As well, if you add a game by rom name, it will show the last result it finds. For example, mk3 will add both Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 2.1) and Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.2) to the games list, however you will only see Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.2) until you reload the program (2 bugs in 1!). To avoid this, instead of adding mk3, add Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 2.1)

Change Log:
I'm too lazy to keep a change log, so I'll just post the date of the last modification here.
12-25-2010 (Yay, Christmas!)


Kaillera Frontend

Windows 7 bugs are fixed for the most part. By default Win7 will not let you write any files in the windows folder. Unfortunately the November n02 client keeps an n02.ini in this location, and there's nothing I can do to change that. Easy fix, run as admin, (theoretical) complicated fix below.

Windows is able to be adjusted to search for files if not found in the windows dir. To do this, you must add a variable path to window's environment variables.

Go to my computer, properties, advanced, environment variables - system variables menu find the variable "Path"

Once you've found this click Edit, add ;C:\whateverdirectoryyouwant (note the ; to establish a new path) then MOVE your n02.ini from your windows folder to that directory you just defined (you may have to adjust your folder settings to show hidden system files). One other thing, DON'T use any mame folder; the feb/aug n02 client uses ANOTHER n02.ini that's stored in those.

As stated before, this is theoretical. I have not tested, but it should work just fine.


Kaillera Frontend

Found some performance fixes in MAME32k 0.64 y'all might be interested in.

Go to Options (alt+o), Default Options (o), Miscellaneous

Disable MMX
Disable MMX 2 (removing these did wonders for me in linux)
Disable Netplay Autoframeskip (I assume you should only do this if you have the speed to back it)
If you're having some troubles running the game at full speed, disable performance counter. (once again, helped out a lot in linux)

Nvidia users, hit Alt+D for smoothing! (x820, this is the fix you were looking for)


Kaillera Frontend

Hrmm, that portion of the doc that info is from was around.60 release. Might have been an older feature, or nvidia has changed their drivers to disable whatever feature that was enabling.


Kaillera Frontend

Ever get tired of mame lagging out and freezing, and having to enter task manger to crash it out, and then have to reload it again? Then use my script :D. If you don't want to use the wrapper, I've found the simplest fix for this (besides using supra client, as you really should reload mame if you were the one who lagged out).

Create a text file with the below code, and save it as mame32k.bat (or just download it here). When MAME crashes, just load the bat, it'll close out mame, and start mame again. Using this all the time instead of mame32k.exe will also ensure that 2 instances of mame32k aren't loaded at once (can cause resource issues, and is very common).

taskkill /f /im mame32k.exe
taskkill /f /im mame32k.exe
start mame32k.exe
taskkill /f /im mameppkgui.exe
taskkill /f /im mameppkgui.exe
start mameppkgui.exe
IDK enough about taskkill to really say, but I think there's a possibility this won't work (as is) on some computers with username and passwords enabled.

As well, force closing mame at the wrong time will break it sometimes (even with task manager). To fix this, move your mame32k.ini, and dirs.ini (if you have custom dirs) from /ini/ into another folder. Reload mame32k.exe, then move those 2 files back, reload mame, and audit with f5 if need be.


Kaillera Frontend


Too many usefull tools in this thread to let it fade into the background.


Thanks X820.

I updated with links to source for a bunch of the tools. Main source coming once it's out of beta (soon).

As well, I lost the source for ChgRes.exe, but I wanted to rewrite that with more features anyway, so something new will be coming soon.


Boredom struck, and I had some fun with the mame32k.ini & SED. The results are a (fairly) complete replacement of the mame32k default game options menu (for win7/vista users who can't access it normally). Enjoy.

PS - Link is in the first post ;)
Hi mud,could please fix the link for this file mame32ksettings.exe (src) is for vista/7 users who cannot access their default options due to the comctl32.dll error.