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[Jul 5, 2015] Arizona - Weekly Ranbats (Glendale, AZ)

Arizona - AZHP Ranbats (Xbox One)
Jesse James Comics - 10620 N 43rd Ave #7, Glendale, AZ 85304
Link - http://azhpgaming.com/index.php/7-news/287

Stream Link: http://www.twitch.tv/azhpgaming

Arizona Mortal Kombat Community Ranbats v1 are here! AZHP Gaming realizes how important Ranbats are to the community and we hope to see everyone out, competing and having a good time!

We hope to not only help provide a hype tournament for the existing community members to grow and improve their game, but also help get new members to come in and be welcome within the community.

Discuss details of the season in the Arizona Mortal Kombat Community group on Facebook and please help spread the word on social media about the upcoming ranbats and the community itself!

Please refer to the following link for information about our tournament schedule and all Mortal Kombat related events that will be happening in the immediate future:


Please join us on Facebook if you are not already a member and are interested in competing or playing MKX locally:

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Just a reminder that our first Arizona Mortal Kombat tournament is tomorrow afternoon, looking forward to seeing everyone!

May 10 - AZHP Ranbats (Xbox One)
Jesse James Comics - 43rd Ave & Peoria
Link - http://azhpgaming.com/index.php/7-news/287


12:00n - Staff arrives and sets up
01:00pm - Casuals Start/Signups Start
02:45pm - Signups End
03:00pm - Tournament Starts
07:00pm - Tournament Ends*
12:00m - Location closes

*Tournament may end sooner depending on how many players entered.

-----LIVE STREAM-----
