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[Jan 14, 2012] Michigan Ranbats (Troy, MI)


Freebies for all
Here comes the new MI Ranbats Season!!!



We are also in dire need of setups. PLEASE BRING SETUPS AND UPDATE ALL OF THE GAMES ON YOUR CONSOLE IF POSSIBLE. (We have setups, but the more, the better.)

For updates regarding the Ranbats message Daniel "ThaVoice" Streety on Facebook

I will also be posting new info regarding dates, locations, and up to the minute news from the tournaments.

WE WILL START ON TIME! This is a MALL people. Games will start 30 minutes after said time. (For warm-up purposes)

11:30 am - KoF XIII Registration (If setups are not brought, it will NOT be ran)
{Will more than likely be ran on ps3 since only the ps3 owners brought the gear last time... :confused:}
12:00 pm - KoF XIII START (If setups are not brought, it will NOT be ran)

2:30 pm - Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (360) Registration

3:00 pm - Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (360) START

2:30 pm - Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition v2012 (360) Registration

3:00 pm - Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition v2012 (360) START

4:30 pm - MK9 (360) Registration

5:00 pm - MK9 (360) START

Fees and Prizes
All games are $10 each. $3 out of the 10 will go to the prize pool for the next Michigan Masters Exhibition. Venue is $5.

$7 will go to the prize pool for the current ranbat, and will be split 70/20/10.

$2 out of the 5 for venue will go towards TV's, game systems, games, controllers, arcade sticks, repair, tables, etc. There will be a list so EVERYONE can see how much money was saved and/or what it was spent on. (We did not do this last time because of time constraints)

If anyone has any questions just let me know. Not my event, but I know the guys putting it up...