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Is now the time to try a stick or hitbox?


This mean you don't like me?
My beloved Hori Fighting Commander 4 has unfortunately gone the way of the Ronda and thus has sustained too much damage to continue in a functional manner. Therefore I plan on scouting the horizon for a replacement or possibly even better controller option. After my experience with the ever so fucked up MKX PDP pad that was literally more of a waste of money than actually losing a one hundred dollar bill to the wind, I'm apprehensive. I could go and get a replacement for my fight pad, but feel that this is as good a time as ever to experiment with pad/stick options.

Aside from physical confrontations with the neighbors, I've never used a stick before and so obtaining one will mean I will have to learn how to use it, which I'm fine with doing. I play Street Fighter now, and a stick is pretty much made for that game. But Injustice 2 is on the horizon. I know a great deal of players play NRS games with stick, but I don't know if this is because they've already been used to the medium/have come from other games ala our NRS/SF brethren.

Assume money is no object: What would you recommend if you would recommend a stick for Injustice 2?

Do you have a fight pad in mind that you swear by?

Should I try getting a hit box? Do other fighting games mesh well WITH a hit box?

How are NRS games with stick? Do I need to use alternate controls? Weren't there issues with stick users and input buts in Injustice 1?

I'm an old man, so forgive me if these questions may have obvious answers. I'm not the most well versed in this field.

I don't think I'll be able to use the regular PS4 pad for the game. The controller just...doesn't feel comfortable for fighting games for me but I suppose I could also try and see how it works with IJ2. I mean, I suffered through the PDP pad's lack of response for at least a month before I realized I wasn't messing up combos, the buttons just weren't registering. Dear God, I've actually had the misfortune to see a man die in front of me a few years back and THAT was more enjoyable than using that fuck-forsaken pad. Possibly because I was the culprit.

Thanks in advance for any who can help.


you can play on a potato if trained enough

don't fall for the 'x is better played with y' meme, play with something that's comfortable TO YOU.
in my opinion you can be effective with anything, here's some observations:

- pad: no need to buy new equipment on platform change, some default pads are better than others but the gap it's definitely better than in the past

- hitbox: precision, if you drop inputs it's mostly your fault..you may need to buy/mod a new one each platform and isn't exactly comfy to carry around

- arcade stick: good all around, you can do everything with it and since the market is literally flooded you can get a custom one..same as the hitbox if you go to offline events


If money isn't an issue? Hitbox. No contest. It's a precise, well-designed and comfortable option that's easier to adjust to than a stick and, in my opinion, is better for NRS games. I have both console pads and a Qanba stick to compare it to and Hitbox wins free.

I've had mine a little over a year and use it for SFV, Skullgirls and Injustice. It works for any fighter as long as you put in the time.

x TeeJay o

Canary Cry Gapless Pressure
Hitbox is ridiculous. It's incredible for SFV,KI,MKXL,DOA. I imagine it's crazy good on tekken as well considering Arris was whining about it a couple years ago about it being cheap lol. I've played on PS4,xb1,xb1 elite, pdp pad, and tried out a stick before. Nothing comes anywhere close to hitbox my friend. Join the dark side

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
I play on Hitbox and I wouldn't use anything else but a hitbox. It allows me to easily execute things that would normally take a tremendous amount of practice, such as instant airs on both sides. It's also like a stick except that it doesn't have the travel time of a stick (back to forward feels more instant, for example).

I also play Street Fighter, and can say that it works great with it! Once again, stuff like instant air legs or divekicks or whatever are very easy and double tapping isn't a problem either, making some links easier to hit. DP motions and 360's all have there own shortcuts making it easy to pick up different types of characters. With Gief, standing 720's is a practical tool you can add to your arsenal. I also play SF2, 3s and the Alpha series on Fightcade, however Hitbox does not work well for somebody like me who is used to using the shortcuts that are available in modern fighters - so it's not that it doesn't work it's just that I don't prefer them in that situation (but I'm not high level in those games).

I started playing Hitbox in 2014, near the end of Injustice's life so that I would have just over a quarter of a year to learn and let me tell you, it was way more than enough time to get used to it and surpass my previous skill level with pad. If you want a Hitbox to reap all the advantages of them, then now is the time. I would highly recommend them, even if you play for a while then take long breaks - you don't need to be practicing your instant airs for example. You can get into the groove pretty quickly.

tld;dr - I vote Hitbox. I've been using Hitbox for years now and I would never change.

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Oh yeah, I have the old Hitbox so I bought a Brook Universal Fight Board PCB to install in my Hitbox so that it's just plug and play for XB1, PS4, 360, PS3 and PC. Not sure what the new Hitbox's have in them nowadays. You might need to research that further.
Damnit I was too late, but yeah if you're down with learning a new controller hitbox is probably the best if you plan on playing both NRS games and other fighting games. I tried one once and think it's just objectively better than a stick but I'm too lazy to throw out a decade plus of experience and learn how to throw fireballs again.


The future of law enforcement.
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Just want to pile on to that Hitbox train. Works on any system, very well-made, extremely durable, easy to store and travel with, no wireless bullshit to worry about, no accidental jumping, IA moves are easy, back-forward and up-downd/down-up moves are even easier. Their customer support is amazing (the owners of the company will deal with you directly). The only downside is that once you've tasted filet mignon, you'll never be able to go back to minute steak!



bad at things
when my hori pad should button died i used the PCB to make a hitbox. it was very easy. order a tek case with the hitbox layout http://www.tek-innovations.com/ and buy your buttons/wires. got a buddy to solder it up, tested the guts on PC and PS4, then hot glued the heck out of everything as i never plan on making any other changes. been going strong since. I made my own box and it turned out ugly but functional. i wish i had just ordered a tek box. if you get a tek box remember to put some button holes on the side or front for start/select/home.

my hitbox:

edit: i use my hitbox to play sfv, mkx, and soul calibur with no issues. planning on using it for injustice as well -- this seems pretty accurate: https://www.reddit.com/r/streetfighter/wiki/controllers
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Hitbox has a higher "learning curve" than stick and doesn't improve execution, it simply makes inputs more precise.

In my personal fgc career I've found NRS games are best played on pad. I played injustice on stick and pad and execution was a lot less stiff when I played on pad.

If you decide on hitbox, then the most updated version will probably be best.

If you choose arcade stick, I'd suggest the Hori RAP4, it's what I've used for the past 2 years or so and only now have I had to reconsider switching buttons. QANBA also has a new stick out that has a PS4 touch pad on it and looks sexy as fuck.

Oh and speaking of hitboxes, make sure which ever one you get is moddable and buttons can be easily replaced. Sooner or later you WILL need to replace buttons, a very simple and easy process. And some buttons feel better than others. So you may wanna shop around once you get your product and you feel your buttons aren't comfortable for you.


Filthy Casual
Agree with the "Hitbox if you can afford it" crowd. Hitbox directional inputs are so clean once you get used to the feel, it's almost like cheating.


The best mediocre Batman
While I could never get my brain to wrap around the intricacies of a hitbox, I do believe it is the better choice for NRS games. Especially considering that Inj 2 tournaments will run on PS4, and that D-pad is suspect.

x TeeJay o

Canary Cry Gapless Pressure
stick and doesn't improve execution, it simply makes inputs more precise.

I disagree. On a pad, no matter who you are, you are not getting leatherfaces instant air chainsaw at the lowest level 100/100 times unless you are probably Jesus himself. Technically the same could be said for Cassie's IAG. I have even seen sonic get njp or jump back 1. Point being it actually does improve execution THROUGH you actually being able to hit buttons more precisely. They kinda go hand in hand. Sure you could pick up a hitbox and be trash and have worse execution that's for any controller, but it's definitely the BEST method in improving your execution outside of practice and training ....

and the plexi is rough on palms.

This. Man it gets pretty raunchy I thought it was just me lol


bad at things
I disagree. On a pad, no matter who you are, you are not getting leatherfaces instant air chainsaw at the lowest level 100/100 times unless you are probably Jesus himself. Technically the same could be said for Cassie's IAG. I have even seen sonic get njp or jump back 1. Point being it actually does improve execution THROUGH you actually being able to hit buttons more precisely. They kinda go hand in hand. Sure you could pick up a hitbox and be trash and have worse execution that's for any controller, but it's definitely the BEST method in improving your execution outside of practice and training ....

This. Man it gets pretty raunchy I thought it was just me lol
I'd agree it is near advantage for NRS titles that have back->fwd inputs for specials, id also say it is a much slighter advantage for charge characters in sfv. Instant-air stuff in mkx is super easy on hitbox
My beloved Hori Fighting Commander 4 has unfortunately gone the way of the Ronda and thus has sustained too much damage to continue in a functional manner. Therefore I plan on scouting the horizon for a replacement or possibly even better controller option. After my experience with the ever so fucked up MKX PDP pad that was literally more of a waste of money than actually losing a one hundred dollar bill to the wind, I'm apprehensive. I could go and get a replacement for my fight pad, but feel that this is as good a time as ever to experiment with pad/stick options.

Aside from physical confrontations with the neighbors, I've never used a stick before and so obtaining one will mean I will have to learn how to use it, which I'm fine with doing. I play Street Fighter now, and a stick is pretty much made for that game. But Injustice 2 is on the horizon. I know a great deal of players play NRS games with stick, but I don't know if this is because they've already been used to the medium/have come from other games ala our NRS/SF brethren.

Assume money is no object: What would you recommend if you would recommend a stick for Injustice 2?

Do you have a fight pad in mind that you swear by?

Should I try getting a hit box? Do other fighting games mesh well WITH a hit box?

How are NRS games with stick? Do I need to use alternate controls? Weren't there issues with stick users and input buts in Injustice 1?

I'm an old man, so forgive me if these questions may have obvious answers. I'm not the most well versed in this field.

I don't think I'll be able to use the regular PS4 pad for the game. The controller just...doesn't feel comfortable for fighting games for me but I suppose I could also try and see how it works with IJ2. I mean, I suffered through the PDP pad's lack of response for at least a month before I realized I wasn't messing up combos, the buttons just weren't registering. Dear God, I've actually had the misfortune to see a man die in front of me a few years back and THAT was more enjoyable than using that fuck-forsaken pad. Possibly because I was the culprit.

Thanks in advance for any who can help.
TLDR.. there isn't one. read the damn response.

Very funny post and legitimate quest. I will explore the positives and negatives of your options.

Stick... while it is essential to beat off the random batmanbeatscaps of the world, there is a tremendous learning curve. I am talking 10,000's of games. Your muscle memory has to be completely changed, hitting quarter circle motions can be extremely hard depending on the type of grip you choose to use (use there are different ways to hold it... just ask your girlfriend) I do not recommend a switch to a stick UNLESS you are relatively younger (~20 years old ofryounger) as your plasticity is higher and it will be an easier tool to don.

Advantages? Other than personal preference it is easier to do insta/air motions. You can use alt controls and avoid the tragic d, d/b glitch****, some say your reactions are better though I am indifferent to this point.

Disadvantages? Hard to do MB specials, hard to move from d/b to b to block overheads on reaction (for the first 10,00 games you will move to the u/b, Learning curve... meaning you will lose a lot. But this might be a positive bc you will have a legit option select ("Im switching to stick bruh") I used that for awhile.

PS3/4 pad

Welp, the community's comfort zone. PS4 pad < PS3 pad. It all depends if you use the tip of your thumb or the pad of your thumb. If you use the tip, just the tip :), then this is likely your best choice.

Advantage's? Likely the easiest pad to have access to and avoid not having your tool of choice at a tournament. Works well with the mk controls if you use the tip of your thumb rather than your pad of thumb (interphalengeal for the nerds) and a sliding motion. Easy to do insta air motions b/c of the d, d/b shortcut/glitch. I have seen some freaks actually use the sticks on this pad instead of the d-pad. Knuckle du and wolfkrone are the two major ones. Knuckle du actually switchs from d-pad to analog mid match depending on what he is trying to do

Disadvan? Very hard to go from a crouching position to doing b, forward motions in mk9 controls. In alt controls you can slide d, d/b, b, f (and even error margin if you hi f, then accidentally u or d/f). You are subject to catastrophic input errors such as an intended defensive d1 instead you get an unsafe special.

360 pad
Advan: Basically the controller version of a stick if you use the pad of your thumb. My weapon of choice and @YOMI FOREVER KING s. I use the pad of my thumb (as does king) and could do tiger knee motions extremely easy. Could do insta air projectiles extremely easy even in alt controls. Biggest adv is that you have access to alt controls and can hit diagonals much easier than the ps3/4 pad.

Disadv: need brook convert or modded pad ($). unorthodox method. pushing the triggers at the same time can be tricky for supers. not many disadv here if you can stomach the learning curve. you get access to alt controls at the level of a stick user.
Hori pad and others
defer to @THTB as he has a lot of exp with these.

This is only good if you are an ambi or have piano exp. Very high learning curve but technically the best tool on the market for NRS games. You have a tremendous advantage. It gives you all the best things from a stick/ps3 pad/and disc d-pad like 360. Inputs are clean, you can do insta air motions and reversals at the highest possible level. Very high learning curve.

im at work and in a hurry. I can elaborate more later or answer specific questions

The infamous d/db glitch is in MK9, I1, MKX. Basically, you only need to hit two motions of the d, d/b, b for a special move to come out. Easier for insta air projectiles/motions but you get random specials when trying to dp defensive d1's or d2's. For example, I used a 360 pad for I1 mainly for this reason. The d, d/b glitch would give you a random shackles or meteor. I could not hit diagonals well with a ps3/4 pad, thus, needed the 360 pad, alt controls for easy diagonals and it is what I used for SF4 dhalsim.


Live by the sword, Die by the sword
My beloved Hori Fighting Commander 4 has unfortunately gone the way of the Ronda and thus has sustained too much damage to continue in a functional manner. Therefore I plan on scouting the horizon for a replacement or possibly even better controller option. After my experience with the ever so fucked up MKX PDP pad that was literally more of a waste of money than actually losing a one hundred dollar bill to the wind, I'm apprehensive. I could go and get a replacement for my fight pad, but feel that this is as good a time as ever to experiment with pad/stick options.

Aside from physical confrontations with the neighbors, I've never used a stick before and so obtaining one will mean I will have to learn how to use it, which I'm fine with doing. I play Street Fighter now, and a stick is pretty much made for that game. But Injustice 2 is on the horizon. I know a great deal of players play NRS games with stick, but I don't know if this is because they've already been used to the medium/have come from other games ala our NRS/SF brethren.

Assume money is no object: What would you recommend if you would recommend a stick for Injustice 2?

Do you have a fight pad in mind that you swear by?

Should I try getting a hit box? Do other fighting games mesh well WITH a hit box?

How are NRS games with stick? Do I need to use alternate controls? Weren't there issues with stick users and input buts in Injustice 1?

I'm an old man, so forgive me if these questions may have obvious answers. I'm not the most well versed in this field.

I don't think I'll be able to use the regular PS4 pad for the game. The controller just...doesn't feel comfortable for fighting games for me but I suppose I could also try and see how it works with IJ2. I mean, I suffered through the PDP pad's lack of response for at least a month before I realized I wasn't messing up combos, the buttons just weren't registering. Dear God, I've actually had the misfortune to see a man die in front of me a few years back and THAT was more enjoyable than using that fuck-forsaken pad. Possibly because I was the culprit.

Thanks in advance for any who can help.

Which Hori Fightpad did you get? Did you get the FC4 with the rotating pad or the Hori FC which is the one without the rotating pad? I've brought both but never had an issue with the regular FC. I purchased two of them last Spring. I still use them today with no issue especially for SFV. IMO, they are the best pad I have ever used on the current gen system.

I recently got the Hori Rap4 for Christmas. I agree with @PLAYING TO WIN . That it going to take tons of practice and muscle memory to get use to it. But I do see the benefits of the stick especially with a game like SF. I usually practice with it 20 mins then just play regular with the Hori FC. But I know it will take some time.

Personally I don't think there a discreet answer to which is better or worse. It really all comes down to preference and what you feel comfortable with.


Cassie's IAG
when I tried the hitbox I couldn't do iags right off the bat like I thought and I'm pretty consistent on an arcade stick.

the hitbox is not a magical artifact with no learning curve, you can still press both up and back/forward at the same time while on a stick, a qcb/236 move is carried by the lever throw itself and not your muscle memory
also the dexterity and mobility on the ring finger might not be on par with the index's one

anyways suggestion to op, test everything beforehand, sticks and hitboxes can have the same price range, be sure to pick sanwa parts
when I tried the hitbox I couldn't do iags right off the bat like I thought and I'm pretty consistent on an arcade stick.

the hitbox is not a magical artifact with no learning curve, you can still press both up and back/forward at the same time while on a stick, a qcb/236 move is carried by the lever throw itself and not your muscle memory
also the dexterity and mobility on the ring finger might not be on par with the index's one

anyways suggestion to op, test everything beforehand, sticks and hitboxes can have the same price range, be sure to pick sanwa parts
While I do use Sanwa parts for my sticks I think it's kinda silly to say use them exclusively. I do know a couple of people that have a serious preference for hori stuff, the hayabusa lever/buttons specifically. There's definitely some high quality competition out there and they do feel different/play different enough that you owe it to yourself to at least check them out. Seimitsu also makes a good quality product.