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IRL Johnny C moments


Filthy Casual
Share moments in your life where you have actually shouted or said in your head "That's how Johnny C do!" that is completely unrelated to mk.

I got stuck behind some ass at a traffic light that had tons of space in front of him and he was blocking the turning lane I had to get in to, so I honked and he barely moved, so I popped the curb, squeezed in and gave him the finger and shouted "THAT'S HOW JOHNNY C DO!"


Jesus Fucking Christ
I was at the bar a while back shooting pool with a buddy. Was in a pretty foul mood as it was. Fat girl (and I do mean fat) ballses up and approaches me after eyeballing me for a half hour. While I should applaud her courage, no fatties plz k thx. She says to me, "How long have you been growing your hair?". I reply, "How long have you been growing horizontally?"

Tears ensue.

THAT'S how Johnny C do.


Go to hell.
Got in a fight I obviously wasn't going to win.

Dropped down and punched him in the balls, "YA GOT CAYGD BRRRRRUUUUUUUUHHHH"

Took his eSports money and his sunglasses.

Purple Haze

Dojo Trainee
I was at the bar a while back shooting pool with a buddy. Was in a pretty foul mood as it was. Fat girl (and I do mean fat) ballses up and approaches me after eyeballing me for a half hour. While I should applaud her courage, no fatties plz k thx. She says to me, "How long have you been growing your hair?". I reply, "How long have you been growing vertically?"

Tears ensue.

THAT'S how Johnny C do.
Would have been funnier if you said horizontally.