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Insomnia O_O


cant sleep, cant fucking SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anybody else here has issues sleeping?
or am i the only idiot here thats up O_O


I'm a lover, not a fighter
I have had insomnia for 15 years. Most of the time I am fine (I am very used to it). I had some melatonin recently and I must say... it was great! It regulated my sleeping patterns for a week or so after. Give it a try.
Otherwise you could just masturbate LOL


Go to QT and buy the Neurosleep drinks, it actually works very well. I used to take Melatonin but it doesn't work very well anymore.

I had tried Ambien but that shit is just way to strong. I've heard so many stories of people who take it and then wake up in car accidents which is not to hard to believe.


Blue Blurs for Life!
You're not alone, man.

Sometimes my insomnia is a gift, because the night is the only time of day when I can avoid drama with some people. Gives you plenty of time to do some heavy thinking. Plus MK keeps us up really late, LOL.

All you can really do is just keep doing your thing and wait till you pass out. You can't force sleep. You don't decide when you need rest, your body does. That's how it usually is.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

The land of the sleepless is vast, my friend. I too can't doze off for beans.
Thank the gods I found this place. At least now my insomnia serves a purpose :D.

Chris is right...I started taking melatonin a couple of weeks ago, and it's the best.
Unlike the K.O. pills of the world, you dont wake up still drowsy with the desire to sever your own head...
Helps put you in a peaceful, easy mood, makes it way easier to get into rest/pre-sleep mode.

Sao...sucks that the vitamin lost its effect, but you're totally right. Ambien is evil. And god help you if you have to do something strenuous after you've taken it...I've never felt a more bizarre and out-of-control onset or woke up feeling shittier than waking up after taking Ambien. Literally felt like I was on autopilot and my brain was stuck in my body...and I have no qualms with catching a joyous buzz every now and again, but this was just...scary.

Melatonin rocks, friend Catch. Trust Box. It may not put you right to bed, but it'll definitely put you at ease without harm.

BLAKE: Isn't it awesome the cool shit one can conjure up just by being awake? Insomnia art ^^


Bone and Metal
I don't believe I have insomnia, but I have some of the most odd and random patterns out there. One week I don't sleep until 4 or 5 AM and wake up at noon, and other times I fall asleep on the couch at 11 PM and wake up at 6 AM or some other times in between.


Melatonin can work well, usually as a sublingual. Obviously don't take it in bright lights or it won't work, but just before you go to bed. Also, I hear you're not supposed to take it longer than a few days as it messes up your natural sleep signals. Also, NO caffeine past 2PM (if you go to be at 10PM).

If you don't work out reguarly, now might be the time. When I was working out daily, I never really had a problem sleeping.

If all else fails, drink heavily. ;)

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
There's a plant that can help with that :D. J/k bro, I know youre a family man. But I can't emphasise enough, what the above poster said about not drinking caffeine less that 8 hrs before you want to sleep. Those mid day energy drinks/sodas/cups of coffee esta no bueno. You may not still feel 'up' from the caffeine, but the subtle chemical effects in your brain are still doing their thing for quite some time.

-b_s- :headbang: