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Injustice 2 Patch 1.08 Details (September Update)


Nobody's afraid of Bruce Wayne
I'm thinking, or rather hoping, that some new gear has been added as well but I guess time will tell


TYM White Knight
Are there new "Legendary Gear" for all characters? Or is it just reclassifying certain gear pieces? (Like the sets)
The ranked sets are so hype. It is so well done. Loser can change a char, or straight up rematch.
A winner cannot move a muscle. And stages are random ...

Oh and ranked leaderboards are reset.

I love it! Thank you NRS!
That's awesome! Essentially online tournament mode. So amazing.


Lose without excuses
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*The Brady Files*

This just in, Sub-Zero's 33 has been fixed. The question is, is Tom Brady finally happy or mad it took "this long" to fix? Can we take a collective sigh of relief or will we forever have to endure the Sub-Zero ranting from the mad man Brady. Only time will tell.

We will update you asap, find out next time on... The Brady Files!