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I'm giving up if I don't get some help here, super frustrated.


Motor City Warrior
Love this character, but this is what I keep experiencing; I dominate the opponent until they figure out if they walk backwards I have nothing that is full screen and nothing that is overhead. There is a distance they can keep where every string I have will wiff, they can uppercut a jump-in on reaction, they can uppercut dash punch on reaction, and b2,2 will either wiff or be blocked. If I try to walk in they can low poke before I can start up anything. It's incredibly frustrating, and I have no idea what to do about it. The problem is that her only overhead is b1 which is slow and short if they keep walking back, it's react-able.

"Just walk them to a corner."
That fact is most characters in this game have a lot of tools to switch sides, some have passive teleports.

"Jacqui has amazing pressure."
There are no overheads in any of her strings except for b3,2,4 which is react-able, so the answer is to just crouch block and low poke out. Bam, pressure is beaten.

I don't want to give up, but I feel like walking backward and crouch blocking just beats this character, and what she has to do to win is exponentially harder than what her opponent has to do to beat her. I want to see it a different way, but I'm really truly at a loss with this. It's so stupid.
first of all, having an overhead mixup in your strings does not constitute pressure. there are more things such as in Jacqui's case, her staggers. she has string cancels that leave her at neutral. these strings also have some decent range on them. although they are not 'fullscreen' moves, you still need to capitalize on their mobility. f314, f12, 112, 22, b324 are all great stagger strings, and using these staggers will allow you to open up your opponent. the strings are also fairly hit confirmable, and jacqui can punch.

as for getting in, i mainly utilize dashing, b2 and the dash punch. You really have to play patient and work your way in, but b2 and dash punch can really catch people off guard with the right read.


Blind justice....
God, you want Jacqui to get buffed? Im like speechless.

While sure, you can zone her out to some extent, you can't just walk back and crouch block her into victory lmao. She has like amazing 9f mid, which is safe on block, leads to full combo and can be canc. Her damage is good to amazing (with KB). She has other good strings which you can stagger. Like seriously her options up close are nothing short of amazing.

If you got beaten by "walk back and crouch block" its time to change your gameplan. Mix throws, cancel F2 string (or other strings) earlier, use short hop OH.

You want NRS to add fast OH to a character which already has amazing pressure, great dmg output and you would add good mix into it... Makes total sense... to make another borderline broken character.


Motor City Warrior
I'm not asking for buffs at all. I know I have to be doing something wrong, and I am trying like hell to make this work. I've been at it for 2 weeks and I just don't understand how it works. I feel like there is a fundamental that I do not understand, or worse I think that I understand something that isn't so.

From what I can see in her moves Crouching block is the correct defense for everything except hop-punch, jump-in kick, jump-in punch, b1, and the end of b3,2,4.

The problem is that at a certain distance, a little outside of jump but not quite full screen, they can beat jump-ins on reaction. They release down and block b1 on reaction, and they can similarly fuzzy guard the b3,2,4 string. Leaving me with no idea how to approach them. A ducking block also beats throw in this game.

F3 is a 9frame mid but most if not all characters in the game have a low poke that is faster than that, or mids with more range, or both. Literally all they have to do to escape is crouch block and then mash a low poke to escape.

That's what it FEELS like to me, but I also realize that can't be the case. Like I know there is something I can do but I haven't a clue as to what that thing is.


What a day. What a lovely day.
I’m no Jacqui player, but here are some vids that may help you. I learn best from watching top players.



Blind justice....
F3 is a 9frame mid but most if not all characters in the game have a low poke that is faster than that, or mids with more range, or both. Literally all they have to do to escape is crouch block and then mash a low poke to escape.
You can't be serious..............

Bruh, staggers work wonders and even SonicFox can't read them all, read or tech all throws and react to every OH. If you have trouble opening people up it means your gameplan is straightforward and most likely you repeat the same moves to often and you dont condition them enough.

People above this post gave you some good advice. Take it and work on your gameplan. Also "giving up" is really a bad attitude pretty much anywhere with anything but especially in FG.
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11 11 11 11
She's not about overheads and lows. If you want that then pick Sonya Blade. She's about abusing her plus frames and cancels and baiting the opponent into wanting to press a button and then punishing them for it.


Positive Poster!
Love this character, but this is what I keep experiencing; I dominate the opponent until they figure out if they walk backwards I have nothing that is full screen and nothing that is overhead. There is a distance they can keep where every string I have will wiff, they can uppercut a jump-in on reaction, they can uppercut dash punch on reaction, and b2,2 will either wiff or be blocked. If I try to walk in they can low poke before I can start up anything. It's incredibly frustrating, and I have no idea what to do about it. The problem is that her only overhead is b1 which is slow and short if they keep walking back, it's react-able.

"Just walk them to a corner."
That fact is most characters in this game have a lot of tools to switch sides, some have passive teleports.

"Jacqui has amazing pressure."
There are no overheads in any of her strings except for b3,2,4 which is react-able, so the answer is to just crouch block and low poke out. Bam, pressure is beaten.

I don't want to give up, but I feel like walking backward and crouch blocking just beats this character, and what she has to do to win is exponentially harder than what her opponent has to do to beat her. I want to see it a different way, but I'm really truly at a loss with this. It's so stupid.
Jacqui is a short-range rushdown character who's even more heavily dependent on fundamentals than some of the top tiers.
I told you this before when you posted one of your vids but you really need to just take it easy and learn from each encounter.
Takes time.


There it is...
Reverse grab is free Oki. And is SO hard to stop after f1 staggers

B3 walk back b3 or 11 walk back b3

B34 is free plus frames, that can poke but they'll get blown up if you do the other one.

Realised recently her j2 has pretty good range.

Folks aren't ready to stop all of your get in moves:


If someone is ready to stop all of these, they are paralysed and conditioned.


F1 staggers all day
Reverse grabs all day
You gotta yolo a bit to condition them. If they're waiting for a dash punch cause you just hit em with 2 you're free to move in and b2


Motor City Warrior
You can't be serious..............

Bruh, staggers work wonders and even SoniFox can't read them all, read or tech all throws and react to every OH. If you have trouble opening people up it means your gameplan is straightforward and most likely you repeat the same moves to often and you dont condition them enough.

People above this post gave you some good advice. Take it and work on your gameplan. Also "giving up" is really a bad attitude pretty much anywhere with anything but especially in FG.
I have to learn how these staggers work. That's got to be the issue. I wasn't talking in absolutes, I was describing the game as I understood it,while acknowledging that I have something wrong with my understanding.

So my current understanding of a stagger is that it's just stopping a string short, for example stopping b3,2,4 at b3, 2. Is there more to it than that?


She is not an overhead/low character. Her pressure is based on staggers/frame traps/throw/shimmy. This a character with no shortcuts or gimmicks in neutral. You have to work your way in by walking people down and utilizing dash punch/B2,2 to get in at times. For good reason too as I think she has one of the best offensive games. If they are just blocking then mashing low pokes, feint then walk back to bait the counter poke and whiff punish. Mashing you out of feints? Let the string rock and hit confirm into damage. If they are passive on defense throw. You shouldn't really expect B1 to open people up raw. I use it more as a meaty in the corner for people who like to hold up on wakeup to condition them to do otherwise since it knocks down and covers jumps. Short hop 1 is better to open people up if you're looking for an overhead but it's not near her best option. She has more than enough tools for offense it's not just as cut and dry as an overhead/low 50/50 to get damage with her.


Motor City Warrior
Jacqui is a short-range rushdown character who's even more heavily dependent on fundamentals than some of the top tiers.
I told you this before when you posted one of your vids but you really need to just take it easy and learn from each encounter.
Takes time.
That's what I am trying to do, take the losses and learn from them, but the trouble is I am not learning, My matches are playing out very similarly so I'm needing somebody to spell it out for me. I know that my fundies suck and Jacqui will force me to learn them. That's why I am staying with her. I was just a little salty at time of OP.


That's what I am trying to do, take the losses and learn from them, but the trouble is I am not learning, My matches are playing out very similarly so I'm needing somebody to spell it out for me. I know that my fundies suck and Jacqui will force me to learn them. That's why I am staying with her. I was just a little salty at time of OP.
Don't worry man neutral is the hardest part about fighting games and she relies on that to get started. You will learn and become a better overall fighting game player if you watch your matches and ask yourself each time why did I get hit here? When I got in did I make good use of my opportunities? If not did my opponent have defensive tendencies I didn't adapt to and take advantage of? Just start asking yourself these questions and be honest with yourself. You will get better but it's a process.


Positive Poster!
That's what I am trying to do, take the losses and learn from them, but the trouble is I am not learning, My matches are playing out very similarly so I'm needing somebody to spell it out for me. I know that my fundies suck and Jacqui will force me to learn them. That's why I am staying with her. I was just a little salty at time of OP.
Yes, the hardest part is when you don't know what you don't know. I also understand that it's easier to just get online and press buttons than to sit down and do work but if you want to improve at one point you'll have to.


Motor City Warrior
Yes, the hardest part is when you don't know what you don't know. I also understand that it's easier to just get online and press buttons than to sit down and do work but if you want to improve at one point you'll have to.
I do go to lab, it's just that it's only me here, and only so much can be learned from practice dummy.

Second Saint

A man with too many names.
That's what I am trying to do, take the losses and learn from them, but the trouble is I am not learning, My matches are playing out very similarly so I'm needing somebody to spell it out for me. I know that my fundies suck and Jacqui will force me to learn them. That's why I am staying with her. I was just a little salty at time of OP.
It sounds like you're having trouble understanding how to use staggers as a proper form of offense. Someone posted a pretty well done video explaining staggers and frame traps awhile back, so here's that.

I don't play Jacqui, nor am I even 100% sure how she works, but if her feints work the way I believe they do, creating a gap through which the opponent can poke if they read that you'll do it, then I feel fairly qualified to speak about it.

The goal is to give the opponent exactly enough rope to hang themselves with. You'll need to pay attention to what kind of player you're dealing with and develop strategies to counter that. Is your opponent patient and hesitant to push buttons? Feint into buttons or throw. Mix between the two and keep doing it. Is your opponent mashing at every opportunity? Lay some ground work and get him used to their being no feints before you start working them in. If you have plus strings, use them and enforce them, even if all you're guaranteed is a poke. The type of person who will mash on plus frames is the same type who will mash after being hit by a d1.

And then, when you've got them expecting feints, expecting gaps...close them shut hard and watch them get opened up by you just doing a safe string.
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Gave you an extremely detailed post on your other thread please use it. Also, learn wave dash asap. Do not forgo this training. It is vital. Find a consistent partner to joint lab to understand options. Expand your training partners to span the roster. Threatening to quit is childish, especially if you haven't exhausted your resources. Several players here have offered to help in previous posts of yours with quality feedback. The hard truth is if you really had the mind to quit because of this, then you simply lack the heart to play this. Perhaps you do not enjoy the game enough or the way the game system works. Good luck in any case.


There it is...
Also be warned geras and erron are straight overpowered AF so don't be disheartened if you loose to them


Motor City Warrior
Gave you an extremely detailed post on your other thread please use it. Also, learn wave dash asap. Do not forgo this training. It is vital. Find a consistent partner to joint lab to understand options. Expand your training partners to span the roster. Threatening to quit is childish, especially if you haven't exhausted your resources. Several players here have offered to help in previous posts of yours with quality feedback. The hard truth is if you really had the mind to quit because of this, then you simply lack the heart to play this. Perhaps you do not enjoy the game enough or the way the game system works. Good luck in any case.
I didn't mean quitting the game, I meant moving to a different character, because I was worried about throwing a lot of time into a skillset I wasn't strong at, but now that I get how the character works it's fallen into place.