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If you got 1 Fix for UMK3 XBLA...

What do you want? Fix the levels, keep characters saved, ect.

Personally, I'll take the Level Fixes. Im seriously getting tired of the same blue portal and Scorps Lair. What about you guys?


Button configuration if you can even call that a glitch.
other then that the stage cycle would be my second choice.


ipushmycar said:
Character saves or levels. I don't know what's wrong with the controls... but I'm kinda new to this game.
me and my girlfriend laughed our asses off at your name a while back lol. srry for the off subject heh.


definetly character saves

button config dont bother me coz i got a joystick i can alter it i like it the way it is i dont play story mode much and i can put in codes so level dont bother me
xmimic said:
me and my girlfriend laughed our asses off at your name a while back lol. srry for the off subject heh.
I get that a lot on live hehe.

Oh another change I'd like to see is for the game to stop freezing so often. AND I'd like to see some option of being able to play a practice game (unlimited healthy for both players/no time limit), where the computer player just stands idle.

But then again, this practice mode would make it too easy to get better.
Level select and the constant freezing. I don't really mind the controls as I am used to them, but I really fucking hate this dpad. :evil:


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana

WTF, I don't get why they can't implement this...This is obviously the Arcade ROM and they are using an in-house emulator. It's just laziness.


Stage Cycling on live would be nice. It'd be cool if it just picked a random level each time or something like that.
Konqrr said:

WTF, I don't get why they can't implement this...This is obviously the Arcade ROM and they are using an in-house emulator. It's just laziness.
Dude have you played any other games from midway/eclipse that has done the port? Paperboy, and that Root Beer Guy game have the exact same interfaces with different colors. I bet they have some sorta problem with emulating the game differently for button configs and shit. Maybe not they might just be lazy.

Either way... freezing, button layout, levels in that order, would be my choices :) .


Button layout. Ive resorted to using the DOA Stick. The button layout is as follows....

Top 3 buttons: low kick, high punch, high kick Bottom three buttons: Low punch, run, block.

Its taking me a while but I'm getting used to it. Stages would be my second gripe followed by characters.


omg i couldnt even play that shit thats horrible

you can probly open then up and change the microswitches the way you want the

thats the way the stick i made work but idk id make you one if you interested my mom says i have to sell one to get her out of dept of the money i borrowed to make it with


I try too change button setting on the DOA stick and its a pain in the ass.
I rather pay 150 bucks to get one made then change the buttons on the DOA stick.


Yeah I opened mine up and realized it would be too much work. Ive modded my pelican because that one is just soldering wires The doa stick has a board connected to every button. I have no idea what to do.

Kazlaz how much do you make sticks for. What do they look like?