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"I was a Mortal Kombat guy", UFC's Frankie Edgar says during @TMZ interview


When it comes to fighting games there's few better people to ask about them than those who make a career out of fighting. In this case, UFC's Frankie Edgar, who is asked about his favorite fighting games. Although, he does reference a Mike Tyson fighter (rightfully so), he says he was always a Mortal Kombat guy over Street Fighter.

In this interview with TMZ, Frankie talks about his favorite character to use back in the day as well as who would be his most feared to compete against.

Click here to see the interview!

Credit: @noobde via TMZ


Hypnosis > Dreameater (its a reset)
no one better to ask than those that make a career out of fighting? how about asking those that make a career making/playing fighting games?

Kitana Prime

Top-tier at everything but the characters I choose
*deep, category-5-hurricane-calming sigh that prevents me from finally going off*

Why? Anybody tell me. Please. I'll even take a bullshit troll right now. Anything.


They love my Grayson
man y'all some herbs.

This is a great piece, I know a lot of fighters (real life fighters, not professional button pressers) that got into the whole fighting scene because they wanted to be like the video game character they played, whether it was MK or SF. WWF was also an influence That video game conditioning was a real thing.

It just goes to show how power a video game can be in ones life.


this i knew being that we've trained together at Renzo's a few times.

On a separate note although its not that separate my boy Eddie "truck" Gordon made the house last night on The Ultimate Fighter 19 debut show last night. Lets all pull for him! He was selected by Frankie to be on his team which was what we all wanted in the first place.

this i knew being that we've trained together at Renzo's a few times.

On a separate note although its not that separate my boy Eddie "truck" Gordon made the house last night on The Ultimate Fighter 19 debut show last night. Lets all pull for him! He was selected by Frankie to be on his team which was what we all wanted in the first place.

UFC as a brand is dying.
no man.. UFC is growing like crazy and the the SPORT of MMA is the fastest growing sport in the world
Nigga I know the sport is MMA, but the brand UFC is dying.

Since, all the classic fighters are old and gone no one has a emotional attachment to the new cats.