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Question How did you transition from BnB's to more complex combo's?


Sun Gawd Cuddle
Afternoon TYM,

I am currently playing MKX casually with the intention of going competitive in 2016. I have been playing fighting games for many years, competing in USF4 and Under Night In-birth during this time. As a teacher I have very little time to focus on learning multiple characters which leads me to be a character specialist almost 100% of the time. During the Christmas break I plan to grind in the lab with my main Kotal Kahn (Sun God). I have most mid-screen combo's down for him but I know I will have to learn corner, character specific and tighter link combo's during this time.

My question for you is: When did you decide to transition from BnB's to the hard stuff?

  • When you picked your main after extensive character research?
  • When you picked up the game?
  • When you got bodied by a certain character?
  • Personal development as a member of the FGC (Improving skill).
  • In my case; vacation permits me to spend lab time committing to developing my character knowledge for a clear purpose.
  • The game has been out long enough for everyone to know every characters bnb's?
  • Anything else?
I am really interested what motivated you to develop your combo knowledge with your character/characters?

TL: DR - What motivated you to learn complex combo's in MKX?

p.s First post, be nice! \o/
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It was weird for me. I have been playing fighters my whole life but it was always just a casual thing, I did it for fun (and for the lore with MK) so even with MK9 I never really learned how to play the way somebody actually trying to "get gud" would play, though when MKX was announced I decided I wanted to get gud so I picked up the PS4 Injustice and tried actually learning it. I saw Jaundingo's Scorpion combos and I spent time learning it Injustice, at first it seemed impossible but I eventually got it. So that kind of opened my eyes on how to do more complex combos lol like before I couldn't figure out one on my own to save my life, but after spending time to learning just one, it started to come naturally. Its like my 3rd eye for combos opened up lol idk how to explain it

TLDR: My drive to try and become a somewhat decent player is what got me to take the time to learn more complex combos


My mom tells me I'm pretty
Afternoon TYM,

My question for you is: When did you decide to transition from BnB's to the hard stuff?
-I just do combos in the lab, and try to do more advanced stuff. They're usually swag combos, but have very high damage output. I only use BnBs for punishing.

  • When you picked your main after extensive character research?
  • When you picked up the game?
  • When you got bodied by a certain character?
-Play characters where I enjoy the playstyle. I usually also go by aesthetics, swag combos, technical/difficult characteristics.
  • Personal development as a member of the FGC (Improving skill).
-Allow yourself to be able to execute your combos consistently, outside of the lab. If you're playing casuals, there's no reason not to go for the more difficult combos if you're trying to increase your execution with the combos.
  • In my case; vacation permits me to spend lab time committing to developing my character knowledge for a clear purpose.
  • The game has been out long enough for everyone to know every characters bnb's?
  • Anything else?
I am really interested what motivated you to develop your combo knowledge with your character/characters?
-If you make your own combos, your desire to play a character, your execution, your critical thinking, and your determination of logical moment to attempt combos increases (if you can't land the combo consistently in the lab, there's no point in going for it in tournament).
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God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
There's no point in distinguishing between the two IMO

If the most complex combo also happens to be the most important / most consistent / highest damage / best advantage / best set up, whatever, then that's my BnB.

If the bread and butter gameplay of a character is too hard for me, I pick a different character. LK got the boot off my roster.

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
I fully expect some cockface to enter the thread and disagree with me, but I live and die by the words "consistency over damage."
If a combo would grant you optimal damage but is too difficult for you to do 100% of the time, do another combo.

I personally will be damned if I lose a match because I dropped something, just for an extra 2-3%.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
The one exception I have to consistency is when I pull off something really swaggy. Uppercut an incoming teleport out of the corner on read he flips over my head, get the convert into restand? Fuck it you best believe I'm feeling lucky and I'll go for the 1 frame link since it's the perfect ender


Steel cable bungee jumper
pretty simple: i always try to do my combos the way that im at full stamina once i restand my opponent.
Thats character specific tho, so for most of the cast it would probably be a mix of frame advantage/setup and damage which then is varied depending on the situation (does the combo end the round or is another setup needed e.t.c)


I fully expect some cockface to enter the thread and disagree with me, but I live and die by the words "consistency over damage."
If a combo would grant you optimal damage but is too difficult for you to do 100% of the time, do another combo.

I personally will be damned if I lose a match because I dropped something, just for an extra 2-3%.
i agree and disagree, the 2-3% could have you won the match.
if you leave somebody with 1-2% life, he can still make a comback

offline = optimal dmg combos
online = combos which do a bit less dmg, but guarantee no drops


I'm not surprised, motherfuckers
"Your difficult combos now will become your BnBs in the future. C'mon and don't be nervous. Let's go to training room and practice." - Bob Ross , 2016


Designer for BxA
I play Quan Chi, so I have no difficult combos. :DOGE

I agree with sage though, consistency is key. Over time the difficult/high damage output combos will turn into muscle memory and become your bnbs.


Sun Gawd Cuddle
Combo practice seems to be largely character dependent and complex combos become BnB's once you've got to grips with your character. Unless you're online, then you just hit the combo's that don't drop due to lag. Thanks guys!


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
footsies/spacing > optimal damage combos. You can be a combo master and do ridiculous combos at will. If your fundies suck you'll still lose.

do combos you KNOW you won't drop in a stressful tourney situation.

just my $.02