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Help with Janet kameo


How are you guys getting the double hop punch to come out in the corner after bf4 consistently? I hold forward then press r1 x 2 but the second one gets ignored half of the time, what is the timing? Help please.
use back+kameo as i think forward+kameo misses a bunch and is generally unreliable in the corner. pressing k twice immediately on startup usually does it for me. right now the main route i use is (starter) xx bf4, b+k,k, s4 xx db2 (ender) . seems pretty consistent as long as you call kameo late enough and the gravity isn't too high. here's how it looks



I tried back kameo but that kept failing that too, maybe I was still doing it too early, will try again later when I'm home, thanks for replying and appreciate that clip!
Also, combos off of her throw, b or f kameo and at wich hit do you input it?
you can side switch or not and both use back but back will change depending on which you pick. assuming p1 side when you throw, same side is (left + k) and side switch is (right + k). same side i try to input when the camera starts to shift after the kick, side switch right as the lion hits them up.


There it is...
You need to hit them with the B+K late-ish, then s4 hits before second kameo punch to pop them up into it. If you dont hit s4 first it will not connect


You need to hit them with the B+K late-ish, then s4 hits before second kameo punch to pop them up into it. If you dont hit s4 first it will not connect
Yeah, I got confused cause I thought that part was easier with F..the lantern kept missing with b+ kameo cause I was miss timing it. Anyway, thanks


you can side switch or not and both use back but back will change depending on which you pick. assuming p1 side when you throw, same side is (left + k) and side switch is (right + k). same side i try to input when the camera starts to shift after the kick, side switch right as the lion hits them up.
Thanks again! this has been more helpful than youtube videos, now I just gotta figure out how to time the kameo after armored starter and instant db4 lol , those are tricky too


There it is...
Thanks again! this has been more helpful than youtube videos, now I just gotta figure out how to time the kameo after armored starter and instant db4 lol , those are tricky too
The instant air DBF is possible but its so tight i wouldnt bother.

Armour you can only do in the corner i believe, less tight though.

i could be wrong though.
Thanks again! this has been more helpful than youtube videos, now I just gotta figure out how to time the kameo after armored starter and instant db4 lol , those are tricky too
armor + k seems pretty tame. i try to press as soon as she stops traveling and her knee starts to come down. if her foot is on the floor you're too late.

for db4, i'm looking for when she gets to the bottom of her crouch. you're trying to get the last hit of it to be jumping at the same time as janet jumps basically so she lands at same time as janet after janet's first hit. just from quick testing i got the kameo call to hit 15 frames and 17 frames after the last hit of db4 so this should be at least a 3 frame window (i think that makes sense? someone help) for the kameo call.


armor + k seems pretty tame. i try to press as soon as she stops traveling and her knee starts to come down. if her foot is on the floor you're too late.

for db4, i'm looking for when she gets to the bottom of her crouch. you're trying to get the last hit of it to be jumping at the same time as janet jumps basically so she lands at same time as janet after janet's first hit. just from quick testing i got the kameo call to hit 15 frames and 17 frames after the last hit of db4 so this should be at least a 3 frame window (i think that makes sense? someone help) for the kameo call.
Thanks for this too, I'm working on the side switch throw right now and I'm clearly pressing kameo 3 times (as you can see in the button log.) But only getting two. :( Some people say you have to spam, but that's not helping either...only sometimes
Thanks for this too, I'm working on the side switch throw right now and I'm clearly pressing kameo 3 times (as you can see in the button log.) But only getting two. :( Some people say you have to spam, but that's not helping either...only sometimes
3x kameo hit was tripping me up too before i understood the timing, no spamming necessary. try inputting b+k twice during the throw, (pause), then once more as she's about to connect. feels like you can mash out to get two hits but the third hit is more strict. it's honestly not very intuitive since the menu does a bad job of explaining it but it's not hard once you get it down.


3x kameo hit was tripping me up too before i understood the timing, no spamming necessary. try inputting b+k twice during the throw, (pause), then once more as she's about to connect. feels like you can mash out to get two hits but the third hit is more strict. it's honestly not very intuitive since the menu does a bad job of explaining it but it's not hard once you get it down.
Wow, that actually works, still tricky but getting better at it. I never thought i'd be able to do it 5 times in a row, thank you so much
I'm just confused about the instant db4, how are you able to tell when gets to the bottom of her crouch , I mean the move is kinda fast lol.


There it is...
Wow, that actually works, still tricky but getting better at it. I never thought i'd be able to do it 5 times in a row, thank you so much
I'm just confused about the instant db4, how are you able to tell when gets to the bottom of her crouch , I mean the move is kinda fast lol.
I think the best thing to do is use the visual cue as a marker to practice the timing more than visually looking for it every time.

It is very tricky to get this link. I get it maybe 50% of the time in practice. Barely land in game.
I'm just confused about the instant db4, how are you able to tell when gets to the bottom of her crouch , I mean the move is kinda fast lol.
that's the rough visual indicator i use but it's honestly kind of a rhythm/timing thing too. the audio cues for the two hits can help get into the rhythm as well. another way to think about it is look for when her back becomes roughly parallel to the ground. what i do is hold forward during the first two hits, then just press k when she gets there. just like anything you get better at it with practice and it should be gettable most of the time if you're on point.


Thanks I will try that, also for ex bf4 I input f kameo right when the knee hits, cause you said ''when she stops traveling'', i don't know why it seems only possible when there's some distance midscreen, if she does ex bf4 when she's close it doesn't work (midscreen) for me
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Thanks I will try that, also for ex bf4 I input f kameo right when the knee hits, cause you said ''when she stops traveling'', i don't know why it seems only possible when there's some distance midscreen, if she does ex bf4 when she's close it doesn't work (midscreen) for me
k timing seems the same no matter the spacing. the window should be anytime after her knee stops glowing and she starts to put her foot down but before the foot hits the ground.