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Health advice needed


ok heres the issue and i would appreciate any tips.

i had a Dr. appointment yesterday and was told my cholesteral is sky high, on the verge of heart failure and borderline diabetic. I just recently lost a 30yr old friend to diabetes so i know how serious this can turn out.

what i need, if anyone can help, is a good site for possible diets. Any dieting tips are welcomed if anyone of you are diabetic or even health nuts. as of today im starting to jog and definetly gunna be more active and eventually get back into a gym. any good cardio workouts are appreciated too.

to get an idea of what im working with, Im 5'8 240 lbs. my goal has been to get down to atleast 200lbs and once i got to 215.... then my drinkn came in adn fucked it all up. now my drinkn is purdy much gone for ahile, i gotta reach this goal. My Dr wants me to lose at least 15lbs and i have til jan 3rd to do it. i know i can do it, but i would appreciate any help to reach this goal.

at the rate im goin, i could be dead by the time im 40, but i love my daughter and need to better my health for not just me but for her well being.

thank u.


Cock Master!!
**Scroll down the page for another post of mine for the rest of my thoughts on this issue. **

**ok on topic**

i use to be 250 back in February of 08 now i maintain 180 and have for the last 2 years :) i weigh myself twice a day to maintain this weight..

if u are a normal average person, which i am then

1 ~ first thing u must do NOW is drop all fried foods all of it no matter what!!
2 ~second if you can live with out meat drop that as well.

these 2 things were very important to me losing weight.

now minus those food items, what types of foods do u like eating? tell me and lets try and figure out a way to keep u eating them but with a few things taken away. we'll discuss this and see what we come up with.

one thing us bigger people cant do is just stop eating what we enjoy eating, what i learned in all my years of being fat which was between the ages of 8 and 29 is you cant stop eating what u like eating cause your just gonna go back to eating what u enjoy eating after u lose the weight and put more weight on. this is the first time in my life that i have kept the fat off.

3 ~ start watching the biggest loser. it'll help motivate u to get off your ass. it helped motivate me.

from Jillian Michaels of the biggest loser


How hot do you burn? The number of calories you burn in a day is known as your total energy expenditure (TEE). Rates vary from person to person, so it's crucial that you take the time to learn yours. Once you know your TEE, you will be able to balance your caloric intake and expenditure in a totally efficient way as you work toward your weight loss goal.

Your TEE takes into account three factors, so be prepared to do three calculations to get your final number. Today we'll focus on the first one — your basal metabolic rate (BMR).

Your BMR is the number of calories your body burns in a day when operating at absolute minimum capacity. Basically, imagine sitting on the couch all day. (Is this a little too easy for you to imagine? Don't worry — we'll fix that!) Your BMR, then, is the number of calories your body burns just to maintain your heartbeat, digestion, respiration, tissue repair and other organ functions. That's it.

BMR is influenced by a number of factors, including age, weight, height, gender, environmental temperature, and diet and exercise habits. Because of these varying factors, it's hard to pin down your BMR to the precise calorie, but we can get pretty close. Here are some formulas for figuring out your BMR. Get out your calculator and plug your numbers into whichever formula applies to you.

MALE: 66 + (6.3 × body weight in pounds) + (12.9 × height in inches) − (6.8 × age in years)

FEMALE: 655 + (4.3 × weight in pounds) + (4.7 × height in inches) − (4.7 × age in years)

Keep that calculator handy. Your basal metabolic rate accounts for only about 75 percent of your total daily caloric expenditure.

Friday January 16

Calculating TEE: Daily Activity Level
Last Friday, we found the first of three numbers you need to determine how many calories you burn in a day, otherwise known as your total energy expenditure (TEE).

The second thing you need to know is your physical activity level. Determine which one of these descriptions best fits your day-to-day routine, then give yourself the appropriate score.

a. Sedentary Physical Activity Level
Do you have a desk job or do some other kind of work that keeps you in your chair for most of the day? If the answer is yes, your score is 1.1.

b. Light Physical Activity Level
Are you on your feet and walking around for at least half the day? Stay-at-home moms, salespeople, and doctors fall into this category. If this is you, your score is 1.2.

c. Moderate Physical Activity Level
If you're on the move pretty much all day, with a few limited periods of being sedentary, this is the level for you. People in this category include gardeners, carpenters, and mail carri¬ers. If you're in this category, your score is 1.3.

d. High Physical Activity Level
Does your job require being constantly on the move, and does it entail significant amounts of manual labor? Construction workers, farm workers, and movers are among those who land in this category. If you're in this group, your score is 1.4.

Enter the score for your daily physical activity level in your journal next to your BMR from last week and keep them handy! You'll need both numbers next Friday when we look at the final piece of your TEE puzzle.

Determining Your Calorie Burn

Today is the day! The suspense has been killing you, right? But I'm keeping my promise: Today we'll investigate exercise expenditure, the last piece of the total energy expenditure (TEE) formula, and put it into place to calculate your overall calorie needs and expenditures.

The third and final element you need to calculate your TEE is the number of calories you burn from exercise on an average day. The number of calories you burn during any exercise session depends on a few things, primarily your body weight.

Use this chart ( chart link http://www.jillianmichaels.com/lose-weight/expenditurechart.aspx ) to help you determine the number of calories you burn from exercise on an average day according to your weight, the type of exercise you do, and its duration. Write the number down.

Now get the three numbers you've come up with over the past weeks. Simply multiply your BMR by your daily activity score, and then add your exercise expenditure. Whatever you get from this final calculation is your magic number.

now i need to go look for the calorie intake chart.. gonna go search for it. this chart helped me know how much calories i could eat in a day to help me lose weight.

found this chart http://www.cancer.org/healthy/toolsandcalculators/calculators/app/calorie-counter-calculator this seems to be for the average person cause its 100% accurate for myself. like i eat a steady 3000 calories a day. some times when i do get a little above 183 i eat less calories and the next day i go back to 180 some times i dip to 177. some times i get as high as 188. by weighing myself everyday i know how much i can and cant eat and this has helped me keep it off..

now the reason why i say no more meat if u can is because there was this study i read some where. where there was 2 sets of groups of people and each group was given the same amount of calories to eat each day. i cant remember the exact time frame they ate just this set amount of calories. so one of the groups ate meat and the other group ate NO MEAT. keep in mind both groups ate the same amount of calories. at the end of this study they found that the group still eating meat either didnt lose any weight or gained a slight amount of weight like 5 pounds. the non meat eaters actually lost weight. i found that interesting since i had no clue about this but i dont eat meat so im guessing this is one of the reasons why I lost weight. while sometimes people who lower their calorie intake dont lose weight. Interesting.......
I agree with 2) and 3) with what scheiss said.

You said you stopped the drinking. Thats good. Lets hope that doesnt lead to anything else such as cancer.

A trainer is good to start with. Once you get into the rhythm (or if you already know, then no need for a trainer) you wont need one anymore.

200 is where you want to be and stay. (lose more from there)

"one thing us bigger people cant do is just stop eating what we enjoy eating, what i learned in all my years of being fat which was between the ages of 8 and 29 is you cant stop eating what u like eating cause your just gonna go back to eating what u enjoy eating after u lose the weight and put more weight on. this is the first time in my life that i have kept the fat off. "

^^ very true statement from dan. You HAVE to act now because once you hit 30 etc is when its harder to counteract weight.

You have the desire to want to lose it because of your daughter. let that be your inspiration every day to get up for. Just like me with college. This site, this community is my reason every day i get up for college. My games, life etc what i do outside of college are how i balance my life between the 2 to keep me happy. Just find a balance. Work yourself to the max, but at the same time, dont stress yourself out over it that you'll eventually stop one day.


like dan said as well. to move ahead, we need to know more about your food preferences, workout regime (rate, length, etc)

I will let Jago know about this thread so he can chime in as well. I'll go over my notes from college from my fitness class to help further evaluate you


Cock Master!!
i also want to point out that while i edit my post i am not a expert im just sharing what has worked for me :)


thanks for the input everyone.

i guess i should put that im 34. i have always been a big boy but not overly fat, just a little gut.

i did the BMR calculation and got 946.

I do tend to eat alot of meat, chicken, i rarely eat fast food, i do eat alot of fried foods, sushi, i do try to eat vegetables and im tryin to cut my portions down. I dont realy eat alot but when im working, i sit at a desk for 8hrs and i know that doesnt help. I was working for my city fair and that never lead to healthy eating, but i quit that job.

and scheiss, i agree about the professional help. im goin to give myself a month to see if i can do it.... if not then, i will get the help. if i get the help now, i feel like im losing already..... and im just starting. this may sound stupid, but its how i feel. thank u for ur input, i appreciate it.

check, thank u
when i was goin to the gym, i would average about 2hrs. 30-45 min cardio with the rest hitting the weights. i love to work out at a gym but i cant afford it atm.. hopefully by dec i will be back in a gym. as for now, im walking/jogging about 2 miles to break in my legs(my legs arent what they used to be). Bad ankles, knees, and calves make it hard atm but i just need to get thru the pain and get them used to it again.


Lose without excuses
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The least you could do is find a way to sweat everyday, eat healthy, and do cardio.

These three simple things aren't easy if you're not used to doing them.


Cock Master!!
ok heres what i do did lose the weight.

first thing is i loveeeee cheese. so i had to find a way to have some cheese in a meal.

so for lunch i ate 2 grill cheese, with next to no butter on it. i suggest Country crock as it is real soft i portioned 1/2 of a table spoon and used that to spread over 4 pieces of bread --> 2 grill cheese. i used just one slice of Mozzarella or swiss (as these 2 cheese have the lesser amounts of calories, dont use american cheese!!). i would then have a 8 oz cup of soup (no creamy soup, i mainly stuck with tomato soup).

for dinner i had a large bowl of shredded lettuce and a bunch of tomatoes. people tend to use "low fat" dressings or just vinegar, i did not. 1st low fat dressings are still loaded with Calories and vinegar is just gross.

i happen to love pace picante sauce and sour cream, these 2 items together make anything taste great (IMO). one serving of pace is 10 calories compare that to low fat dressings which could get up to 200 calories a serving.

so the bowl of lettuce and tomatoes topped with 1 table spoon of sour cream and as much of the pace picante sauce i wanted id estimate 8 servings of it so about 16 table spoons.

once a week i bought a pizza and stuffed my fat ass :p with no work out.

Lunch ~ 2 grill cheese, 8 oz of soup
Dinner ~ large bowl of lettuce & tomatoes topped with sour cream and picante.

this may be extreme to some people, but i had to think of what i could eat and be happy with it. i took cheese, sour cream and pace picante sauce 3 things i love and had them be my lunch and dinner. i looked forward to eating the food and was satisfied. i didnt make it a punishment and eat the foods they tell you to eat.

i would eat the dinner after i worked out at night.

My daily work out

i would come home and do some weight lifting Bi ceps, Tri ceps, chest and upper abs.

Bi ceps and chests wasnt hard at all for me. tri ceps were and still are hard on me. i stupidly only worked my on upper abs not thinking about my lower abs during my weight loss (ill show some pics that show this).

however the most important thing i did for my work out was the cardio, or whatever u want to call it. i put on biggest loser or whatever show u want to watch and just jumped up and down in place moving my arms in different directions from time to time as well as running in place mixing the 2 up. i also upped my jumping/running pace with big bursts of jumping/running in place. i started with 20 mins working my way to over an hour every day.

the only negative on working out like this is the impact on some muscles/bones so i suggest putting on good shoes when and if your going to do this.

i then bought a elliptical and worked out on that daily, one night i actually did it for 2 hours straight :confused:

my weight didnt come off over night. i marked my scale on day one and told myself never again will i weigh that much. it was 250. i had made another mark at the 200 and made that my goal.

day 1 was February 2008 ~ 250
November 2008 ~ 200 **goal weight**
March 2009 ~ 190
July 2009 ~ 172

October 2010 183 (today)

around november 08 i stopped the crazy diet, started eating a bit more around 3000 calories a day, with no meat or fried foods. i ate sweets again and bad stuff like that but i continued to work out.

when i got to 172 i kinda didnt like the way i looked, i was a bit skinny in some areas of my body (NOT MY GUT O_O) so i stopped working out.

so i stopped working out, which turned out to be a mistake. i also started eating a bunch more because i wanted to get into the 180's. so i got myself back into the 180s with no problem LOL however to this day i just cant get back into a work out groove. i stick to eating around 3,000 calories a day and i weigh myself twice a day.

i kept the weigh off thankfully, i think this is due to it coming off slowly instead of the super lose the weigh in just 6 short weeks.


Keep it simple

eat smaller portions of foods u LOVE. and work out by jumping and running in place for atleast 20 mins a day working to 1 hour + a day.

during this i worked and ran a restaurant for 6 days a week 13 hours a day. so there are no excuses to not having time to work out.


by watching tv when u do the work out. i suggest the biggest loser for motivation.

when i was 14 i was 198, at 31 im 180.. i wasted over half my life being super lazy and eating like crazy :/


Cock Master!!
anyway thats what i did to lose about 70 pounds. im still not some buff stud, but im healthy..er. i do want to get some motivation again to work out, i would like to get some 6 pack abs and some muscle in the arms and chest. maybe now i can get some motivation, we can help each other and stuff :)

good luck Twztid.

**NOTE** 2005 pics i was trying to flex, 2009 pics no flex attempt at all.


just a quik update

i havnt had a beer since last sunday, still no fast food, dont eat sweets still, and started eating alot of chicken meals with green veggies.... i have walked a whole lot and jogged... and after 7 days, iv lost 9lbs. i went from 245 to 236. 6 more to go to reach my Dr's recommendation