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Great Balls of Spam!


Boob Titbot

Hey guys, I decided to go online with Kano and play like a complete brain dead idiot. Here are my results:

DISCLAIMER: These videos were uploaded for entertainment purposes only. This by no means reflect legitimate Kano players nor does it imply that these tactics would work Offline against competent players.

Hope you enjoy.


Boob Titbot
By the way if anyone wants to take a crack at my braindead Kano balls, feel free to add me on PSN: Seque2


Gaming4Satan Founder
No way! The upball recovers super fast and you can link them repeatedly even on block?!?!?!

Let's see how many beatings this dead horse can get


Well it made me feel better about my current lackluster skills, also it was pretty damn funny.


Its sad because when you were facing the Raiden player and you said you can't beat a Brain dead Kano it was true....


DISCLAIMER: These videos were uploaded for entertainment purposes only. This by no means reflect legitimate Kano players nor does it imply that these tactics would work Offline against competent players.
No lie, that shit would own me.:D

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
What the fuck were you smoking, NRS? :facepalm:

I can't defend this game anymore, let alone this joke of a character. If this game plops after EVO I genuinely don't think I'd give a shit. Kind of hoping it does, at this point.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Hey, I still HAVE my 'kombat kode' I can technically still sell this puppy and put it forwards AE...kind of tempting.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Man, if we could play locally, and do some 2v2s online I'd totally be down. I'd probably go with Raiden, because you know, I need a new character to exploit to the max! Superman to throw teleports and upball to knife spams all day long!

What the hell is this disc still doing in my PS3...

edit: No man, I gotta go with Parrytos!
At first I was all for the new up ball. I thought hey I main Kano, why wouldn't I want this! It's just sad now. I don't want them to nerf it, just put it back the way it was before. Or maybe I'm wrong. Maybe NRS knows something we don't. Let's see nothing but Kanos win tournaments. If that happens then I hope they make a change. It sucks having your character a "scrub" character.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Oh god, I was in tears laughing at the JC fight that's too good hahahaha

(TBH I even ragequit when I play Kano)
Quick question, I heard the recovery time is based on Jonny cages flare kick, if that's true then why aren't people spamming that? ( haven't tested this).


Boob Titbot
Haha yeah... I hardly even know fatalities in this game to be honest. I'm used to tournament play where we just move onto the next match asap.


the video is lol. as is this thread. I understand its retarded right now too. If you guys dont know, word is Patch is gonna make upballs on block how they used to be, but be as fast as they are now on whiff.