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Breakthrough - Goro Goro Confirmed + Mortal Kombat X Release Date Finally Announced!


Plus on block.
As much as I'd like him to be OP, I hope they don't give him ludicrous amounts of armor. Just give him armor on his advancing specials and retarded pressure and I'll be happy.
Yeah, he should have armor, but only where it would make sense and be balanced.

The perfect Goro would have one variation that's takes heavily from Doomsday(stupid good and fun fast paced pressure), one variation that takes from Grundy(chain grabs and situational grabs), and one that takes elements from Sheeva and Kintaro and is kind of zoning/anti-zoning.

OG Mannimal

OG "OG Mannimal" Mannimal
Calling it now...

Goro's 3 variations will be:

Tank - able to take a beating. Lots of armored moves. Better projectiles (because tanks shoot shit) to deal with pesky keep away characters.

Grappler - because c'mon - he can do 2x the grappling of a mere human.

Berserker - very many ground pounds/tele-stomp. High damage output, maybe more chip damage and rage mode like attack buff.
Im very glad you don't work for NRS

Mortal Komhat

Worst Well-Established Goro Player Ever
Too little detail on the pre-order deal to know if it warrants putting down the money before April 14th, to be honest (all my stores are shit when it comes to pre-orders, the rest are Gamestop so fuck that). Too many possibilities :

1) Pre-order, available through unlock in the game itself.
2) Pre-order code gives you the character at launch, otherwise day 1 DLC.
3) Pre-order code gives you the character later, otherwise DLC. (vanilla marvel 3 did that)
4) Pre-order gets it now, it gets released to everyone in a later update, no DLC. (TTT2 style)

I'd not fret for those of you who hate pre-orders at the moment. I'm not a fan of those myself (been screwed over pre-order bonuses way too often for me to actually like them) but if it's anything like 1 or 4, I'm down.
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Because in the bottom right corner it says you need an Internet connection.
Er, he doesn't mean it like that. We know it's DLC. He just means maybe what we're downloading is an unlock code to get access to him early instead of having to unlock him.


Neutral Skipper
Er, he doesn't mean it like that. We know it's DLC. He just means maybe what we're downloading is an unlock code to get access to him early instead of having to unlock him.
I've been up for about twenty minutes after going to bed super late so I have no idea what you're trying to say right now, but I'll take your word for it, lol.


I've been up for about twenty minutes after going to bed super late so I have no idea what you're trying to say right now, but I'll take your word for it, lol.
No biggie. I know what that's like. =D


MK1 is the best MK period.


Because in the bottom right corner it says you need an Internet connection.
I understand that. But like mk9, a connection was needed for alt costumes at release but they were on disc already. Maybe this is similar but it's a character.


I agree, your friend is lame as fuck.

Some of you people would cry that it's not fair if preorders came with a free BJ from Kerri Hoskins.
People like you are part of the problem.

EDIT: I would be thrilled if people would stop preordering games. It gauges a sales estimate of a game before it's released giving publishers a chance to gauge how much money they might dump into it.

You never know. You preordering a game that's expected to not sell well may end up with the short end of the stick, because they stop funding the game further.

Likewise a game with lots of interest may use that "Guaranteed preorder money" to craft DLC, while this isn't necessarily a bad thing. As you can see, companies lock bullshit on disc, or make day 1 DLC. which is bad for everybody. As with all the MK9 DLC it will all be locked on disc, but you'll have to pay 5 bucks for what's on the disc at a later date.
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undefeated online evo champion
If you can't see why pre-order bonuses or even day 1 DLC is retarded, then I'm sorry.

Opinions tend to become very biased, as, if you were so sure of a games quality, that you paid money before hand, it becomes hard to admit to that mistake and admit to a games flaws therefore causing players to be fine with bad quality games. Like if you're incentive to pre-order this is "omg free character" in a game you don't know what'll play like, I guess that's how you roll.