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Gonna Teach My Kid to Fight


Wanna start teaching my step-son to play fighting games and wanted to hear other people's experiences and maybe get some pointers.

I would like for him to be able to play at a high level and understand the finer details of fighting strategy. I would also like to teach him about the legacy of fighting games so that he has a better understanding and respect for the genre. I want to prevent him from being a casual player. My ultimate goal would be to have him play at a fairly high level, and possibly enter tournaments.

I'm not really sure where to start, but I plan on getting him the Arcade Kollection when it's released. I have one of the Blaz Blue games, too. I plan on getting him SSFIVAE and some 3D fighters so he can get a real feel for all of the different types of games. He's 11 so I don't really want him playing MK9 just yet.

If anyone has anything else I should consider or stories to share, please post.
I was two years old when I first started playing MK2, MK3, UMK3, MKTrilogy, etc...
My mom taught me how to play.
(I started by waking up from a nap early to my mom playing MK, I said "oooh, what's that?!"..that's how it all began.)
She used to play in tournaments for MK and other games.
I loved all the games as a kid, and still do. It's a part of my childhood. :)

If anything, I would suggest letting time take it's course...You don't want to pressure him
into doing something that he doesn't have an interest in at the moment.
Kid's that age tend to not like that stuff.
Start out with easy and simple stuff, but remember...Don't pressure him. Let him find his own interest in the games.

Hope this helps. You can use any way you want, i'm just giving my opinion.
Good luck, and have a nice day.


Id suggest just introducing him to the game and then take a back seat. If you see him play it more often than not, then you know he likes the game. Thats when you start introducing the more finer details of the fighting mechanics. If you start off with those more advanced knowledge, he would start to hate it, because kids at that age just want to have fun.


I really didnt have to with my 9 and 11 year olds, they liked it right away when the demo came out, they saw me playing and where in a state of amazement lol
i then just let them play it, the 11 year old quit, but the 9 year old loves it more and more every day, and these are kids that plyed just fps lol

and right now, my 9 year old is going to his first ever tournament to play MK9, but all that love he has for the game, came from watching me play, and watching combo videos on youtube, and all the streams from tournaments.
Tom Brady and CHECK have been a big inspiration to him, along with TheChad_87 and Toxic of whom i play online often.

About the age thing...is all in the upbringing brother, and only you know if your child can handle such violence, after all, he still a child, and MK9 its still a game. :)

so just let him play and see where it goes, but i wouldnt force him at all ;)