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Going to my first tournament. Any tips?

Hey guys! So me and my roommate are going to our first tournament this saturday!

We play on xb1 and the tournament is on PS4. Should there be any problems? The tournament is inside a convention so i'll have to pay like 40 bucks and 10 dollars just to participate in the tournament. Is it a waste?

Also, if there is anyone on XB1 that can help us learn match ups that would be awesome. Right now I play Cassie, Kung Jin, and HQT Predator and my roommate plays Buzzsaw Lao, Jason, and Kitana. We usually just play against each other and online, but I'd like to get some MU experience against a lot of the rest of the cast. I'm pretty excited too. Any advice would be awesome.


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
wow that's really expensive extrant into a tourny, hopefully the payout is based on that but 40 bucks just for venue fee is crazy, but otherwise I'd say get there early to get used to the PS4 pad or else you'll just blame your losses on being used to an xbone pad.
40 bucks is ridiculous :( but I really want to go and my roommate said he'd pay for it. It's some kind of convention and they just decided to have a tournament inside the convention so to get there you have to pay 40 bucks and then the registration is 10 bucks for each game winner take all. I don't think the scene here is that big so hopefully I can get some good experience and place high, that would be awesome.

I'm sure I would have a ton of nerves. Any helpful tips for that?


Dojo Trainee
Yea those fee's are insane. Definitely try and get used to a ps4 pad asap. Play casuals with people, don't be shy and talk it up with others playing the game. If it's your first tourney then nerves are probably going to happen, just keep playing in hopes you can overcome them.


PSN: JerzeyReign
Have fun and every match is a lesson.

Source: I've played MKX twice offline both at a local tournament in Austin. Toe tagged both times but I'm learning.


The Free Meter Police
Never assume your opponent knows what you're doing until they prove it. I always have the habit of trying to counter their counters when they didn't even try to counter in the first place and I get blown up.

Nerves you just have to deal with. It took me a long time to get over tourney nerves. Don't feel dumb or stupid for messing up. Sometimes you just start focusing on how stupid you just looked with what you did and end up focusing on that and losing the rest of the game because you're freaking out. Just keep cool and play. I brought and mp3 player and ear buds with me to tourneys for a long time just so I wouldn't have to hear people freaking out behind me or accidentally focusing on a conversation that's going on instead of focusing on the game.

Good luck sir!
Never assume your opponent knows what you're doing until they prove it. I always have the habit of trying to counter their counters when they didn't even try to counter in the first place and I get blown up.

Nerves you just have to deal with. It took me a long time to get over tourney nerves. Don't feel dumb or stupid for messing up. Sometimes you just start focusing on how stupid you just looked with what you did and end up focusing on that and losing the rest of the game because you're freaking out. Just keep cool and play. I brought and mp3 player and ear buds with me to tourneys for a long time just so I wouldn't have to hear people freaking out behind me or accidentally focusing on a conversation that's going on instead of focusing on the game.

Good luck sir!
Very good advice! I play pretty competitively with my roommate and every match feels really important because I talk shit the whole time lol. I hope that translates well into tournament. I'll try to focus really hard. I feel like sometimes there is this desperation mode where all your inner scrubbiness comes out and you forget everything and just try to JIP and throw slow ass projectiles lol


If they play on monitors, try to get some matches in on them prior to your actual pool matches. This will be a big help to you man, I didn't realize how large the difference really is.
Be humble. Above everything. You will be surprised at the results of that.

Also - coach your friend/let him coach you. If you lose a game (bo3?), hear his input and suggestion on how to deal with whatever you're losing to.


Master of Quanculations
Have simplified formulas to combo off most of your starters. Come home from work and do every combo. If you drop it the first time, then you need a simpler combo.
Have simplified formulas to combo off most of your starters. Come home from work and do every combo. If you drop it the first time, then you need a simpler combo.
That's really good, I've been maining Cassie for a week and she doesn't get much damage off of a starter, but for like 4% more you have to do some really well timed run cancels. Fuck that, I'll be taking your advice!

Can anyone play a few matches with me on XB1 and evaluate me?


Do NOT take your results home with you. Tournaments are a very different beast then you may be used to. All of your senses will be assaulted in addition to the stress and tension that typically go along with any competition.

Get as many casuals in as you can for warmups, opponent scouting and friend-making.

Find the nearest food outlet or bring munchies. It's gonna be a long day and you'll be burning extra energy with the stress.

Above all, have fun! Tournaments are awesome experiences and a great source of geeking out :D

FYI, the entry fees are pretty standard for anything that isn't a local. Not cheap I know but it's the price we pay for the games we love ;)