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Give your penis a THEME SONG!


Yup. This is really happening.

I think I've made this thread at some point on just about every forum I've been to, so when it crossed my mind again, I thought "well why the hell not?" This always proves to be entertaining, and there are always some entries that make me do a double take.

Topic title speaks for itself, gentlemen. If you had to give your manhood a theme song, what would it be? If your penis was a wrestler, what song would play as it's entering the ring? What piece of music best describes your piece of wood?

I need to stress, since about a dozen people will get this wrong every time I make this thread: You're supposed to be describing your penis with a song title, not posting a song that's a contrived effort to metaphorically describe it. Hell, even if it's describing what you'd do with it, that can still be funny. I'll have people post, like, some random song by The Beatles or Beethoven or Stone Temple Pilots (I am not kidding when I say I've seen all three), and be like "lol well the lyrics describe it". Man, if you submitted a song called Peanut Butter and Jam, would you use that to describe your dinker donger, even if the lyrical content was perfect? Just think about that for a minute. The best way I can put it is this: If you need to explain why your song should be the themesong of your grand monument, it's not a good themesong at all.

I'll start, but I'm not leading with my best pick yet. I want to wait awhile before I post that one.

Awwww yeah. Alright bitches, let's see what you've got!

P.S. Vagina themesongs always welcome!


I hate Altaire even more now.
Can I help you, sunshine? Do we have a problem?

MAN, YOU USED THIS TO DESCRIBE YOUR GAMEPLAY AND YOUR PENIS? I swear this is cheating, or something.

Not going to lie though, it's a good pick. I... I don't even UNDERSTAND K7's, and I say this as someone who loves Queen. I mean, if anything, I figured you'd go with Under Pressure, or I Want to Break Free.


Can I help you, sunshine? Do we have a problem?

MAN, YOU USED THIS TO DESCRIBE YOUR GAMEPLAY AND YOUR PENIS? I swear this is cheating, or something.

Not going to lie though, it's a good pick. I... I don't even UNDERSTAND K7's, and I say this as someone who loves Queen. I mean, if anything, I figured you'd go with Under Pressure, or I Want to Break Free.
LMAO sorry, I guess I'm just Indestructible. Along with every part of me (;