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Geras Players Created a Buff Wish-List!


Hey everyone, I recently took some time to talk with a discord group, roughly 30 different players of all skill levels, who all main Geras. Some may recognize names such as Grr, ForeverKing, Sosed, Domoralize and myself (Cease).

The topic of the discussion was, if Geras were to get buffed, what would we like to see!

Now, we really do believe at this point in time, Geras is a bottom five character. So we truly feel that these buffs are necessary for him to compete in the current meta.

Make sure to check out the video in the link below, as it covers some examples of Geras's current issues. Give me your guys' thoughts!



This is my billionth life cycle.
Really good list, I think overall safer/additional cancel advantage strings would be a really welcome change that maybe isn't highlighted enough.

There's no real basis for this but it feels like Geras / Motaro is the way they envision he should be played currently - and with that it feels super weird that many of his buttons/strings into low tail shot leave big gaps that can be full combo punished with regular jabs.