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Frost optimal damage from B32D1


Hi, so in some cases you can do second B32D1 after the first one midscreen, works only on some characters so i though might as well check them all out, here's the concept itself and damage differences compared to other BNBs

Basically more damage and corner carry if you have the execution, however it is very hard to do consistently so be prepared to grind this out a lot if you want to implement these combos in your gameplan.

As for the "some cases" part, ability to do this route differs from character to character, here's the full list:
Big body:
Shao Kahen
Jax (also normal type)
Sub-zero (also normal type)
Erron black (also normal type)
Kollektor (also normal type)
Geras (also normal type)

johhny kage


Normal type:
Kung lao

This cannot be performed on females at all, or if it's possible it's gotta be a 1 frame link that i wasn't able to get at all during all my tests. Mister John is in separate group because you can do this combo on him but it's a lot less practical than other categories, i was able to get it maybe like 1/15 compared to other characters where i would get it 1/3 1/2.

So that leaves us with 2 types of characters that this can be used on, Big body and Normal type:

-Big Body: The way to perform second B32D1 is to just delay it slightly after the first one without moving, if you get the correct timing the last hit will hit, if B3 whiffs then you're doing it too early, if the last hit whiffs - you're doing it too late.
-Normal type: The way to perform second B32D1 is to do a short minidash after first B32D1 and then do B32D1, if you do it too early then second hit of B32 will whiff, if you do it too late last hit of B32D1 will whiff

Some characters can be combod like that by both ways, they are in big body type with (also normal type) mention.

And as a sidenote to make it more consistent you also want to do a short minidash before ending with 13-drill because if you will not move in some cases second hit of 13 will whiff. Have fun.
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...more deadly than the dawn.
Practicing these I'm imagining JK Simmons from Whiplash yelling at me about whether or not I was rushing or dragging every time I drop it.


Miley Cyrax®
Good post. I also noticed that B32D1 twice only works on some characters midscreen. Just so you know, you CAN do it twice if you whiff the first two hits because there's not as much gravity. You do B32(<whiff these)D1, B32D1. It's an annoying inconsistency.


Blood for blood. Your debt is paid.
was just labbing this same thing and was wondering why it worked on some characters and not others, glad im not the only one trying this string tho