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Frame Data Compilation

Is there anyone that have the frame data for all the character ? It's getting annoying to do character 1 by 1...
why don't u do it? Its already in the game menu there's really no need to make A frame data thread like in mk9.
Really it's in the game menu ? (Sarcasm)
.. I just like that when I'm playing against someone it's easier to look at his frame data rather than going in the menu. You could just have said no there is not ? Sigh I remember why I don't post often here you're the best exemple of a douche.

lm Tweakk

Really it's in the game menu ? (Sarcasm)
.. I just like that when I'm playing against someone it's easier to look at his frame data rather than going in the menu. You could just have said no there is not ? Sigh I remember why I don't post often here you're the best exemple of a douche.
He wasn't being a douche , he answered your question. Your the one being a douche.


Just some bees, please.
I don't get why these haven't been made in each Character Forum yet. It is useful to be able to quickly look something up in the middle of a set, or as mentioned when you're not actually playing the game.

Also these could be even more useful by highlighting where the frame data listed in game is seemingly incorrect.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Providing all the listed frame is fixed to be accurate as to some moves really are, sure, I'd like frame data threads like we had for MK9. It helps for quick reference.