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Extremely frustrated by this game.. help?

This happens to me all the time i get so frustrated that i bite my controller knobs. Then again i might a bit retarded...:D


I like to think I'm good.
Hey Frothy, your a good smoke man, but I did see a few things that could have been done better.

1) I saw a lot of use of smoke bomb, which people know watch out for when fighting Smoke. So I'd say to use them mainly combos and punishes.
2) I saw you use the 3,d1,2 into the AJK~Air grab. Which is a pretty short and sweet, but it can be lengthened by timing the last two hit's closer to the ground and OTGing w/ the smoke bomb.
3) Crouch dodge. It's avoids most, in not, all projectiles.

Other than that, your really good. Take my advice, don't take it. I dropped smoke, but that doesn't mean I didn't learn a thing or two. Good luck.
Well I noticed you didn't say anything about defense, that might be a factor. There's also matchup experience. And dealing with wakeups is pretty big. These might be areas where you can improve (I know I def need improvement in all areas :p).


Guardian of Outworld
I know how you feel. I've been losing to scrubs all the time. But I just laugh it up, cause I know in the end, i'll beat them.

This game is still too new, so there's a lot of bullshit people can get away with. Like constant jumping and spamming one combo over and over.

We don't have frame data.
We don't have proper matchup videos.
We don't have a proper trainer.

If NRS wanted us to get serious about this game, I'm getting mixed messages. Time for some eye candy DLC.


One thing that is funny about fighting games when you level up is that you will often look back at yourself wondering why you played so poorly or why you thought so and so was good, etc. The one true thing that resonates throughout fighting games in general though is that time matters and slowly but surely you will train your brain subconsciously to just become an ultimately better Fighting Game player, as this happens you see things you didn't see before and new doors become unlocked for you to improve.

Don't stress so much; one thing you need to do is get a good foundation. One thing I noticed while watching your video is your decision making is poor at times, again don't stress because it's fixable. One thing to do is condition your brain into making correct decisions, watch those videos and ask yourself.

"What could I have done differently this game? What choice would have been a better choice in this situation?" Then when you figure that out, perform what you've learned in the next game. The thing is, it won't come naturally and you'll have to force yourself to act differently and play differently when you play, but as you keep forcing yourself you will naturally begin to do it game after game until you don't even need to think about it anymore, rinse and repeat.

I know that is vague but the only good answers to becoming good at something always are. There are no hotfixes to becoming a better player.


For your Smoke vs Sub-Zero game, you played way too aggressively. I've played one of the best Sub-Zeros in the Southeast over the weekend and keeping his Sub-Zero from locking me down was the only way he wasn't able to screw me up. Sub-Zero has a lot of high damage combos, and I never saw you conserve for breaker. Your imperative is to keep Sub-Zero off of you at all costs. A good Sub-Zero will expect Smoke bombs and slide them. Do something somewhat predictable (like multiple Smoke aways + smoke bombs) so that they will try to slide you, and then Smoke away dash forward and block low, there you have a full combo. Additionally, you didn't try to :en Shake him off of you, you were :en Teleporting which was great but you HAVE to make him apprehensive when moving in on you. Just try your hardest to play keep away on Sub-Zero.

EDIT: I just realized this was a 2 month old thread, NVM.


The Gryphon
I right the one thing i saw with your smoke that you didnt do is combo of an jip air "trade" to be good at this game period you need to know your combos when you his somone out of the air. EVERY character can you just need to do yours. dont ever use smoke bomb up close unless you know it will hit or you comboing. Dont even do it to check sometimes cause they could wakep hit you. Another thing that is critical with smoke is that you need to extend that 3-D1-2 combo you dont extend it which it can be. when you smoke bomb somone you dont need to dash in the get the timeing right for 3-D1-2 that can mess you up and shorten your combo. If you start a combo with that you can end with a smoke bomb to continue it for like 40% guaranteed mid-screen damage.

One core things you need to know......DONT EVER EVER USE X-RAY SO FREELY meter is everything thing in this game. Sometimes even though i can breaker a combo. If i know im going to die i wont break it just to have the meter advantage. My advise dont use ex ray unless you can guarantee the win with it
I also have been having trouble. Every time I think I am getting better at this game, I get online and just get wrecked lol.
If it wasn't for my friend playing on my tag i could have a terrible win lose ratio.