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Tech Ex Forcepush Vortex options


Remember, representing ermac is illmatic.
I felt this deserved its own thread, and i know it was talked about on the ermac forum and is by far nothing new, but its my fav tech with him and won me quite a few matches so i thought i would talk about it so if there are any new ermac players they can utilize this amazing tool.

Note: this does not work on characters with down up teleports ( raiden, kung lao, etc.)
but will if they chose to not wake up with it.

on Side note you will need more reads than Scorpion's vortex,
In fact i would go far as saying its more like pressure strategy utilizing this move, rather than a vortex, but if done flawlessly, with the right reads, it can seem like one.

How it works:

At the end of any combo do :expush, as soon as it finishes perform a just frame grounded teleport.
(this is important you must follow up with teleport as soon as possible, to find out when you are allowed to do it simply use :expush and hold block, you are allowed to buffer teleport shortly before his block animation.) It should wiff and you'll be behind them.

Follow up attacks
As soon as teleport is finished wiffing enter one of the following Attacks. (just frame if possible)

Unsafe low: F4
Negative on block, yet yields strong rewards. On hit You put them in this guessing sitiuation:
if you think they will block, throw them. If you think they will try to poke, punish with naked lift frame trap or 12 lift frame trap.
If committed to Block, F2 to frame trap them. F2 frame trap into lift for combo, if they are committed to blocking after f2, you can follow up with another f2 to restart the situation or Instant air blast to stop gambling and establish a footsie distance.
Note: f2 into f2 is very pokeable, f2 into the specials mentioned is not.
F4 Hits them if they decide to chill on the floor.

Safe low: Sweep
hits low, plus on block but relatively slow start up compared to f4. Yields no rewards on hit besides a knock down game.

Overhead: U4
Deals Around 10 to 11% damage, is safe on block, but has a slow start up.
On knockdown you are able to take a few steps back to bait wake up and establish a zoning distance if they do not. U4 hits fools chillin on the ground.
You can Also Follow up with the OTG combo shown below

OTG combo starter: B3 4
hits them for a full combo if they decide to get up and try a normal, such as a poke or a jump. Hits mid, very risky option.
my favorite B3 4 combo is b3 4 xxteleport JK xxteleport d1 lift b1 2 f1 dash push.
if you use :expush, you know the deal.
That combo hits for 37%, 38% with :expush

Ok so now you're thinking this:
"Dude ill just wake up and poop on you're Crap vortex lol, i can reverse inputs!"
but there's more to this guessing game my friend.

The way this works, the window for a wake up starts Right after the teleport wiffs, and ends shortly after. So they must commit to reverse wake up, once they start it, there wont be enough time to change their mind.

Anti-wakeup Crossup Options

While your teleport is wiffing you can hold forward jump to cross them over causing them to get what seems like an input bug, they will probably do some poke or standing normal that will probably wiff, but not always. This Tech is nullified by Down Up teles as their Inputs can't be reversed.

Crossover Iafb (In Air Force Blast)
You can crossover iafb to punish their "input Bug" this leads to all the same options of f4 on hit, plus all the wiff tele options minus the OTG combo starter. You can also start Back 2 charge shenanigans.
On block it is safe.

Crossover Jip
Hits them as they're finishing their recovery animation, you can hit them during their bug too sometimes. Acts as an overhead, and leads to full combo punish. Punishable by some anti-airs. On block you can:
F2 Mind games
B2 Charge Shenanigans
or 31 pressure if the opponents hit box allows it

These options are punishable by a non reversed wakeups because you recross them returning things to "normal". Also punishable by AA's if they have the reaction. Once they start to respect this though, you can return to the original wiff teleport options.

This settup is really effective against Reptile, ermac, sub-zero, Scorpion, smoke, even Kabal.
It's uses as Anti-breaker tech is also very strong, Especially if its a clutch moment when you need to do damage and they have a breaker. For Example, you block a tele and your opponent has a breaker and you have little health, You can punish with f2 lift, :expush (close to 25% unbreakerable) and go for the clutch.

On another note if you feel like playing this game with your opponent after you get a lift from pressure, and have no meter, you can do a combo ending with f4 and use its options.

thanks for reading and all feed back is welcome


I don't play Ermac but I've always been interested in the character. With him not having any armour, i always wondered what the benefits of using meter for ex moves were other than a couple of extra %'s damage on the end of an already hefty comboo (as well as making his teleport safe). So i found this post really interesting.:)


Remember, representing ermac is illmatic.
I don't play Ermac but I've always been interested in the character. With him not having any armour, i always wondered what the benefits of using meter for ex moves were other than a couple of extra %'s damage on the end of an already hefty comboo (as well as making his teleport safe). So i found this post really interesting.:)
Yea his ex moves are really underrated, but i understand why ermac players dont use them often as breakers are too important for a character with no armor. But his ex moves are used to clutch a win as you dont see them that often and will often confuse an opponent.

for example ex teleport is an invincible wakeup that can hit you for a 30%ish combo at full screen
ex forceball cant be ducked and does 10%
ex force push does all this lol
ex lift links heavy hitting combos

although used seldom can prove most useful in situations when ermac is at a disadvantage


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Yep, I've been doing this for nearly a year now. To be honest I'm surprised not more Ermac's do this, ex push then teleport cross up 50/50 pressure. I do agree that move is underrated.

His ex fireball is good, his lift as well. His enhanced teleport is useless though as it's the same thing as the normal teleport if blocked, I wish it worked like Scorpion's safe on block.

Personally, also his air blast is HIGHLY underrated. This move is a great move for stunning then moving in for 50/50's and pushing back making people think twice when you jump at them if they try to AA you you will hit them every time given the proper timing, spacing with it. It's a shame they never gave him armor on at least one move but he's still a very underrated character. HIs up+4 is good as far as safeness but FAR too slow, you can see it coming a mile away. His pokes are also great.


Remember, representing ermac is illmatic.
dude ex tele is teh clutchz0rz ask Mikemetroid how i barley won 2 games with that move
also ex forceblast is completely useless


Remember, representing ermac is illmatic.
it was some really intense games, i won the first two barely with ex tele. i was zoning your cage hard but was still losing, you exshadow kicked and knocked me down with like 2% left and you threw a meaty forceball that i punished with ex tele for game. this happened the first two games.
we went back and forth a while but eventually you got a three game lead and the last game you babied me then stopped playing lol


dude ex tele is teh clutchz0rz ask Mikemetroid how i barley won 2 games with that move
also ex forceblast is completely useless
I love ex forceball.

You can steal a round when you are zoning someone who is ducking the fireball.

Use an ex forceball and they can not duck it. They have to block it. If they jump it you can grab them with tkp


Remember, representing ermac is illmatic.
I love ex forceball.

You can steal a round when you are zoning someone who is ducking the fireball.

Use an ex forceball and they can not duck it. They have to block it. If they jump it you can grab them with tkp
nice! yea i think most of his ex moves are cool but have you ever used ex forceblast(air blast?) or ex ass slam? is there any use for them?


Remember, representing ermac is illmatic.
damn what a bummer, i was hoping you possessed magic that made a complete waste of meter seem reasonable