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EVO 2017 stream schedule released - Injustice 2 starts @ 4PM PDT Friday


Twas Evo's Eve and all through the net

Not a gamer was tweeting, not buffs or new tech

The combos were learned from videos with care

Pools players hoped they wouldn't meet Sonicfox there.

The travelers were snuggled in hotel room beds

While trophies and dollar signs danced in their heads.

And King with his Bat, Buffalo with his Cap

Are now settling their nerves for a long pool lap

When out from the meta arose such a clatter

"The damage of Adam" some said was the matter.

Honeybee to the rescue with his technical flash!

Although many believe he will not see some cash.

Gross loving the light of green lantern's bright glow

Promised to all he would put on a show

But what I would hate, oh should it appear

Is a Top eight of Deadshots with no Arrow near

But with Netherrealm patches so lively and quick

We have to fear Swamp Thing and Emperor Knicks

Faster than eagles Evo players came

The Announcer's Lord Aris, He called them by name.

Now Slayer, Now Theo, Now Honey and Hazard

On Noobe, On Compbros More combos with swagger!

To the Top of the tourney 'til there are no names to call

Play away! Play away! Play away all!

Newcomers unsure of what gimmicks will fly.

Are surprised when they can't button mash and they die.

So to the Top eight, the best players knew

Wherever they go Sonic will be there too.

With his blue hat and big smile, so often aloof

With furries and bronies all clopping their hoofs

As I look at the bracket, shuffle players around

I hope DJT makes Beetle be crowned.

Adams and Aquamans all following suit.

I hope a good Cyborg will give them the boot.

At 4 o clock sharp I shall lay on my back

With my laptop a few beers and plenty of snacks

This is all in good fun so please let's be merry.

Scrubs like me have not popped their tournament cherry.

The stage has been set with all whistles and bows

Maybe Whiteboi will win twice with his Scarecrow

Maybe Madzin will pop off while gritting his teeth

Attacking with chairs those who sit beneath.

Watch out for Coach Steve! I've heard people tell me.

He's out to prove that even Grodd can be deadly.

Cowboy's a dark horse I say to myself

Dr Fate might be carried one man by himself.

Though I see matches come true in my head

I know in my heart I have nothing to dread

After all the hard work you guys put in this game

Only two days at Evo is such a shame

But let me stop now I could go through the night.

Happy Evo to all and to all a good fight!
dude you are officially a legend

"Scrubs like me have not popped their tournament cherry."
yup I'm with you brother