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General/Other - Ermac Ermac's allegiance to the dead emperor?



So, it's apparent that Ermac is evil in MKX. I can't quite make out the dialogue in this video but I keep hearing "Shao Kahn." Ermac is still loyal to Shao Kahn even though he is dead, or possibly even housing the soul of the dead emperor. Your thoughts? Anyone with better hearing wanna decipher this?
Considering he said "Our creator is part of us" he probably has Kahn's soul or something like Kahn put a part of his soul in Ermac. I'm also pretty sure that Ermac's the final boss now, with Kotal and Mileena being sub-bosses.


It drives me mad to not be able to understand these intros. The one at the end with Kotal Kahn... I can't make it out. Kotal Kahn says "I thought us allies, Ermac." Ermac responds with "we _______ the emperor."

What is he saying?


Official Master of Salt
when subzero says about shao kahn being dead he says "come feel his presence"
Everything else has been deciphered above I believe


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Actually the fact Ermac judges others "souls" being tainted or corrupted tells me he's not evil nor good, but perhaps neutral, just cause he may have Kahn's soul or part of his soul doesn't=Ermac is evil, there's King Jerrod and many edenians in ermac still good...so

Notice Ermac never says "We serve the Emperor"

And he did say "We will oppose or We oppose the Emperor" yet has tons of good souls too Edenians and King Jerrod, I believe he's perhaps battling himself or will and perhaps may be set free by someone at some point.

I wouldn't be surprised if Kenshi frees him like in the original continuity in Deception or someone else at some point.
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Considering he said "Our creator is part of us" he probably has Kahn's soul or something like Kahn put a part of his soul in Ermac. I'm also pretty sure that Ermac's the final boss now, with Kotal and Mileena being sub-bosses.
Ermac being one of the final bosses would be dope, hope it happens.


Actually the fact Ermac judges others "souls" being tainted or corrupted tells me he's not evil nor good, but perhaps neutral, just cause he may have Kahn's soul or part of his soul doesn't=Ermac is evil, there's King Jerrod and many edenians in ermac still good...so

Notice Ermac never says "We serve the Emperor"

And he did say "We will oppose or We oppose the Emperor" yet has tons of good souls too Edenians and King Jerrod, I believe he's perhaps battling himself or will and perhaps may be set free by someone at some point.

I wouldn't be surprised if Kenshi frees him like in the original continuity in Deception or someone else at some point.
Good point about the souls of Ermac being in turmoil. He's gonna be schizophrenic haha.


Trust me, I'm a doctor

Here, intros with subs. Should make this topic a bit more accurate on certain things.
Ermac is corrupted. Out of all the souls that make him up, its no surprise that Shao Khan is the most powerful one.
He probably has some presence and control, and since he made Ermac, Mac has gotta listen to big daddy.


Meta saltmine
Ermac is corrupted. Out of all the souls that make him up, its no surprise that Shao Khan is the most powerful one.
He probably has some presence and control, and since he made Ermac, Mac has gotta listen to big daddy.
Plot twist: Ermac was supposed to serve as Shao's soul jar all along :p
Erm... Not exactly twist probably, but whatever.


I'd like to hope he's a mini boss sort of thing. Dudes been trolling around stealing souls for 25 years. I could totally see him being a threat to the heavy players.

And it seems that he's got shao khans soul with him, so that could be a whole bunch of plot stuff.


This will be Ermac's most important role in the story ever, more so than even MKD. I'm very much excite. I can't wait to see how the souls battle for supremacy inside Ermac's body over 25 years.

My guess is that, in the beginning, we will see a very fickle Ermac whose souls are chaotic and violent. Inside his body, there will essentially be another Edenian war waged by Shao Kahn. Haha, side note... how fucking meta would it be if the souls inside Ermac made their own Mortal Kombat tournament within the body as a set of rules Shao Kahn must follow to overthrow the Edenian souls?

I think during the first 5 years, Shao Kahn will slowly gain control, making Ermac lean more towards evil. Towards the middle/end, the souls lead by King Jerrod will revolt eventually taking control. I'm not sure if anyone will aid Ermac in achieving "enlightenment," but if it is anyone, it'd likely be Kenshi or Scorpion. Scorpion and Ermac could probably help each other. Scorpion likely has a shred of honor or gratitude towards Kenshi for temporarily cleansing him, so if he is able to find a balance between Hanzo and Scoprion, he'd likely want to do the same for Ermac.


i was hoping that story of ermac in mkx would be about him wandering wastes without purpose, until kenshi frees him, like in deception. But then i gave a little thought to it, i dont really think NRS will do same story for him twice, But i was really hoping he was with the good guys this time around. whelp.


Let Be Be Finale Of Seem
Why do people want Ermac to be a good guy......I always saw him as a bad guy and I like it that way. Embrace the darkness ppl:joker:


My GT: UncappedWheel82
Why do people want Ermac to be a good guy......I always saw him as a bad guy and I like it that way. Embrace the darkness ppl:joker:
Ermac actually became neutral during/after Deadly Alliance, and went full blown good at the end of Deception. When he was good he was a beast...even more so than he is now. He actually fought and defeated all the Earth fighters like Sindel did in MK9, but he didn't kill any of them.

Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games
Theory time, gather round children...closer....mmmmm

So I see two ends to a similar plot hill here

A) Something happens where some dudes try to bring back Khan through Ermac(or Ermac tries by himself), and they(he) kinda succeed but lo and behold they(pesky Earthrealmers) stop him before he reaches his ultimate powuh and he dies with Ermac going with him. Which is weird. They should just go to the Raiden school of bringing everyone you like back from the dead in 2 simple steps.

B) an alternate variation of the original timeline where kenshi or his filthy top tier son takeda free Ermac in some way and either set his souls free from corruption and they go to peace. Or set them free of shao's will(like deception). This could happen during the above scenario with shao khan gettin in that ass to come back. Ermac is the one ring and Shao khan is morgoth...oh I mean sauron.

Or ofcourse C) Cliffhanger that still has shao inside Ermac non sexually and tbc for MK:Y.

Welp, thats my nerd lore prediction done for the day. If you have your own theories or critiscims from this thought feel free not to quote me because i won't read it. Arguments about lore are more tediously frustrating than arguing philosophical apologetics.
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