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Question - Nimble Enforcing nimble


Casual Reptile player
I have used reptile sparingly throughout the lifetime of the game ans always found nimble to be my favorite. But I never have been able to get arounf this one big problem. I cant enforce nimble at all. Everytime i use nimble buff after a knockdown, i just get armored out everytime. Iv heard that b34 breaks like 90% of armor i think but that doesn't seem to be experience. I feel im playing variationless reptile when my opponet has a bar of meter. Or i have to soend a second bar and do a normal into ex db2 to break their armor. So i turn to you reptile mains, help a lizard out.

how can i make my opponent fear waking up?
Are there any block strings into ex nimble i should use?
Which enders should i be doing into nimble
Sorry if all this has been asked and answered before


Day 1 grill
As of the current state of the game, if your opponent knows the MU, then you can't pop ex nimble on block without getting punished.

It's hard to test beta stuff thoroughly, but I think ending combos with 14 xx ex nimble is a thing now.

And are you testing this armor breaking stuff in training mode? Try setting the opponent to armored wake up, and try b3 xx slide, or f4 xx slide to blow up wake ups. Someone posted some nimble stuff a few days ago I can tag you in if you haven't already seen it.