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Emperor Jupiter Wins Injustice at Civil War VI


superman reset specialist
FACEPALM, I am not arguing with u why kabal was broke lol.
broken means no character has a chance and the character completely dominates everyone at the highest level. many chars could compete vs kabal at the highest levels.

this isn't tekken 4 jin where every match is literally or vanilla brawl where meta knight 9-1 vs the cast. thats what you call broken

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
the point is without reos wins kabal looks like another top tier character in mk9 with no huge significant difference.

and btw mileena has the most major wins if you don't factor reos. then its close with jax / kabal / kl
Weren't you just blowing up Michaelangelo for winning tournaments with "nobody" there? Most of the tournaments that Fox won were exclusively EC players.


broken means no character has a chance and the character completely dominates everyone at the highest level. many chars could compete vs kabal at the highest levels.

this isn't tekken 4 jin where every match is literally or vanilla brawl where meta knight 9-1 vs the cast. thats what you call broken
Whatever makes u feel happy :)


superman reset specialist
Weren't you just blowing up Michaelangelo for winning tournaments with "nobody" there? Most of the tournaments that Fox won were exclusively EC players.
i didn't say michaelangelo won a tournament with no one there. i said he won a major on the same day a 200 man major occurred so the term "major" is being thrown around too loosely here because the two tournaments were obviously a big difference stack comparison. and ncr top 5 consisted of all marvel / sf guys aside from miachaelangelo so it being a big major is also questionable. ect was props worthy
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Thats sounds like a lot of downplaying to me from you. I dont see people blowing you up when you fight Jupiter. I got outplayed. I have no OS for losing lol. I died with a smile on my face. I just need to play the MU more. Its bedn awhile since Ive fought a good MMH.
yeah man play that MU more you'll figure out a way to Wakeup for free


All in on Johnny Football
Counting the reset Jupiter went 18-1 in top 8 only losing one game to Sonic Fox in GF. I've never seen him play so well. Well deserved and I hope CDjr does get back into the game, he has been missed. Also @General M2Dave u need to stop. I know ur a troll and thats cool but c'mon dude, it's not just MMH. I would put big money on 3 or 4 of Jupiter's alts bodying you in this game in tournament.
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PTH|RM Relaxedstate
He literally played out of his mind on Sunday. Super-Sayan levels. I have also never seen him play so top notch. Without a doubt he was the best player that day.

It was pretty awesome and well deserved.

Until next time... @EMPEROR_JUPITER
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Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Who else was as consistently dominant through MK's lifespan? We had KL early, who after 2011 won evo 2012 but not much else. We had Jax who was only dominant for a few months before people learned the MU and were able to start exposing him. We had Kenshi who did very well and blew up a lot of chars, but he had holes and couldn't pick up major wins and was only dominant by one player. We had Cyrax who's recognized as broken but had the least consistency of these in making top 3's.

IMO there's a difference though in being broken and being overpowered. Cyrax is broken, Kabal and MMH are overpowered. They have too much in their toolset that makes them too well rounded over everybody else. MMH isn't as bad as Kabal in this regard but he's in that position within the context of this game.
I made this exact same point a couple of days ago and got accused of being a damage controller or whatever lol.

Granted, I don't think MMH will ever be as bad as Kabal, not necessarily because he isn't as fucked up, that remains to be seen, but because we all have better resources this time around and MMH doesn't have as much of a relatively steep execution curve at high level so that more players are able to explore the hear say for themselves.


Scrub God Lord
Props to jupiter for making our game look good to outsiders.
we can't have people with no fighting games fundamentals win more majors
Reactions: JDM


Nine Inch Nails fan from Metro Detroit, Michigan
I come back to read this topic after yesterday and oh boy...

I really wish TYM would make it a rule that when talking about Injustice, keep it on Injustice. What the hell does MK9, Kabal, Cyrax, Kenshi, Power-Up 2011, MK9's game balance, MK9's stages, and MK9's matchups have anything to do with the game we call Injustice?

I'll tell you, nothing. Because aside from a few similarities, they are completely different games.

So much so, that i'm not even going to talk about it. Jupiter won and DESERVED to win. Who cares what people think is a major? A regional? A local? Big name players showed up here, and he beat them. Matchup charts? Some of you guys seem to think that MMH is completely unbeatable and it kinda offends me that for all the complaining some people do on this site, they're even allowed to post since some people haven't contributed to much besides complaining (M2Dave). Keep in mind, just because a matchup says it's 6-4, the player has to play it like it's 6-4. If he doesn't? He loses. Matchup charts are a guideline, but NOT the be all end all. Alot of Street Fighter 4 Characters have several 5-5s and 6-4s across the board, with maybe one or two 4-6's and sometimes none at all depending on the character. Just because a character has several 5-5's and a some to even a few 6-4's, doesn't make them broken.

I come here for a competitive fighting game site regarding NRS fighting games. How to develop strategies against certain characters and ultimately giving you the best tools to win, EVEN if it is a 4-6 matchup. If I wanted the absolute ridiculousness of what I just saw, as well as the pointless trolling and arguing? I'd go on MKU.

Okay @GGA 16 Bit and @AK Pig Of The Hut if you guys look at Kabal and Kenshi when would you say those characters were actually mapped out as to how they should be played to their fullest potential and by who? Because I'm sorry you guys go back to before Reo was winning with him and (and lets be honest even when he was winning with him to some extent) that was IAGB Kabal. Bit you claim Michealangelo gave you a run for your money when you played him, well I can only imagine with your incomplete projectile only Kitana.

In my opinion Reo put Kabal on the map. He showcased the character, played at the highest level during the games prime. Pig did this with Kenshi and CD did this with Kitana (dat team battle domination). And I believe that without any of the above players that it can be argued that the characters success and historical tier placing could be very different. Those players made blueprints for how those characters could be played and then many other players came after and copied those blueprints. Without those players those blueprints are possibly never discovered and instead of the Kabal and Kenshi domination it very well could have been Cyrax Cyrax Cyrax.

It's because of this and the effect that a single player can have on a character that it's hard to determine if a character is unequivocally the best in a certain game. Who's to say that without Reo or Jupitor playing MMH so well that people completely overlook him and think Zod is the best, or without pig playing Zod perhaps people consider the character mid/low tier.

TLDR it's often the case that a player defines a character and not the other way around like so many people like to think.

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Premium Supporter
damn there are alot of retards in this thread, anyways

Jupiter well deserved man, i got home passed out, now going to work so no time for long threads till later. @General M2Dave confirmed bitch. @astronout prooved mmh isnt unbeatable, maybe you should just learn how to play injustice. Anyone in this community can beat anyone any given day, stop fucking around and shut the fuck up please. Now that this tournament is over I get to stop being so nice :]

As for everyone who came thanks a million, this ran smooth and the whole tournament was hype as f. The astro Jupiter match made the friggin room shake. And if one more person tells me someone had a free pool im literally going to punch you in the face the next time i see you, that is a threat, go ahead and ban me for it.

I digress, more posts and threads after work.

With all of atlantis's love,

Mr Defeated by Aquaman


It's amore, BABY.
Watching people act as if MMH is not one of the dumbest set of abilities to ever hit a fighting game is disgusting.
But what disgusts me more is watching people offhandedly insult SonicFox.

Complaining about Batgirl but then being alright with MMH can only be described at fucking retarded.

They do the same fucking things, with the notable exception that MMH is plus or safe on nearly every similarity they have.

Teleport? Safe, and faster, with better tracking.
Zoning? Not even a close contest.
Stopping rushdown? One skill. Doesn't even need to time it. Just put it out there.
Vortex? MMH puts you in about 10 versions of the mixup, all of which are safe or plus, all at his discretion.
Footsies? MMH actually has them, then can increase them to uncontestable every time he uses trait.
AntiAir? MMH has a fullscreen, tracking AA that literally can't miss. Wait, he has two. WHY DOES HE HAVE TWO.
Interactable control? What.

Is it just because you don't understand what you're seeing? Because it looks flashier?
Watching people be ok with MMH because his offense looks cooler makes me wonder how Darwin hasn't caught them yet.

But of course, congrats to @EMPEROR_JUPITER, because I <3 practicality. You chose the right character, and you worked on him, you deserve the win 10x over.
Now it's up to us to either choose him too or struggle against him.
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